
In your opinion, which of the five dysfunctions of a team would be the greatest barrier to virtual team productivity? What can be done to avoid information overload when a virtual team is made up of 25 or more members?

Virtual Teams

Virtual teams are composed of employees who are physically dispersed throughout the nation or around the world. They are linked by various forms of electronic technology. Face-to-face contact is usually minimal or nonexistent. Virtual teams face several challenges: time zone differences, which make quick information exchanges difficult, and cultural miscues, which can cause misunderstandings. When teams don’t meet in person, it is less likely they will develop the kind of chemistry common to productive teams that have face-to-face meetings. Many virtual teams are in continuous danger of becoming dysfunctional.

Recent research has identified certain traits and practices common to most virtual teams. Here are a few important rules for making these teams productive.

  • Choose a few team members who already know each other. This will speed up the process of building networks among team members. Invest in online resources that help all team members quickly learn about one another.
  • Ensure the task is meaningful to team members and the company. Assign tasks that are challenging and interesting.
  • The virtual team should include “boundary spanners,” persons who have many connections to useful people outside of the team.
  • Develop a team mission statement along with teamwork expectations, project goals, and deadlines.
  • Create an online site where team members can collaborate, exchange ideas, and motivate one another. The team should have a shared online workspace that all members can access 24 hours a day.
  • Encourage frequent communication and try to reach an agreement about preferred communication tools.
  • If you are a virtual team leader, find ways to mark team progress toward goals.


Answer the questions below for this assignment. Keep in mind the information preceding the instructions when preparing your paper, and ensure that you follow the format for this assignment provided immediately following the Questions.

Assignment Questions:

1. In your opinion, which of the five dysfunctions of a team would be the greatest barrier to virtual team productivity? Remember, to only Select only one (1) of the 5 listed below. Defend your answer.

  • Absence of trust: Trust is considered the foundation of effective teamwork.
  • Fear of conflict: Teams that lack trust is not capable of engaging in open, unfiltered debate.
  • Lack of commitment: When team members fail to voice their views openly during the passionate debate, they rarely buy in and commit to decisions.
  • Avoidance of accountability: Without commitment and buy-in, team members are often hesitant to call their peers on actions and behaviors that seem counterproductive to the good of the team.
  • Inattention to results: Failure to hold one another accountable creates an environment where team members put their own needs above the collective goals of the team.

2. What can be done to avoid information overload when a virtual team is made up of 25 or more members?

Even though we’re living in an information age which is thriving with incredible advancements, there are many people around the world who are living in dire conditions. Some say that empowering people with knowledge is the best way to secure justice. Do you agree? In a well-organized persuasive essay discuss your stance supporting your answer with logical reasons.

Writing Home Test

Even though we’re living in an information age which is thriving with incredible advancements, there are many people around the world who are living in dire conditions. Some say that empowering people with knowledge is the best way to secure justice. Do you agree? In a well-organized persuasive essay discuss your stance supporting your answer with logical reasons.

What are some of the key facts? What has happened in the case study? Who is involved in the case study?

Case Study

Marketing Strategies for the Sandwich Solution: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Social Networking

Before we head into our case study, watch this video to learn about what exactly a case study is in order to prepare for your assignment.

A case study is a description of a situation which will give you the ability to think critically, identify issues by analyzing a real-life situation and make connections between case and theory that you have already learned in the modules you’ve gone through up to now.

In order to best prepare for this assignment, read the case first to understand it in general. Then re-read the case and answer the following questions:

  • What are some of the key facts?
  • What has happened in the case study?
  • Who is involved in the case study?

In order to be successful, understanding the links between theoretical content that we’ve covered so far and the realities of the case will be a key

Choose two of these essays and provide a brief summary of the text. What was the main idea? How does the story explore the idea of home or belonging? Which events and details are important in the story?

Reading response

The second section in All the Women in My Family Sing is all about feeling at home in the world. This section includes essays about the importance of place and how different locations affect someone’s identity, ancestry, family, and sense of belonging. We read

“Reclaiming Indigenous Space” by Blaire Topash-Caldwell; “Proof of Blood” by Sara Marchant; “The Perfect Life” by Fabiana Monteiro; “Swimming in the New Normal” by Shizue Seigel, “Escape from the Cambodian Killing Fields” by Tammy Thea; “This Is How You Do” by Phiroozeh Petigara; “Truth Be Told” by Sridevi Ramanathan; “Home” by Porochista Khakpour; and “stay” by Michelle Mush Lee.

