
Discuss what you see as the differences between conflicts, complaints, and mistakes as they occur in the workplace.

Discuss what you see as the differences between conflicts, complaints, and mistakes as they occur in the workplace. Next, discuss how you would address each of these types of problems from what you learned in the readings.

Explain how both coaching and mentoring can help you in the management of your personnel by using examples connected to the video provided. (2015, August 6). The benefits of mentoring [Video file]. Retrieved from

Write an essay discussing both the similarities and the unique differences between mentoring and coaching.
To complete this essay, you will need to address the components below.
Identify someone who you have personally experienced or witnessed in your organization who is a coach, mentor, or both.
Identify personnel management issues ranging from recruitment to retirement.
Examine your selected coach and/or mentor’s role within your organization.
Correlate how your selected individual combats issues from recruitment to retirement.
Explain how both coaching and mentoring can help you in the management of your personnel by using examples connected to the video provided.

Elaborate on effective use of social media in today’s fire department culture for a positive influence on your community and organization.

Arnold, R. (2017). 5 Houston-area firefighters fired after video surfaces on Snapchat. Retrieved from

After reviewing this video, you will need to address the issues below.
Recall information learned in this unit that can help you should you have to deal with this personnel matter.
Identify policies and procedures that are in place within your organization for both hazing and the use of social media.
Elaborate on effective use of social media in today’s fire department culture for a positive influence on your community and organization.
Note: If you do not belong to a fire department at this time,discuss this with your local fire department, and use what they have in place.

Discuss how he or she has helped bring you or others along and into key leadership roles.

Reflect on someone you consider a mentor to you or your organization. Discuss how he or she has helped bring you or others along and into key leadership roles. What has he or she provided in the way of knowledge to your organization?

Identify how your personal personnel management plan has helped you to prepare for the upcoming interview.

Identify how your personal personnel management plan has helped you to prepare for the upcoming interview. Which aspects of the exam/interview do you feel the most and least confident about? Why?
Elaborate on social media use, cultural diversity, and motivation levels within the department as they are a major responsibility of this new position.

In the fire service today, managers have to deal with the use of social media as a new form of communication.

In the fire service today, managers have to deal with the use of social media as a new form of communication. Whether you like to use it or not, today’s younger generation is becoming more reliant on it as their primary form of communication.
What is the most positive way your department (past or present) uses social media? Has this helped to bring it closer to the community? Why, or why not?
Note: If you have yet to work in the fire service, use a past employer for your reflection.

Discuss which of the motivational theories discussed in the readings would work best to bring the best out in you and your coworkers, and discuss why.

Take an inward look into your workplace, and discuss which of the motivational theories discussed in the readings would work best to bring the best out in you and your coworkers, and discuss why. There is no right or wrong answer since each workplace and group of employees are different.

Prepare a 2-3 page picture-essay of the applications of chemistry tied to the lab work for this term.

Prepare a 2-3 page picture-essay of the applications of chemistry tied to the lab work for this term. Select at least 5 different themes or examples. Have at least 10 pictures or visual items. Prepare a written lab report covering the visual aspects of the experiments and applications you covered in the lab. Focus on pictures and practical chemistry. Post the document to Canvas in PDF format.

 Give a short statement that describes your academic interests, purpose, objectives and motivation in undertaking this postgraduate

Give a short statement that describes your academic interests, purpose, objectives and motivation in undertaking this postgraduate study. (max 3500 chars – approx. 500 words). This should include why you feel you are qualified to enter the programme and how you think it may affect your career prospects.

Second Part: * Relevant Knowledge/Training Skills
(max 3500 chars – approx. 500 words) This may include details of required laboratory, computer programming, specialized software packages skills or voluntary work that you have undertaken pertinent to this programme.

What rationale does the U.S. Supreme Court provide in San Antonio v. Rodriguez with regard to school finance.

What rationale does the U.S. Supreme Court provide in San Antonio v. Rodriguez with regard to school finance that would justify one town in the state of New Jersey spending $14,000 per pupil, while another town chooses to spend $21,000 per pupil? Even though not illegal, do you find the differences in district spending unethical? Why or why not?