
Outline the equipment that would have to be purchased to support all services across the enterprise and/or be moved to the new central IT department. Develop a security plan for how the server room, databases, and data will be secured.

BUS 700 ASg

The CEO of a local hospital group is exploring the idea of centralizing all of their IT services. They consist of four licensed, acute-care hospitals, three free-standing outpatient surgery centers, home care and hospice, physician practices, and multiple other facilities and services. Due to security and financial concerns, the hospital is exploring the possibility of using one of their locations as the main distribution facility for all of their locations’ medical services.

● Outline the equipment that would have to be purchased to support all services across the enterprise and/or be moved to the new central IT department.

● Develop a security plan for how the server room, databases, and data will be secured.

Cite 8 peer-reviewed articles. Write 4-6 pages

As you work through the readings and begin developing your first C# application, what stands out to you about the language syntax and structure? Does it feel familiar based on your experience with other languages, or is it different?

Visual Studio

Part 1:Discuss your first impressions of Visual Studio as it relates to C# and .NET. Have you had any issues navigating the interface or using the tools?

Part 2: As you work through the readings and begin developing your first C# application, what stands out to you about the language syntax and structure? Does it feel familiar based on your experience with other languages, or is it different?

Discuss your first impressions of Visual Studio as it relates to C# and .NET. Have you had any issues navigating the interface or using the tools?

Visual Studio

Discuss your first impressions of Visual Studio as it relates to C# and .NET. Have you had any issues navigating the interface or using the tools?

Reflect on the most recent decision you had to make that had significant impact, and identify any thinking traps you made in the process.

Week 3 Written Assignment

Thinking Traps Reflection Paper: Reflect on the most recent decision you had to make that had significant impact, and identify any thinking traps you made in the process. (If you are struggling to come up with an idea, consider the decision you had to make to attend an MBA program.)

If you have not written a reflections paper before review this resource at remenber to cite and reference from at least 3 articles peer reviewed. 2 pages not including cover page and reference page.

Prepare a brief description of steps you will take to involve the students in the training. Discuss if you will use any hands-on training and how you will perform the hands-on training if you use it.

Accident and Prevention : Hazard Topic and Handling Employees PowerPoint Presentation


The industrial plant where you work is expanding its operations and building a facility that will employ 200 new workers. Management has tasked you with creating a training program for the new workers. They want you to investigate a specific hazard or safety topic and create a PowerPoint presentation explaining the hazard/topic and how you will handle training the employees. Choose one of the following hazards/topics and prepare a PowerPoint presentation for management:

  • hearing protection;
  • the use of half-mask air purifying respirators (APRs);
  • lock-out/tag-out of a hydraulic press; or
  • HazCom for a location that just uses acetone, toluene, and isopropyl alcohol.

As part of this scenario, you are free to include additional details about the hazard/topic you choose. For instance, if you choose hearing protection, you can include information about the manufacturing equipment and the decibel levels in the area. Include the following components in your PowerPoint presentation.

  • Evaluate the hazard, and discuss any regulations pertaining to the hazard/environment.
  • Explain any additional hazard abatement strategies and safety and health management strategies that were taken to mitigate the effects of the hazard (e.g., substitution, engineering controls).
  • Prepare a brief description of steps you will take to involve the students in the training.
  • Discuss if you will use any hands-on training and how you will perform the hands-on training if you use it.
    Create two slides that you will use in your actual training program with employees. Explain these to management to convince them that the training is beneficial.
  • Discuss how managers will play a role in the effectiveness of training and how leadership is necessary to help get employee buy-in for the training.
  • Discuss how you will evaluate the effectiveness of the training.

Use the speaker notes section to explain the material that you present on each of the slides.

Your PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides, not counting the title and reference slides. You are required to use at least two outside sources, one of which must come from the AMU online library. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

In no more than one-page, summarize your key learning from the three identified sources. What did you learn about your selected social identity and leadership? In what ways does this identity inform leadership practice?


