
How was the life of women living in the Roman Empire based on material evidence considered in the course unit Roman Women in 22 Objects?

How was the life of women living in the Roman Empire based on material evidence considered in the course unit Roman Women in 22 Objects? Subtitle for this essay: Women as sacred symbols in the Roman empire.

Write a systematic review article about the up-to-date state of the art of the Diffie- Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm and the Discrete Logarithm Problem.

Write a systematic review article about the up-to-date state of the art of the Diffie- Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm and the Discrete Logarithm Problem. What is it? Where is it used (in Computers, Cryptology) use a minimum of 50 references and cite the references according to the Vancouver style system. Also the reference list at the end of the manuscript must be according to the Vancouver system. Furthermore the manuscript must have the sections introduction, material and methods (which search engienes have been used, which search terms were used), results section and discussion section. Furthermore a structured abstract is needed.  Explain the mathematics of Diffie Hellmann and explain the discrete logarithm problem and its relation to Diffie Hellmann.

Why is Affordable housing only in low income neighborhoods?

This paper HAS to FOCUS on WHY AFFORDABLE is in SEGREGATED NEIGHBORHOODS AND how to create PUBLIC POLICIES that will help desegregate these neighborhoods.

Essay must answer the following questions; and Identify certain key points listed below

1. Why is Affordable housing only in low income neighborhoods?

2. What are some public state/government polices that allow this segregation to occur?

3. Why people do not want affordable housing in rich neighborhoods?

4. How does red-lining and zoning play a role in keeping neighborhoods segragted?

5. How can creating new zoning policies help desegregate communites?

6. Why is creating mixed-income neighborhoods important?


a. key themes, stakeholders, power dynamics
b. demonstration of nuance, including competing sides and
proposals to the issue.
c. Identify resources (public policies/ local organizations that can be used to help create mixed-income neighborhoods
d. Identify potential lines of future research for the subject.

Compare and contrast the term Accessible Design with the related concepts of Universal Design

Compare and contrast the term Accessible Design with the related concepts of Universal Design,

Inclusive and Participatory Design, and Useability. You may draw on relevant non-academic as well as academic sources to support your discussion, providing those sources are sufficiently authoritative. (50% of wordcount)




Discuss what ethics theories underpin each of these ethical decisions.

The Assignment

You are to:

  1. Research the current pandemic situation in the developing and poorer economies and provide a brief description of this and what provision will be needed to protect their populations.​​.​​​[10%].
  2. Identify and critically evaluate the issue-relatedand context-relatedfactors that will impact on the ethical decision making that:
  3. The Pharmaceutical companies
  4. Governments in the developed economies

iii. Society

will need to make.​​​​​​​​​[60%]

  1. Discuss what ethics theories underpin each of these ethical decisions.


Choose an option contract and retrieve current trading data for different strike prices and maturities

Choose an option contract and retrieve current trading data for different strike prices and maturities (at least 5 strike prices and 3 maturities). Implement 3 options strategies – protective put, spread and butterfly.

Demonstrate the knowledge and confidence to contribute effectively and proactively in an interdisciplinary team.

  • Employ mastery of a complex and specialised area of knowledge to utilise the principles of human factors, environmental factors and strength-based approaches when working in teams.
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and confidence to contribute effectively and proactively in an interdisciplinary team.

To what extent do you agree with this proposition, if at all?  Why or why not?

It could be argued that the Canadian legal system is biased against some of the most vulnerable members of society in Canada.  To what extent do you agree with this proposition, if at all?  Why or why not? Be sure to refer to the course material and be sure to address the following topics in your answer:

1) Property Law

2) Litigation and ADR

3) Access to Justice

4) The role of police, lawyers, and judges

5) The Jury

6) The relationship between the media and the legal system.

Discuss the Current Issues in Leadership.

Discuss the Current Issues in Leadership.

Discuss the Evolution of Incoterms.

Discuss the Evolution of Incoterms.