
Explain how applying UDL principles in the educational setting can address the needs of all students, including students with disabilities. Describe the UDL guidelines of engagement, representation, action, and expression.

Universal Design for Learning Approaches

Differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all students in the classroom should be part of every teacher’s instructional strategy. There are many techniques that can be used to modify instruction and accommodate for students’ needs, and knowledge about evidence-based practices for doing so should be used when making decisions about instruction. The use of Response to Intervention (RTI) programs and a multitier system of support (MTSS) to establish programs that meet the varied needs of students in one setting are commonly used strategies for differentiation. Additionally, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to guide these types of evidence-based instructional deliveries and practices. Data from tiered support systems such as RTI and MTSS can be used to steer the UDL framework.

Imagine that you have been asked to create an informational digital presentation about Universal Design for Learning approaches that can be used by special education and general education teachers in the grade levels associated with your field of study.

Refer to “The UDL Guidelines,” and your research to create a 10 slide digital presentation that addresses the following:

  • Explain how applying UDL principles in the educational setting can address the needs of all students, including students with disabilities.
  • Describe the UDL guidelines of engagement, representation, action, and expression.
  • Describe three specific, evidence-based UDL instructional approaches or adaptations that teachers could utilize to enhance the success and promote the growth and development of students with and without disabilities.
  • Discuss how UDL and the use of evidence-based strategies can influence and be used to improve professional practice and student outcomes. Provide specific examples to illustrate your ideas.
  • Provide links to five additional resources related to UDL statistics and approaches and describe how each would be beneficial to teachers as they implement the UDL framework.

Identify a research topic in the example of Heathrow’s third runway plan. Formulate your research question and specify the research objectives.


Make a slide show based on the case and answer the following questions

Draw on the case of Heathrow’s third runway plan and prepare a 5-minute presentation that shows:The process of how you

(1) identify a research topic in the example of Heathrow’s third runway plan;

(2) formulate your research question;

(3) and specify the research objectives;

The process of how you (4) choose an appropriate methodology; and (5) evaluate the methodology fit

Briefly explain in your own words the difference between a between-subjects design and repeated measures design. Examine the means of the three anxiety conditions. Describe the differences that you see between the means.

Psychology Question

Before you begin the assignment:

  • Read Chapter 14 in your Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics
  • Review the first half of the video tutorial (up to 6:43) for helpful information to answer the questions in this assignment. Please disregard the second half of the video that discusses conducting a repeated-measures analysis (ANOVA), as this is not needed for this assignment.
  • Access and open the Snake Anxiety SPSS data set.

An overview of the data set:

This data set represents hypothetical data from a study that examined the level of anxiety that people with a snake phobia felt in three different scenarios. The same people were tested in each scenario. That is, each person experienced all three conditions.

Here is some more information about the variables in this hypothetical data set:

  • Number: This is the ID number of the participant
  • See_Distance: This is participants’ anxiety (scores could range from 40 to 100, with high numbers indicating higher anxiety) when they saw a large snake that was about 20 feet away.
  • See_Close: This is participants’ anxiety (scores could range from 40 to 100, with high numbers indicating higher anxiety) when they saw a large snake that was about 5 feet away.
  • Touch: This is participants’ anxiety (scores could range from 40 to 100, with high numbers indicating higher anxiety) when they touched a large snake.



1) Briefly explain in your own words the difference between a between-subjects design and repeated measures design.


2a) Examine the means of the three anxiety conditions.

2b) Describe the differences that you see between the means.


3a) Conduct a dependent samples t-test on See_Distance and See_Close.

3b) Report the results of this test in APA style. Refer to Tips for Reporting Statistics in APA Style for help with formatting your results in APA style.


4) Make up and describe a specific experiment that would call for a repeated measures ANOVA. Be sure to describe each level of the independent variable(s) and to describe the dependent variable. Explain why a repeated measures ANOVA would be necessary for this experiment.


Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the nucleophilic addition reaction. Provide an overview and examples of nucleophilic addition to a carbonyl group. Draw correctly the mechanism for common nucleophilic addition reactions.

Chemistry Question

Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the nucleophilic addition reaction.
Provide an overview and examples of nucleophilic addition to a carbonyl group.
Draw correctly the mechanism for common nucleophilic addition reactions.
Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the Grignard reaction.
Describe the role of each reagent in the Grignard reaction.
Explain the sensitivity of Grignard reaction conditions and be able to make procedural adjustments.
Gain understanding and practical experience of essential laboratory techniques.

Why are attractions and entertainment important components of the tourism industry? How does seasonality create marketing management, and financial challenges for attraction and entertainment operators?

Hospitality Question


  1. Why are attractions and entertainment important components of the tourism industry?
  2. How does seasonality create marketing management, and financial challenges for attraction and entertainment operators?
  3. Explain the similarities and differences between heritage attractions and commercial attractions.



  1. Examine the Figure 9.2 below. Why the spike in visitors to the White House in Washington in April? Hint:  Think about flowers.
  2. What events are offered to tourists to attract them to Virginia Beach in the shoulder or off-seasons? Consult the site
  3. What is the name of the National Monument in Hampton, Virginia, and what is its significance? Is this a Heritage or Commercial Attraction or Live Entertainment?  What is the difference between a National Monument and a National Park?  (Look this up on the internet)
  4. As mentioned above, Norfolk is considering a casino on the waterfront, and there has been much controversy, both pro and con.
  5. Enter Norfolk Casino in your browser and you will see several articles listed about the economic benefits and risks of the casino, and of an attempt by the Norfolk Casino group to halt the project.
  6. Read as many articles as there are listed and present the pros and cons, both economic and social, of the project as discussed in the various articles
  7. After doing the reading, present your own argument, either pro or con, and sate why you feel that way.

Read the assigned Scriptures and use them, or other relevant Scriptures, to discuss what the Bible says about private ownership and trade. How are they different from the understanding of their economic roles? What are the differences between the roles of government in the Bible and the market economy?

Discussion questions


  • Prompt: Read “YOU’RE THE ECONOMIST: Cigarette Smoking Price Elasticity of Demand” in Chapter 5. According to the previous discussion, what factors influence the price elasticity of demand for cigarettes? What other factors not mentioned in the article might also influence the price elasticity of demand for cigarettes?
  • Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

Question 2

  • Prompt: Read the assigned Scriptures and use them, or other relevant Scriptures, to discuss what the Bible says about private ownership and trade. How are they different from the understanding of their economic roles? What are the differences between the roles of government in the Bible and the market economy?
  • Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

Describe how attendees might interact with the information and tool(s) presented at this station. How might this increase their interest and appreciation for educational use of technology?

Education & Teaching Question

Content Instructions

Based on the role you have selected to take (either a district educator or a representative of the community center), you will create two components for this assignment: a professional presentation that will be recorded and a two-to- three page handout of the specific ideas for your community event that will be submitted to Waypoint for evaluation. Your community event will consist of several different stations for attendees to visit and gather information from and/or interact with. Your presentation will describe what will be included at each station. Remember that the goal of the event is to inform and excite local residents about how technology is currently being implemented in either the schools or community center and how technology use and thus, instruction and learning would improve if the bond is passed.

Part One: Presentation Content Expectations: Create a professional presentation to be shared using any of the digital presentation tools listed in Week 1. You will talk through your presentation, creating a video and/or audio recording with the link provided in part two of the assignment. More specific instructions can be located in the Week 6 Instructor Guidance. In your presentation, describe what will be included at the following stations at the Community Event;

Station 1: Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Three to four slides. Information shared on the slide(s) and viewed by the audience should be succinct and void of excessive detail. Specific details and descriptions should be included in part two; the written synopsis.

