
Write a paper defining the concepts of health and disease using references from different authors.

Health and Disease Concepts

Write a paper defining the concepts of health and disease using references from different authors.

Add examples of preventive health programs, representing the different levels of prevention, explain their

Identify two books appropriate to your grade level and content area of certification. For each selection, name your plan to assess the literacy of your students based on the book.


Identify two books appropriate to your grade level and content area of certification. For each selection, name your plan to assess the literacy of your students based on the book. You must include at least one, but are encouraged to name more than one, literacy assessment strategy.

Should subjects like art, music and drama be removed from education to make way for core subjects like math and literacy?


Should subjects like art, music and drama be removed from education to make way for core subjects like math and literacy?

What number/sequence is the amendment, including when it was adopted? What does the amendment say at its core? What reasonable explanations do you believe led to its adoption?

What’s Wrong in the Amendments in the Constitution

Select 5 out of the 27 Amendments in the Constitution and give the following accounts on each;
1. What number/sequence is the amendment, including when it was adopted?
2. What does the amendment say at its core? (Summarize the amendment)
3. What reasonable explanations do you believe led to its adoption? (You must consider the time it was adopted)?
4. How does the amendment impact our current system of government/society? For example, would our current system of government or society be remarkably different without this amendment? Would the impact be in a positive way or in a negative way? Please explain in detail.
5. Do you recommend any changes to this amendment, or do you advocate that it should be preserved as is? Please remember to defend your position.

Write a summary paragraph for each article. Answer the following questions in your paragraph: What is the author’s thesis or reason for writing? What are the author’s main points? How does the author support his or her points? What research methodology did the author(s) use or how did the author collect the information? What is the usefulness of the article to professionals in your major field of study?

The Annotated Bibliography

Article Summary Project Assignment One: The Annotated Bibliography (100 points: 5 points for each article citation; 15 points for each summary paragraphs)

1. Find articles from 3 peer reviewed journals and two trade journal in your major.

Choose articles that build on a single common theme.

(These themes may be hot topics in your major)


2. Submit a list of the five articles, cited in APA format.


3. Write a summary paragraph for each article. Answer the following questions in your paragraph: What is the author’s thesis or reason for writing? What are the author’s main points? How does the author support his or her points? What research methodology did the author(s) use or how did the author collect the information? What is the usefulness of the article to professionals in your major field of study?

How do each of these artist relate to the idea of Visual Culture? Did work work of these artist challenge your expectations of the creation and function of art? Give specific examples form the videos.

Group Discussion: Art and Visual Culture

Assignment Goals:

What is Visual Culture?

Visual Culture is the totality and visual objects produced in the industrial and post industrial nations and the ways those images are disseminated, received, and used. Visual Culture scholars study visual media of all sorts as well as the “centrality of vision and the visual world in producing meanings, [and] establishing and maintaining aesthetic values, gender stereotypes, and power relations within cultures.” -Irit Rogoff, On Visual Culture

We live in an age where we under a constant assault by visual imagery. Images compete with words as our main modes of communication. Don’t believe me? 😳👁🤷🕵️‍♂️🤳🎓Scholars, like Rogoff, maintain that our eager consumption of images fills our lives with virtual experiences that replace real life. These images generate emotions related to pleasure, power, and fantasy.

Visual culture is concerned with spectacle, or a visually striking performance or display. Visual culture is also transitional. In some cases it doesn’t make any sense the source of some art by geography. An artist may be based in New York, have a studio to make work in China, and exhibit their work in Paris. So, is the work American, Chinese, or French? Visual culture is often collaborative. A team of artisans, performers, and engineers may be part of the process in the realization of an artwork.


Part 1: Watch the Videos (You must watch all three)

Nick Cave: Nick Cave Brings Art, Sculpture to Life, 2016. (5:22 Min)

Nick Cave creates “Soundsuits”—surreally majestic objects blending fashion and sculpture—that originated as metaphorical suits of armor in response to the Rodney King beatings and have evolved into vehicles for empowerment. Fully concealing the body, the “Soundsuits” serve as an alien second skin that obscures race, gender, and class, allowing viewers to look without bias towards the wearer’s identity. Cave regularly performs in the sculptures himself, dancing either before the public or for the camera, activating their full potential as costume, musical instrument, and living icon. Cave’s sculptures also include non-figurative assemblages, intricate accumulations of found objects that project out from the wall, and installations enveloping entire rooms.

