
Nurses today are not only socialized, but can be re-socialized.  Discuss the difference.

look at the article and then answer the question. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Nurses today are not only socialized, but can be re-socialized.  Discuss the difference. There are various characteristics of a good mentor. Which two matter the most to you? Utilize the resources in SHARC to find one scholarly article (scholarly source, published within the last 5 years) to support your answer. C

Critically discuss the potential benefits of using blockchains and smart contracts to protect and manage intellectual property.

Critically discuss the potential benefits of using blockchains and smart contracts to protect and manage intellectual property.

Discuss the pedagogical approaches that were, or could be used to support pupil learning, making specific links to your subject.

First part is a literature review 750 words and comparing two articles
Hondzel & Hanson (2015) Associating creativity, context, and experiential learning
second article is Edmiston (2003) What’s My Position? role, Frame and Positioning when Using Process Drama

• Use the generic article (hodzel and hansen) plus select one subject specific article (Brain Edminston 2003), and identify key messages and themes.
• Explore the relationship between these articles. support this with evidence of further reading linked to your chosen subject.
• Critically analyse the articles: discuss what the authors are advocating and weigh up the evidence/ findings by using further readings/ theoretical perspectives to synthesise the key concepts.
• Critically summarise the impact of these readings on your own understanding and professional development.

Next part of the assignment is the reflective journal where it is 1500 words all together. It is a placement and you are reflecting it’s 5 days and 300 words for each day totalling 1500. I’ll attach the placement details because it’s coronavirus it’s something to do at home and just take pictures. You can format this part in any style and make it look nice.

Reflective Journal (300 words per journal entry for five days)
– Critically reflect on the learning, or the potential for learning that you experienced on placement, drawing on your understanding of the literature.
– Discuss the pedagogical approaches that were, or could be used to support pupil learning, making specific links to your subject.
– Consider evident theories of teaching, learning and child development, that underpin the pedagogy of your – placement.
– Reflect upon how the placement used the physical space, personnel, resources (including online materials if appropriate) to support learning.
– Mention any ethical issues that you have become aware of and how these were mitigated during your time on placement.

Final part is a critical evaluation which is 750 words: it’s like a conclusion

– Evaluate how this experience has developed your own understanding of the benefits and issues associated with experiential learning, from the viewpoint as a teacher.

-Summarise of learning across literature analysis and practical experience: Bring together and reflectively summarise your understanding of the value of experiential learning. You can do this by using the ideas and concepts discussed in your literature analysis, and placing this into the context of the practical examples seen on your placement. Consider the implications of this experience on your own future practice.

It is very important that you refer to the reading. I will write the list of reading you need to refer to.

For the reflective journal you reference at the end of each day, I will provide some examples of previous work to use as an indication.

Reference after the literature review then journal and refrence after each day then reference at the end of the critical evaluation

The reflective journal can be done in a fancy way, you can change the paper colour font, the format



Evaluate the personal effectiveness strategies of Sundar Pichai, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Google, and discuss how you intend to apply personal effectiveness principles your own personal development.

Evaluate the personal effectiveness strategies of Sundar Pichai, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Google, and discuss how you intend to apply personal effectiveness principles your own personal development.

Critically analyse how you would feel about volunteering ‘as an occupation’ as part of your university course.

Assignment Part A: Look at the definition of ‘occupation’ by Pierce, D., (2001). Imagine you had to volunteer for a charity of your choice one day per week for 3 months. Critically analyse how you would feel about volunteering ‘as an occupation’ as part of your university course. – (approx. 2000 words).

Assignment Part B: Identify early adulthood (age 25-45), and apply the PEO (Person Environment Occupation) model to Millie’s case study to critically analyse the relationship between Millie’s occupational performance, health and wellbeing. – (approx. 3000 words).

Discuss online vs traditional education.

Discuss online vs traditional education.

Develop a specialist niche marketing and social media campaign bid.

As a social media marketing consultant during the covid pandemic you are required to develop a specialist niche marketing and social media campaign bid.

Discuss the Limitations of the Balanced Scorecard.

Discuss the Limitations of the Balanced Scorecard.