
Describe and discuss the concepts and issues surrounding Internet of Things.

• Describe and discuss the concepts/issues surrounding Internet of Things (Learning outcome 1). In order to be able to demonstrate this learning outcome in your essay you need to give a good description of the background of the research area related to your subject. Apart from the issues discussed in the class you need to be able to introduce additional sources of information through books, journals or conference proceedings.

• Demonstrate state-of-the-art understanding in relation to the means and approaches by which Internet of Things might be achieved (Learning outcome 2). In order to demonstrate this learning outcome, you have to identify and briefly but effectively describe one or more studies where the technology/practice under investigation is used. You need to show the approach that was taken in the specific study and the implementation outcome whether it was a success or a failure.

• Reflect critically on the theory and practice of Internet of Things within and across the disciplines mentioned (Learning outcomes 3). In order to demonstrate this outcome your essay should be able to present a good application of the interdisciplinary issues related to your subject in the chosen study or studies.

Suggested Topics
1. The Business Canvas Model
2. The Laws of Information
3. Mobile trends in IoT
4. RFID/NFC implementations
5. IoT in industries (healthcare, construction, etc..)
6. Industry 4.0
7. Blockchain for IoT
8. Privacy/Ethical issues
9. Case studies
10. Something else you and the teacher agrees on.

The essay should be in the Literature Review research format (unless you want to collect real data and use the Case Study method). You need to collect relevant literature on a subject, find relevant studies and critically analyze these studies. The approach you need to take in the written essay should be critical in terms of the relevant literature and practical in terms of using real life examples/studies. You will also need to finalize your essay with some recommendations and conclusions as they derive from your analysis/findings.


Discuss the nature and characteristics of mental calculation.

This assignment should critically discuss the features of effective pedagogy in one area of mathematics. How might this impact on classroom practice?

How do mental calculation strategies support addition and subtraction?

This should include
1. Introduction Clearly state what question will be addressed or reflected in this paper. Point out why choose ‘mental calculation’ as the topic. This might include its impact on students learning addition and subtraction in primary mathematics. The importance to implement mental calculation. The current situation how mental calculation is taught in maths classroom. etc.
2. Discuss the nature and characteristics of mental calculation.
3. Mental calculation strategies.
4. Discuss the importance of implementing mental calculation in teaching addition and subtraction.
5. Are mental calculation strategies effective or not according to different writers’ viewpoint as well as researches?
6. Discuss how do pupils use mental calculation strategies when doing adding and subtracting?
7. Discuss how do teachers implement mental calculation strategies in pupils’ learning process?
8. Discuss what are the implications for teachers, students and classroom practice?
9. Conclusion

Literature should be referred to simultaneously. The most important the implication(This should be the main argument for this paper)! Reflect how mental calculation could support classroom teaching? How do teachers implement mental arithmetic strategies to support teaching addition and subtraction.

Discuss New compaction methods and equpiment of base, sub base and subgrade pavement layers.

Discuss New compaction methods and equpiment of base, sub base and subgrade pavement layers.

Discuss how your findings can be useful to policy makers. What policy implications can be drawn from this analysis?

TheExcelfilemoney.xlsx(availablefromSurreyLearn/Coursework)providesadatasettoanalyse the demand for moneyin the US. The data represent a sample observed over the period 1950.Q12000.Q4. The description of the variables (all seasonally adjusted) in the file is givenbelow:M1(m)=real money supply.INF(inf)=inflation rate.REALGDP(y)=real GDP.TBILRATE(tbilrate)=treasury bills (a proxy for the interestrate).

QuestionsUse the data provided to answerALLthe questionsbelow.

Q1. Plot the time series of all the variables. Describe and discuss dynamics of the data. How does money supply dynamics compare to the other three variables? [5 Marks]

Q2. Estimate thestatic demand for money equation below:𝑙𝑚𝑡=𝛽0+𝛽1𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑡+𝛽2𝑙𝑦𝑡+𝛽3𝑡𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑡+𝑢𝑡(1)where:𝑙𝑚𝑡isnatural log of real money supply, 𝑙𝑦𝑡is the natural logarithm of real gdp, 𝑢𝑡is the error termand tis a subscript referring to time.

a)Estimate model(1)above using OLS. Report the estimation output.[4marks]

b)Carefully interpret the estimated coefficients including the intercept.Are the signs of the coefficients consistent with what you expect? Explain your reasoning.[4 marks]

c)Perform tests for the statistical significance of the coefficientsof the independent variables inflation, real GDP and interest rateusing critical values corresponding tothetdistribution and the test pvalues. Carefully state the null and alternative hypotheses. Interpret your results.[4marks][12Marks]

Q3.a)Perform a joint significance test for the independent variables of the modelin (1)using the critical values corresponding to the Fdistribution and the test pvalues.Carefully state the null and alternative hypotheses.Interpret your results.[3 marks]

