
Discuss e -marketing in iraq and iraqi kurdistan.

Discuss e -marketing in iraq and iraqi kurdistan.

How would you respond to the Licensing board complaint?

To complete read chapter 8 Professional Competence and Training and the attached article.

Janet has been seen by you for treatment of depression. On intake, she disclosed that she was in AA and had been sober for 6 months. Janet seems to be happy with her progress, but after a few sessions, she seems to be noncommunicative and upset. After six sessions, she discontinues therapy with you. You learn that she has engaged another counselor who treats alcohol use and co-occurring disorders. This morning you received notice from your licensing board that Janet filed a complaint against you alleging that you attempted to treat Janet’s addiction to alcohol and that you did not have the expertise necessary to do so. You are a licensed professional counselor but you have not obtained training in addictions. Based on this information, answer the following questions:

Does Janet have a valid complaint? Why or why not?
How would you respond to the Licensing board complaint?
How would you avoid this type of complaint in the future?
How might this impact the school counselor’s role if this were a student in the school setting?

This discussion question is informed by the following CACREP Standards:
2.F.1.i. Ethical standards of professional counseling organizations and credentialing bodies, and applications of ethical and legal considerations in professional counseling.
5.G.2.l. Professional organizations, preparation standards, and credentials relevant to the practice of school counseling.

Write a 750 word Speech on why America as a country should invest in fundamental research about our universe.

You have been called before congress. Lawmakers from every part of the
country, representing constituents from all walks of life, are asking you to
give a speech on why the country should invest in basic science/astronomy
Write a 750 word Speech on why America as a country should invest in
fundamental research about our universe. Think about including
technological off shoots of telescopes/satellites/rockets. Think about the
potential future rewards of space travel. Speak to the very nature of
humanity as a curious and exploring creature. Talk about beauty, wonder,
economics, power, the serendipity of finding useful discoveries in
unexpected places…. Be creative and in a sense, use what you learned in
this class to justify to the American people why Astronomy matters.

Explain Rousseau’s arguments for this claim: what does Rousseau mean by the term ‘state of nature’? How does he claim to know about the state of nature?

In the Discourse on the Origin of Inequality Rousseau argues that in the original state of nature human life is a life of equality, freedom, peace, and happiness. Explain Rousseau’s arguments for this claim: what does Rousseau mean by the term ‘state of nature’? How does he claim to know about the state of nature? According to Rousseau, why is there no inequality, dependence, war, and misery in that state? Briefly discuss to what extent you find Rousseau’s arguments convincing. (You may limit this discussion to one of the claims made by Rousseau, e.g. the claim that the state of nature is peaceful.)

How does family affect the social, cultural, and economic concerns of the novel?

Using at least five sources (not including Wikipedia) for further research, write a paper at least ten pages long about the role of family in One Hundred Years of Solitude. How does family affect the social, cultural, and economic concerns of the novel?

What are ‘synthetic a priori judgments’?

What is the a priori/a posteriori distinction?
o What is the analytic/synthetic distinction?
o How does Kant reimagine (or repurpose) these distinctions?
o What role do synthetic a priori judgments play in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason?


Explain how the origins of contemporary sexism can logically be seen to reside in the specifics of Genesis 1-3 of the Old Testament.

Explain how the origins of contemporary sexism can logically be seen to reside in the specifics of Genesis 1-3 of the Old Testament.

How might Uber management address their employees’ concerns?

Using stakeholder analysis, analyse the power and level of interest of the relevant stakeholders involved in running and regulating the London taxi business.

. How might Uber management address their employees’ concerns? (25 marks)
What are the potential sources for operational failure at Uber? What should Uber do to limit operational failure? (25 marks)
One of the ‘fundamental goals’ of relationship marketing is said to be ‘maximising the lifetime value of a customer’. How would you describe Uber’s relationship with its customers? (25 marks)

Explore and evaluate the relevance of ‘gender’ in relation to education and inequality.

Explore and evaluate the relevance of ‘gender’ in relation to education and inequality.

Can you see any connection between “Tulips” and “Lady Lazarus” and “Daddy?”

Read Sylvia Plath’s poem “Tulips” from her final book of poetry, Ariel.  Also consider “Daddy” and “Lady Lazarus” as “meditations” on her greivances against men and the outside world, the world that she so uncomfortably inhabited. If we consider “Tulips” as a kind of precursor for “Lady Lazarus” and “Daddy” (though “Tulips” was written during the same period), how does the poem “anticipate,” if, in fact, it even DOES anticipate, the concerns of the two later poems? Can you see any connection between “Tulips” and “Lady Lazarus” and “Daddy?”