Choose two of these essays and provide a brief summary of the text. What was the main idea? How does the story explore the idea of home or belonging? Which events and details are important in the story?

How Does Transformational Nursing Leadership Affect Intensive Care Unit Functioning?

Nursing Leadership

How Does Transformational Nursing Leadership Affect Intensive Care Unit Functioning?

What questions would you ask, and how would you further explore this issue with the mother? In what ways does the distance of the extended family influence this family’s approach to health promotion?

MSN 5550 Health Promotion: Prevention of Disease

Case Study Module 10

Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Provide evidencebased rationales for your answers. APA, 7th ed. must be followed.

Deadline: Due by Saturday at 23:59 p.m.

CASE STUDY: Preschool Child: Ricky
Ricky, age 4 years, arrives in the clinic with his mother. Ricky lives with his mother and father, who both work fulltime, and his infant sister. Their extended family lives in a different state more than 100 miles away. Both parents are of average height and in good health. Ricky’s mother mentions that Ricky often expresses frustration, particularly in regard to food. Conflict over food occurs every day. Mealtime is a battle to get him to eat, unless his mother feeds him. Ricky’s baby sister seems to tolerate all baby foods but requires her mother to spoonfeed. Ricky’s mother is quite frustrated and concerned that he will become malnourished.

Reflective Questions
1. What additional assessment information would you collect?

2. What questions would you ask, and how would you further explore this issue with the mother?

3. In what ways does the distance of the extended family influence this family’s approach to health promotion?

4. What factors would you consider to determine whether malnourishment is a factor in this family?

Why it is it important not to use the silver nitrate for over that time frame? After hemostasis is obtained, what are three types of treatment methods that can be used to protect the cauterization site?

Health & Medical Question

Below is the case study due in week 3. Note that the case scenario has some missing information. Please add information to provide a cohesive SOAP note and address the rubric. Please answer the questions in the case study at the end of your SOAP note. The following should also be integrated with the case. References should be in APA format. I have included a video at the bottom of this announcement to provide clarification on your case study assignment.


A mother brings in her 11 year old son, Branch, because he has had a nosebleed. She is concerned about it because they have been applying pressure by pinching it and the nosebleed won’t stop. He has no history of nosebleeds. He has no significant medical history and no known allergies. He is on no medications. Mom and Branch deny trauma to the nose. He says he just woke up with a nosebleed and it won’t stop. He tells you that the left side is the side that is bleeding.

Vital signs: BP 110/70 P 84 R 14 T 97.8 oral Pulse ox 99%

You recognize that simple pressure is not going to stop the nosebleed so you know that you will not have to intervene.

  1. Prior to any type of procedure, you have the mother sign an informed consent for a procedures. What are the three major areas you must discuss when doing any type of procedure?
  2. Nosebleeds can be divided into three groups. What are they?
  3. 90% of nosebleeds fall into which group?
  4. Name 4 indications for intervention by a provider for a nosebleed.
  5. You place Branch on the exam table at approximately 45 degrees. You drape him appropriately. You have him blow his nose gently to remove clots. You then inspect the right side to familiarize yourself with his anatomy. You then inspect the left side using a nasal speculum. When using the nasal speculum, it is important to use it ______________ (HORIZONTALLY/VERTICALLY).
  6. Why is it important to use the nasal speculum a certain way?
  1. You note that the bleeding is coming from an area on the septum. You know that the next step is to apply a vasconstrictive solution to the nose. What are two ways you can deliver the vasoconstrictive solution?
  2. You note that the area that is the source of the bleeding is about 3 mm in diameter. You make the decision to use a silver nitrate stick. How long should you apply pressure with the stick?
  1. Why it is it important not to use the silver nitrate for over that time frame?
  2. After hemostasis is obtained, what are three types of treatment methods that can be used to protect the cauterization site?
  1. If that had not stopped the bleeding and you had to make the decision to use a nasal sponge or nasal tampon, the sponge/tampon should be coated in _____________ and left in place for __________ hours.
  2. After putting in the nasal sponge/tampon, approximately 2 ml of ________ or _______ should be dripped onto the tip to help the sponge expand.
  3. After placing the nasal sponge/tampon, the patient should be closely monitored for 3-5 minutes. Why is that?
  4. After the close monitoring, the patient should be kept in observation status for ______ minutes.
  5. If a sponge/tampon is used, it is not necessary to use antibiotics.
  6. If it is necessary to pack the nose, it may be advisable to give the patient a narcotic or sedative medication (unless a contraindication exists). Why?
  7. Name 5 complications of the above procedures.
  8. After the procedure, you tell the pt and his mother that he can take acetaminophen for any pain/discomfort. Why is it important not to have him take ibuprofen?
  9. What is the leading cause of nosebleeds in adolescents?
  10. What CPT code would you use for the above procedure?
  11. What is the definition of the above code?