  • Audience (0.5 point): Discuss how you will get the audiences’ attention to visit this station. What might the station look like or include to draw people to it?
  • Information (1 points): Describe the most essential information attendees should know about UDL and how it specifically pertains to the population of Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade students in the school district or the adult learners at the community center. Include references for at least two sources to support this information.
  • Demonstrate (1 point): Discuss how would you demonstrate UDL in action. For example, would you include a video of it being modeled, a sample instructional plan, or an example of a resource or source of technology that supports UDL such as what was reviewed during Week 4?
  • Differentiation (2 points): Discuss the impact UDL has on teaching and learning for the specific population of PK through 12th grade students at the school district or adult learners at the community center. In your discussion, include how incorporating UDL principles enhances learning by providing differentiated learning opportunities. Also include a reference for at least one source to support this information.
  • Interaction (1 point): Describe how attendees could interact in this station. How might this increase their interest and appreciation for educational use of technology?

Station 2: Technology and UDL for All Learners: Two to three slides. Utilize information gleaned from your state’s Department of Education website, your local school district’s website, and/or the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE)website to support your ideas for this station. Information shared on the slide(s) and viewed by the audience should be succinct and void of excessive detail. Specific details and descriptions should be included in part two; the written synopsis.

  • Mission, Belief, and Goals (3 points): Craft an original mission and belief statement for your school district or community center as it pertains to technology integration and career and technical education (CTE). Construct two to three specific goals for the educational programs or courses offered to the respective population served that align with the mission and beliefs.
  • Course and/or Program Offerings (1 point): Construct a list of eight to ten courses or programs including CTE courses offered in either the school district or the community center to serve as examples to attendees of this station. The school district’s courses should include courses or programs that impact all three levels of learners and school environments including elementary, middle/junior high school, and high school students.

Station 3: 21st Century Skills Acquisition and Employability: Two to three slides. Information shared on the slides and viewed by the audience should be succinct and void of excessive detail. Specific details and descriptions should be included in part two; the written synopsis.

  • Technology and 21st-Century Skills (5 points):
    • Showcase one specific course from the courses offered list that integrates technology. Be sure to list the course on your slide.
    • Describe at least one 21st-century skill from each of the four 21st-century outcomes (Key Subjects and 21st Century Themes, Learning and Innovation Skills, Information, Media and Technology Skills, Life and Career Skills) represented in the Partnership for 21st-Century Skills Definitions framework that students should gain as a result of participating in the course.
    • Go to the Information, Media, and Technology Skills Outcome heading, then under Media Literacy, locate Applying Technology Effectively. Describe how your selected course addresses one, two or all three bullets under the Applying Technology Effectively heading. How will these skills support future employability for students?
  • Tools (1 point): Include an additional example of a tech/digital tool used in one or more courses. Be sure to list the course and how that tool is used in the course.
  • Interaction (1 point): Describe how attendees might interact with the information and tool(s) presented at this station. How might this increase their interest and appreciation for educational use of technology?
  • New Technology (1 points): Discuss how school or community programs, courses, and students would benefit from upgraded technology from approved bond.
  • Slide Design and Format (2 points): Total of 8 to 10 slides including the title and references slides. Use relevant graphics to enhance the presentation without distracting from the main focus. Slides should have a consistent theme, format, and font that augment the readability of the presentation. Rather than using the speaker’s notes on each slide, details that would be shared with the audience will be provided in the second part of the assignment; the written synopsis. Save the presentation as a pdf., pwpt., or pwptx. file that shows speaker’s notes for viewing in Waypoint and Turnitin.
  • Title & References Slides (1 point): The Title slide should include your name, course name and number (EDU620), instructor’s name, the date, a title for your event and the role you have selected to take for the project (district educator or community center representative).

Part Two: Written Synopsis
Follow the same outline for all three stations of your event featured in the Part One: Presentation. Here, you will provide the details for each part that would help inform the audience during your presentation. The details are what cannot be included on the slides. This three to five page document will include the link to your presentation and be submitted to Waypoint for evaluation. Your instructor will use your recorded presentation and the written synopsis to evaluate your work.