3b)Comment on the goodness of fit of the modelin(1).[2 marks][5Marks]

Q4. a)Using at least two different plots,provide a graphical analysis of the residualsinmodel(1)to detect the presence of autocorrelation. Do you find evidence of autocorrelation? Explain your reasoning.[3marks]

b)What are the consequences of autocorrelation on the OLS estimator?[3 marks]c)Test for autocorrelation in the residuals using an appropriate procedure.[4 marks][10Marks]

Q5. Suppose money supply in equation (1) is not directly observed and we have the long run demand for money. The desired level is defined as follows:𝑙𝑛𝑀𝑡𝑙𝑛𝑀𝑡1=𝛿(𝑙𝑛𝑀𝑡𝑙𝑛𝑀𝑡1)

(2)a)How does the model in equation (1) change?[3marks]

b)State and estimate the new specification. Interpret the estimation output. [2marks]c)Based on part

(b) above, what is the speed of adjustment to the long run level?[2marks]d)Using the new specificationin (b), derive the long run static model. How does it compare to the estimated specification based on equation (1).[3marks][10Marks]

Q6. Test for autocorrelation in the residuals (from the regression in Q5) using an appropriate procedure.[5Marks]

Q7. The presence of real GDP, inflation, and lagged dependent variable in the specification in Q5 may lead to an endogeneity issue.a)Explain and discuss what is the issue of endogeneity in the context of this question.[3marks]b)What are the implications of the presence endogeneity on OLS?[2marks]c)How would you accountfor the presence of endogeneity?[3marks][8Marks]

Q8. Estimate the model in Q5 using Two Stage Least Squares (TSLS). Answer the following questions:a)Define the set of instrumentsused to estimate the model. Justify the reasonsof your selected set of instruments.[4marks]b)Compare the qualitative and statistical interpretation of the TSLS estimated

4model to that estimated using OLSin Q5. Which model is more consistent and conform toeconomic theory?[4marks]c)Using this specification and TSLS estimates, derive the long run static model. How does it compare to (i) the estimated specification based on equation (1)in Q2 and (ii) to that derived based on (Q5d).[4marks][12Marks]Q9. The model estimated in equation(1)may be spuriousdue to the presence of unit roots. a)Perform the ADF unit root test on all variablesin equation (1). State clearly the hypothesis being tested, the data generating process, the lag length selection criteriaand the critical values. Isthere evidence that the data containsa unit root? [6marks]b)What is the order of integration of the variables tested in part (a)above?.[4marks]c)Perform the EngleGranger cointegration test. Are the variables cointegrated? State clearly hypothesis being tested, the data generating process,the lag lengthselection criteriaand the critical values.[5marks][15Marks]

Q10. Discuss how your findings can be useful to policy makers. What policy implications can be drawn from this analysis?

Research the misuse and abuse of the government assistance programs causing a lack of available resources for people who are in real crisis and a possible plan on how it can be fixed.

Research the misuse and abuse of the government assistance programs causing a lack of available resources for people who are in real crisis and a possible plan on how it can be fixed. The paper must include the resource “Understanding Advocacy for Children and Young People 1st Edition” by Boylan as well as at least 4 others.

Discuss Nutritional aspects of patients with delirium in acute care setting.

Discuss Nutritional aspects of patients with delirium in acute care setting.

Develop policies to protect data integrity and validity, including information privacy and security policies and procedures.

Develop policies to protect data integrity and validity, including information privacy and security policies and procedures.

Explain how discrimination can come into recruitment and selection activities and in general employment.

  • Explain how discrimination can come into recruitment and selection activities and in general employment. (2.1)
  • Apply this to the recruitment and selection practice and performance management of Bernard Reader in Zuzu’s Newcastle, making reference to applicable case law.
  • Explain how the contractual terms and conditions of staff employed at Zuzu’s in the last 2 years have come about. (2.2)
  • Advise what should be done to firm up the arrangements and what should be included in any documentation making reference to appropriate Statute.
  • Explain the process to follow to broach a settlement agreement with Mike.  If Mike does not accept the agreement and later claims constructive dismissal, outline the circumstances in which a settlement agreement can be a useful option during an employment tribunal process.  (1.3)

Explain the results of the tests taken. Identify two strengths and two weaknesses for each tested area.

Explain the results of the tests taken. Identify two strengths and two weaknesses for each tested area. Relate how you plan to improve your abilities. Use your text and other reputable sources to support your plan of improvement.

Prepare a policy analysis of the family policy using the book “Social Policy for Children and Families:

Prepare a policy analysis of the family policy using the book “Social Policy for Children and Families:

A Risk and Resilience Perspective 3rd Edition” by Jeffrey M. Jenson, Mark W. Fraser as one of the references.