Describe the basic experiments and results detailed in the paper (ex. Effects of drug X were tested on four different breast cancer cell lines (names). Discuss the overall conclusions of the paper.

Writing Assignment #2: Review of current cancer research

You are basically writing a summary/review of a recent (last 12 months) cancer research article. You cannot use a review article as your primary source…but should include at least one review article for an additional reference. Your research should be based on peer-reviewed journals found on Pub-Med or a comparable database (ex. JSTOR, Google Scholar, etc.).

You must use a research experimental article for your primary source, NOT a review paper. To differentiate the two, a research experimental paper has to discuss METHODS + RESULTS, while a review paper is basically a SUMMARY of recent studies/knowledge about a particular topic. Just to clarify that MLA in-text citation is required throughout the essay for any sentence with out-of-class material because you are required to use TWO articles minimum in this paper – one primary research article (which your essay will be based on) and one review article as an additional reference. Thus, consistent citations throughout the paper will be necessary to separate out your thoughts and class content from your primary research article and your review article. It can be on any topic that addresses any of the hallmarks of cancers like p53, RB or Bcl-2 except for Her2 hallmark. The paper should be written so that someone with some background in cancer biology should be able to understand. Below is what you need to include for this assignment.

1. Introduction: What is the topic being studied and the basic question/hypothesis being explored in the paper (ex: Development of a new CAR-T therapeutic). Be sure to include some brief background (should find plenty in the introduction). Do not plagiarize (this includes direct quotations and near wording paraphrases) the material or attempt to basically rewrite the entire intro…just a couple of important details to help the reader.

2. Describe the basic experiments and results detailed in the paper (ex. Effects of drug X were tested on four different breast cancer cell lines (names). Induction of apoptosis was determined by using an Annexin V assay. The results demonstrated…….).

3. Discuss the overall conclusions of the paper.

4. Your discussion/critique of the studies and suggestions for further studies

5. References Overall length: 1300 words

Does the essay address everything the assignment asked for? Does it draw on 2-3 sources to describe the topic you want to learn more about?

How to wake people up to global climate change and how to save the planet

1) Does the essay address everything the assignment asked for?

2) Does it draw on 2-3 sources to describe the topic you want to learn more about?

3) Are the sources cited in MLA format in a bibliography at the end of the essay?

4) Did you use attribution phrases and parenthetical citations in the body of the essay to indicate which facts or ideas were taken from which sources?

5) Is the essay double-spaced?

6) Did you use a size 12 or 14 font?

Use specific examples from the assigned texts (texts include assigned readings, films, and videos). Unpack those examples in your own words. Explain thoroughly how you are thinking about those examples in the context of the class.

American Studies Question

Formatting: 3 pg minimum, 12pt, Times New Roman, 1″ margins, double spaced. Note: 3 pages is approx. 750 words. Write more if you’d like.

Process Papers [5 pts each]

Submit a 3 page process/response paper (12pt, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1” margins) that responds to at least 3 readings, films, or other assigned texts across the designated period (Weeks 4 through Week 8) — and explores the ideas, themes, or topics from those texts that made you curious in some way. You should always try be specific and precise — that is, name the idea/concept/topic, explain or contextualize it with quotations (and explanations in your own words) and examples (and explanations in your own words) from the class readings/texts (to show me you did the reading or watched/listened to the texts), and share any insights, examples, or reflections you may have.

Use specific examples from the assigned texts (texts include assigned readings, films, and videos). Unpack those examples in your own words. Explain thoroughly how you are thinking about those examples in the context of the class.