
Present a critical analysis of the suitability of a stakeholder-based performance measurement approach to performance management in tech companies of the fourth industrial revolution

Question: In the context of the above statements, present a critical analysis of the suitability of a stakeholder-based performance measurement approach to performance management in tech companies of the fourth industrial revolution, given the call for businesses to satisfy a triple-bottom line of results which address environmental and ethical concerns in addition to corporate profitability.

What are the relative merits of creative methods versus more traditional methods such as coding?

A 3000-word reflexive report evaluating the process of using creative methods to investigate the
research question you formed in class and analyse the data you found. You will evaluate
whether creative methods are useful, enlightening and effective as an analytical process of
organizing raw data from your experience in class. You should also analyse it as a research
method by drawing on the literature. You should consider the relative merits of using creative
approaches versus more traditional methods such as semi/structured interviewing, using
concepts drawn from the literature.
You should think about the following:
1) What was the process of using creative methods – how did you go about unpicking and understanding the texts? How did using creative methods help you better understand the positionality and perspectives of the research participants – or not?
2) What was your experience of this process – was it useful, supportive, effective, or cumbersome, inefficient, not useful. Are there different stages of research when creative methods might be particularly useful or appropriate? Do creative methods help you in ‘reading through’ or comprehending your raw data?
3) How does the literature evaluate creative methods as a way of approaching and analysing data? What are the philosophical underpinnings of this method?
4) What are the relative merits of creative methods versus more traditional methods such as coding?
5) How could this method be improved? Based on your experiences in class and by considering other methods of organising and analysing qualitative data.
You should draw on the academic literature on interviews to justify your evaluation. You are encouraged to make a journal of your experience and the class discussion to help you with this assessment.


Critically appraise the effects of current and future trends on the dynamics of the industry including the impact of the unconventional resources and renewable energy

. Appraise the risks associated with future oil investment and the operation of the petroleum industry.

Evaluate petroleum fiscal systems and their effects on project viability

Evaluate the global trends and movement in oil and gas markets, timing efficiency and benchmarking in the industry.

Critically appraise the effects of current and future trends on the dynamics of the industry including the impact of the unconventional resources and renewable energy

Evaluate the strategic approaches in the future oil and gas industry.

Critically evaluate the role of the Quantity Surveyor during the design phase of a modern construction project, through their use of Traditional Cost Modelling techniques, as the design evolves.

Task 1
Critically evaluate appropriate sources of data, prepare and justify the following documents for the proposed project, in appropriate formats:-
i) An outline cost estimate;
ii) A cost breakdown to primary element level.
iii) A cost breakdown to secondary element level.
iv) A detailed elemental cost plan
Evaluate the data used at each stage through value engineering techniques, to ensure costs are maintained within cost limits and so that the client receives value for their money.

Task 2
Critically evaluate the role of the Quantity Surveyor during the design phase of a modern construction project, through their use of Traditional Cost Modelling techniques, as the design evolves.

Discuss VR haptic gloves that can enhance movie experience.

Discuss VR haptic gloves that can enhance movie experience.

What kind of leadership and subsequent cultures need to be formed? Why and How?

With this assignment, you become the designer of both tangible and intangible aspects organisation processes, given the emergent challenges that the LaTrobe Valley HESC project is facing. Identify and select appropriate scholarly tools, models and theories that will help you to understand the implications on hard and soft systems in relation to a management challenge or strategy (e.g., leadership, CSR, ethics, HR, etc.)
When the HESC operating environment requires them to engage more staff, which area of HRM should they pay attention to? Selection? Development? Retention? Why and How?
What kind of leadership and subsequent cultures need to be formed? Why and How?
Are there ethical aspects we have to consider with internal and external stakeholders? Why and How?
What elements of CSR are implicated especially in regard to the broader community (e.g., Gippsland, Victoria, Australia)?
In designing an overall organisational process, you have to consider an overall alignment between HRM, leadership/culture, CSR, and ethics to make sure they all say the same thing when communicating with and motivating employees and / or keeping the community happy with the project being in their midst.
**Write a report justifying why your research approach to solving the management challenge should be adopted.

What are the requirements in law for a valid consent to, or refusal of, medical treatment?

What are the requirements in law for a valid consent to, or refusal of, medical treatment? Should it be possible for a doctor to override a competent patient’s refusal of life-sustaining medical treatment if the doctor considers it to be in the patients best interests? Use case law to illustrate and support your answer.

Write a report for the CEO comparing the broad financial strengths and weaknesses of BooHoo

Part A: Performance and sustainability

Freshly armed with your new Warwick MBA, you have recently joined Asos plc  in a

management position. Your CEO regards competitor analysis as very important and the

company regularly produces internal reports on the companies regarded as key competitors. He

passes you in the corridor one day and observes “Boohoo is nearly as big as us in terms of their

market cap and they have a high PE ratio – maybe we need to keep a very close eye on them!”

Write a report for the CEO comparing the broad financial strengths and weaknesses of BooHoo

as a competitor with those of Asos. You should focus on the financial performance and position

of the companies , as well as a brief comment on the stock market’s view of both.

Given the current circumstances of Covid-19, the CEO is particularly interested in how the two

companies compare in terms of financial performance, financial stability and job security



Write the requested report comparing the financial performance and position of both

companies as well as commenting on their future sustainability. Ensure that you make clear


Note that your CEO is a busy executive with a strong marketing background but has limited

experience of accounting. He will expect a clear and concise report. Some general guidance on

acceptable report style follows:

Notes on general report style.

  • Use the most recent full year accounts of Asos Plc and BooHoo Plc
  • Give your report a title & provide an Executive Summary,

Provide an analysis of the impact of the microeconomic and macroeconomic environment on a company of your choice.

Provide an analysis of the impact of the microeconomic and macroeconomic environment on a company of your choice.