
How does the intended audience affect the choice of language, images, and organization?

Hancock, J. (2015, October 2). Workplace wellness programs put employee privacy at risk. CNN. Retrieved from

Ajunwa, I., Crawford, K., & Ford, J. S. (2016). Health and big data: An ethical framework for health information collection by corporate wellness programs. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 44(3), 474–480.
This link if the top I attached it to the file

Reflect: You read two articles that address the same topic but are different types of sources. Consider the following questions:

What characteristics make the sources different?

How do those differences add to or detract from the credibility of the sources?

How could you use each of the sources in school, at work, or in your personal life? Think of at least two specific examples.

Write: Based on your learning in the Prepare and Reflect sections above, write at least three paragraphs that fully address the prompt below. Cite any sources you use or refer to.

Identify the type of source you read in addition to the scholarly, peer-reviewed article.

Who is the audience for each source?

How does the intended audience affect the choice of language, images, and organization?

Analyze the credibility of the two sources that you read. What specific features of the articles led you to conclude the source was or was not credible? Provide at least one specific example for each source.

Explain how each source might be used to address a specific information need. What research situations would be appropriate for each source? What concerns would you have about using the sources in those situations?
Your initial post must be at least 350 words and address all of the prompt’s elements.

Is the experience profound enough for the father to have learned from it?

The Dream Vision in Pearl: Is the experience profound enough for the father to have learned from it?

Is this still the best way to define the function of the hippocampus?

O’Keefe & Nadel’s seminal work ‘The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map’ has been highly influential. Is this still the best way to define the function of the hippocampus?

How did expectations from themselves and from others affect them as they grew up?

1. Describe the path of the felon.

2. Describe the path of the vet and Rhodes Scholar.

3. Identify 3 socially significant turns in life the felon made or had happened in his life.

4. Identify 3 socially significant turns in life the Rhodes Scholar made or had happened in his life.

5. How did expectations from themselves and from others affect them as they grew up?

6. How does this work represent sociology?

7. How did this book affect you?

watch this clip:


Discuss Zeitgeist of Eysenck’s Personality Theory.

Discuss Zeitgeist of Eysenck’s Personality Theory.

Write about Prejudice and discrimination in the modern Amercian society

Write about Prejudice and discrimination in the modern Amercian society



Explain Nucleic Acids and Biological Information Flow

Explain Nucleic Acids and Biological Information Flow (genetic Engineering)

What role does ecphrasis play in Hellenistic poetry? How does Hellenistic ecphrasis relate to that of earlier Greek literature?

What role does ecphrasis play in Hellenistic poetry? How does Hellenistic ecphrasis relate to that of earlier Greek literature? This needs to be centered just around epigram.

Write 2500 words critically discussing this statement with reference to relevant theories and empirical evidence.

Write 2500 words critically discussing this statement with reference to relevant theories and empirical evidence. Briefly elaborate policy implications in your conclusion.