Tanya Aguiñiga, Borderlands, 2020. (17:25 Min)

The binational artist Tanya Aguiñiga pushes the power of art to transform the United States-Mexico border from a site of trauma to a creative space for personal healing and collective expression. Reflecting the cultural hybridity and community of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands, the artist discusses her upbringing in Tijuana, her training as a furniture and craft designer, and her artistic beginnings with the Border Art Workshop/Taller de Arte Fronterizo collective.

Michael ArcegaSPAM/MAPS (Links to an external site.): World (Detail), Spam luncheon meat and pins, 3′ x 4′ x 2″, 2001

Food as a symbolic material that speaks to cultural exchange, in this case as a result of World War II. SPAM, if you aren’t already aware, is a loved/hated canned meat consumed by hungry people all over the world. It’s also “MAPS” spelled backwards. San Francisco-based artist Michael Arcega

Links to an external site. used SPAM in MAPS form, showing how the “Diasporic nature is symbolic of America’s ongoing influence on many nations.”

Written Analysis – Essay Format:

(Worth 30 points)

After you watch the videos, in your written analysis, address the art and artists featured in each video in an essay:

  1. How do each of these artist relate to the idea of Visual Culture?
  2. Did work work of these artist challenge your expectations of the creation and function of art? Give specific examples form the videos.
  3. Can you relate to each of their experiences? If not, why do you think that is? Explain your answers.
  4. How does the art made by each of these artists specifically generate emotions related to pleasure, power, and fantasy.
  5. How does the work of Tanya Aguiñiga relate to humanity and nature, the theme of Chapter 13?
  6. How does the work of Micheal Arcega, relate to the term “Visual Culture?”
  7. Where does this art belong? Think about it for a second. You can literally watch this videos almost anywhere in the world with internet access and experience the power, creativity, and grace of the artists. Sure you can put the remnants of their art pieces within the walls of a museum, but is that the best place for it?

What information would be most critical for the group leader to collect in the first visit? What is the primary goal for group treatment of this patient’s family problem based on US group therapy best practices?

Module 1 discussion

You are a Psychiatrist giving group therapy. Evaluate the following:

Tom is a 16-year-old who comes to you to evaluate his lack of attention because his grades are progressively getting worse. When you ask about stress in his life, he notes that his parents are always fighting, and this upsets him. He believes that they fight more when they have been drinking, and he believes that his father is the heavier drinker of the two, but he cannot quantify either parent’s use.

  • What information would be most critical for the group leader to collect in the first visit?
  • What is the primary goal for group treatment of this patient’s family problem based on US group therapy best practices?
  • Which harm reduction strategies would you recommend?
  • Identify your city. Then refer this patient to three support groups near you that promote positive health outcomes for this patient. What was your rationale for choosing these three agencies?

Define statistics and how are statistics used in decision-making? Describe frequency distribution and how it can be used in decision-making. Describe Mean, Median, and Mode with examples.

Excel Question

  1. Define statistics and how are statistics used in decision-making?
  2. Describe frequency distribution and how it can be used in decision-making.
  3. Describe Mean, Median, and Mode with examples.
  4. Describe Skewness and why it is important.

Research and discuss one healing method using food as medicine from other cultures or religions. Explain what illness is needed to use this healing method, why those who follow the religion or culture believe in it, and if you would be willing to try it. Take a look at your own culture. Are there any foods you use as medicine?

Writing Question

Research and discuss one healing method using food as medicine from other cultures or religions. Explain what illness is needed to use this healing method, why those who follow the religion or culture believe in it, and if you would be willing to try it. Take a look at your own culture. Are there any foods you use as medicine? What practices have your parents, grandparents, or other family members taught you? Do you believe this works? Explain. Your initial response should be a minimum of 500 words.


According to Frankfurter, when constructing federal statutes is it proper for a judge to consider anything in the Congressional Record or Congressional Committee reports to see what the lawmakers said about the law before it was signed into law by the President? Why?

Capstone Seminar for BS in Criminal Justice CJBS 415

1. According to Frankfurter’s guidelines for constructing statutes, why should a judge be extremely reluctant to ever declare any law unconstitutional?

2. According to Frankfurter, when constructing federal statutes is it proper for a judge to consider anything in the Congressional Record or Congressional Committee reports to see what the lawmakers said about the law before it was signed into law by the President? Why?