Together, we’ve examined the role of social identities in leadership and reflected on our own social identity group memberships. In this assignment, you will select a social identity to research in more depth and explore its relationship to your sense of self and leadership practice.

First, select a social identity group you want to learn more about. It can be one that feels very present in your everyday life or one that you have some curiosities around. Use our class discussions and activities to inform your decision. Social identity groups include: Gender, sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or spirituality, social class, age, (dis)ability, nation of origin or citizenship status, tribal or indigenous affilitation, body size/type, policial orientation, heritage language, veteran status, or being a first generation college student. Consult with your instructor if you would like to propose a social identity not on this list.

Then, conduct online research through Google, Google Scholar, and/or University Libraries to identify three resources (book chapter, journal article, website, video, podcast) on your selected social identity topic and leadership. At least ONE of your sources must be from a journal article or book chapter that was not provided in this course.

And finally, craft a three-page written reflection that addresses the following prompts:

Open up your paper with a brief introduction to why you selected the social identity you did for this assignment.
In no more than one-page, summarize your key learning from the three identified sources. What did you learn about your selected social identity and leadership? In what ways does this identity inform leadership practice?

Additional questions to support your writing: In other words, how might leadership be received or perceived differently based on this social identity group membership?
Based on your research, in what ways is this identity a value-add to leadership? Conversely, what are some experienced negative impacts on others’ perceptions or present challenges?
In the remaining text of your paper, situate yourself in the discussion of the selected social identity and leadership. How do you experience this social identity for yourself in your life? How does your social identity in this category influence the way you are perceived as a leader by yourself or others?

Build two graphs that illustrate the relationship between temperature and failures and place them here. Discuss.

Logistics and supply management

Part 1. In 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after launch. Wikipedia has a good discussion of the events that occurred here:

Pretend you are responsible for conducting an RCA. Answer hypothetical 5 Why questions. Then build a Ishikawa (other names: fishbone, cause and effect, or herringbone) diagram. Might this accident have been prevented?


Part 2. Data for the Space Shuttle is shown below.


Build two graphs that illustrate the relationship between temperature and failures and place them here. Discuss.

Part 3. What are some of the concepts / math that are either causing you issues or that you feel you have mastered? Help out your colleagues!

What is the need for coaching in this situation? What does this person need to learn? What are their current skills? What is their current knowledge?

Diploma in networking

Assessment Task 2: Project

Task summary

For this task, you must provide effective on-the-job coaching to four different colleagues. There are three parts to this task:

Part A: You must prepare for coaching and develop a coaching session outline.

Part B: You must implement coaching sessions.

Part C: You must follow up on coaching sessions, seek feedback, and report on the progress of coaching.

Resources and equipment required to complete this task:

  • Access to textbooks and other learning materials
  • Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required)
  • Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program).
  • Four colleagues (can be role played by other students).
  • A workplace or simulated workplace environment.
  • Access to relevant Commercial Cookery resources and equipment.
  • Coaching session template (provided). Keep a master copy of this as you will need to complete four in total.
  • Trainee feedback form (provided). Keep a master copy of this as you will need to complete four in total.

When and where is this task to be completed?

  • Workplace based students will complete the task in their workplace. Dates and times will need to be negotiated between the student, the four colleagues and their workplace supervisor.
  • Classroom based students will complete this task during class time, in a simulated workplace environment. The assessor will provide students with the date and times that they will be meeting with their trainees (roles played by other students) and implementing the coaching sessions.

What happens if I get something wrong?

  • If your assessor identifies that you have completed any part of this task incorrectly and/or have not submitted all items required, you will be given feedback and a date for resubmission. Your assessor will provide you with guidance as to what needs to be resubmitted and how.

