
Write a minimum 1 page (12 pt font, double spaced) personal essay about what expectations EMS personnel should have regarding violence perpetrated against first responders.

Write a minimum 1 page (12 pt font, double spaced) personal essay about what expectations EMS personnel should have regarding violence perpetrated against first responders. You can touch upon examples brought up in class as well as add personal examples of how violent or criminal acts have impacted your experience of EMS.

Answer the question of what kind of protections, if any, should be provided for first responders and how those protections should be utilized and deployed. Protections can be legal, physical, emotional, psychological and varied in nature.

How is the particular social issue currently impacting people’s lives?

Provide a brief, yet concrete, historical overview of the particular social issue (i.e., how did it become an issue? Who has been involved? Who has benefited? Who has been affected? etc.);
How is the particular social issue currently impacting people’s lives?
What suggestions do you have for promoting changes?
What sociological concepts / approaches / theories can apply when attempting to understand and address the social issue as well as when promoting individual – societal wellness?

Distinguish between the early studies that were done and the more recent research and how they inform scientists about sensation and perception.

Distinguish between the early studies that were done and the more
recent research and how they inform scientists about sensation and


Discuss the 1920s Chinese American Women’s Experience.

Discuss the 1920s Chinese American Women’s Experience.

Based on your analysis of the policy proposal, did the IOM get it right?.

• Briefly summarize the policy proposal you selected from the 1011 Future of Nursing Practice Report Brief(Application 2). Based on your analysis of the policy proposal, did the IOM get it right?.

Discuss Salinas v. United States Railroad Retirement Board

Discuss Salinas v. United States Railroad Retirement Board

What are Trans-fatty acids and how do they relate to Hydrogenation?

1. There are 6 sugar molecules that are important in nutrition. List them all and indicate which are monosaccharides and which are disaccharides.

2. Provide an explanation about the difference between soluble and insoluble fibers. Give one example of each type of fiber.

3. Explain why consuming whole grains is a better choice?

4. The digestion of STARCH begins in the _____________.

5. What are the two hormones that are critical in how glucose is regulated in the body? Provide a brief description of these two hormones and what they do.

6. What is the difference between Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes? Which one may be related to OBESITY?

7. List two ways that fats are useful in the body AND in food.

8. In the U.S. diet, name three foods that are the top providers of saturated fats?

9. What are Trans-fatty acids and how do they relate to Hydrogenation?

Provide at least two specific ways in which the professional organizations have supported or could support the policy proposal and recommendation.

Provide at least two specific ways in which the professional organizations have supported or could support the policy proposal/recommendation.

What are the benefits of including healthy carbohydrates in your diet and which carbohydrates do you eat?

What are the benefits of including healthy carbohydrates in your diet and which carbohydrates do you eat?

What are your opinions, feelings, frustrations, and/or personal experiences with carbs and the rampant misinformation about them.