  • Link to presentation (0.5 points)
  • Follows presentation guidelines (2 points)

Written Communication Instructions

  • Syntax and Mechanics (0.5 point): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
  • Source Requirement (0.5 point): Utilize a minimum of five resources in addition to the Edyburn (2013) text. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.
  • APA Formatting (1 point): Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment. Refer to the Writing Center for assistance with APA style and formatting or your copy of the APA Style Manual.

As software becomes more pervasive, risks to the public (due to faulty programs) become an increasingly significant concern. Develop a doomsday but realistic scenario in which the failure of a computer program could do great harm, either economic or human.

Process frameworks & flows

Part 1 (ch 1)

Textbook assignment (may be slightly altered from the book):

1.6. As software becomes more pervasive, risks to the public (due to faulty programs) become an increasingly significant concern. Develop a doomsday but realistic scenario in which the failure of a computer program could do great harm, either economic or human.

Applying concepts: Eliciting requirements

1.1: Use the SafeHome case study scenario in section 1.5 to develop a list of 10 questions that should be asked about the project before the project proceeds. Questions should be specific to this scenario. Save as a doc or docx file.

Part 2 (ch 2)

Textbook assignment (may be slightly altered from the book):

2.1. Baetjer [Bae98] notes: “The process provides interaction between users and designers, between users and evolving tools, and between designers and evolving tools [technology].” List five questions that (1) designers should ask users, (2) users should ask designers, (3) users should ask themselves about the software product that is to be built, and (4) designers should ask themselves about the software product that is to be built and the process that will be used to build it. These questions should be more generic than the Applying Concepts assignment above.

Applying concepts: Process framework diagram and flow model

2.1: Utilizing the information in chapters 1 and 2, utilize MS Visio to create a process framework model with umbrella activities that include at least 2 tasks with an activity and an action section broken down into a task set for each. Use figure 2.1 as a guide. Keep the 3 P’s (Problem, Project, People) in mind as you work. This article provides additional insights into what should be included. Look at section 2.3 for examples of what can go into a task set.

Save your work as a jpg and insert it into a document. Do not submit vsdx files.

2.2: Next, select one of the process flow models in Figure 2.2. Make a preliminary decision on which would fit your proposed framework and discuss in at least one paragraph which you would choose and detail your justification for your choice.

Working alone, students will write a simple, clear and coherent reply to the following question: If you had a choice to pursue a career in media, what type of media would you want to work in and why?

Media History Written assignment I

Terms of the assignment:

Working alone, students will write a simple, clear and coherent reply to the following question: If you had a choice to pursue a career in media, what type of media would you want to work in and why?

  1. The reply will be .400 words long.
  2. Use simian words
  3. Make sure to submit what is known in journalism as .clean copy” — your writing must be free of spelling,punctuation and guiththafisaLerms.
  4. I urge students to usc Grammarly or another online writing tool.

Identify a clinical question related to your area of clinical practice and write the clinical foreground question in PICOT format utilizing the worksheet tool provided as a guide. Include and explanation about what a PICOT question includes in Speaker Notes.

N420 PICOT question, background, and literature review

PowerPoint Guidelines:

  • Title (1 slide)
  • PICOT Question (1 slide) – Identify a clinical question related to your area of clinical practice and write the clinical foreground question in PICOT format utilizing the worksheet tool provided as a guide. Include and explanation about what a PICOT question includes in Speaker Notes.
  • Background (1 slide) – Describe why this is a clinical problem or an opportunity for improving health outcomes in your area of clinical practice.
  • Literature Review (5 slides – 1 article per slide) – Perform a literature search and select five research articles on your topic utilizing the library databases. Explain how each article supports your topic. Identify the article that best supports nursing interventions for your topic.
  • References (1 slide)