Student instructions for Task 2

  • For this task you must select four colleagues or other students to play the role of ‘trainees’.
  • You must meet with each trainee and identify one skill/area they wish to improve. For example, this may be operating equipment, learning a procedure, learning a new cooking method, improving precision cuts and so on. You are then required to develop a coaching session outline for each trainee.
  • Once you have developed your coaching session outlines you must implement each coaching session and report the progress of each trainee to you supervisor (assessor).
  • Finally, you will answer a series of questions, reflecting on each coaching session, and seek feedback from each trainee.


Task 2: Part A – Prepare for coaching

For this part of the task you must organise a time to meet with each of the four trainees individually.

Talk to each trainee to learn about their current skills and knowledge and identify areas in which they may need training. Use the following points to guide your discussion:

  • What is the need for coaching in this situation?
  • What does this person need to learn?
  • What are their current skills?
  • What is their current knowledge?

After each discussion, develop a coaching session outline for each of the trainees, using the template provided.  Your coaching session outline must include:

  • The trainee’s need for coaching.
  • A description of the task/skill that you will be teaching the trainee.
  • When and where the training will occur. (Each coaching session must be delivered to each trainee individually, at different times.)
  • Resources required for the coaching session.
  • Session start time and end time.
  • A task analysis – you must provide a breakdown of the steps that you will take to teach the trainee the new task/skill.
Submission requirements for Task 2, Part A:

¨  Four coaching session outlines – one for each trainee.

What type of Variable? Categorical or Numerical. If numerical, is it discrete or continuous? Define a survey with 10 questions about a presidential race.

Applied Statistics to Social Science

1) What type of Variable? Categorical or Numerical. If numerical, is it discrete or continuous?

  1. Types of diseases
  2. Ticket Price ($)
  3. Freshmen
  4. Marriage
  5. Music Beats
  6. San Francisco (City)
  7. Wage Rate ($/hour)
  8. Amount of Sugar in a cup of coffee (grams)
  9. Weight (pounds)
  10. Social Class (Low Income, Middle Income, High Income)



  • Define a survey with 10 questions about a presidential race.
  • Give an example of “poor wording” when designing a survey about a presidential race.
  • Give an example of non-response bias in a survey of a presidential race.



Identify the following items (if possible). If you can’t tell, then say so – this often happens when we read about a survey.

  1. The population
  2. The population parameter of interest
  3. The sampling frame
  4. The sample
  5. The sampling method, including whether or not randomization was employed
  6. Any potential sources of bias you can detect any problems using generalizing to the population of interest


Researchers waited outside a bar they had randomly selected from a list of such establishments. They stopped every 10th person who came out of the bar and asked whether he or she thought drinking and driving was a serious problem.



6) Bob is a taxi driver who keeps a record of his meter readings. The result of the past twenty- meter readings are given in miles:


328, 333, 358, 400, 433, 520, 340, 455, 465, 300,

280, 512, 425, 328, 395, 433, 395, 448, 390, 260

Make a stem and leaf plot.


7)  Alexandra took a survey during 4th hour about what students enjoyed doing most. Here is what they responded:

S= Sleep, TV= Television, SP=Sports, F=Friends, V=Videos


S  TV  TV  F  F  V  F  F  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP  SP

S  S  F  SP  TV  F  TV  SP  F  S  F  SP  S  TV


  • Make a pie chart.
  • Make a bar chart.


  • Sports: Dog Sled Racing- How long does it take to finish the 1161- mile Iditarod Dog Sled Racing from Anchorage to Nome Alaska. The finish times to the nearest hour for 57 dogsled teams are given below:


261 271 236 244 279 296 284 299 288 288 247 256

338 360 341 333 261 266 287 296 313 311 307 307

299 303 277 283 304 305 288 290 288 289 287 299

332 330 309 328 307 328 285 291 295 298 306 315

310 318 318 320 333 321 323 324 327


Make a histogram using five classes.

The expression (x >= 0 && x <= 100) evaluates to false if either x = 100. true or false?

C++ Question

This was a question posed on a quiz today.

The expression (x >= 0 && x <= 100) evaluates to false if either x < 0 or x >= 100. true or false?