
Apply 2 sociological or criminological perspectives to a crime topic from the list below.

Apply 2 sociological or criminological perspectives to a crime topic from the list below.
Examine a type of crime or crime issue. Provided detailed background, history, and at least two different perspectives.
Critically read and write about this crime category. Great detail should be included such as previous cases, examples, discussions, etc.  Tell me ALL about the crime category you are choosing then APPLY 2 sociological/criminological theories and explain how those theories would each apply to the crime category.
Provide a detailed overview of each criminological or sociological perspective.

Crime Topic List (Choose One):

Aggravated Assault
Sex Offenses

Conduct a needs assessment for your proposed training program.

Assess the Draft Training Proposal and peer feedback you received in Week Two, and finalize the topic and objectives for your training program. In a 25-slide PowerPoint presentation, not including the title and references slides:

  1. Conduct a needs assessment for your proposed training program. This should include both a person and a task analysis.
  2. Develop SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) training objectives based on the needs assessment and any assumptions you may need to make.
  3. Create an original, detailed training proposal. This should include:
    • A title and description of the program.
    • A discussion of training methods to be used, and a rationale (justification) for using them, based on training theory.
    • Proposed instructors and the reason for using them.
    • A tentative training outline.
    • A tentative list and description of training materials needed.
  4. Develop a plan for evaluation of training effectiveness including both short-term and long-term evaluation where appropriate.

Your presentation must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center. Support your work with cited sources from the textbook and at least four additional scholarly sources

 Write a 600 –750 word literary analysis about the following text:•Lewis Carroll, “Jabberwocky”

 Write a 600 750 word literary analysis about the following text:Lewis Carroll, “Jabberwocky”


Explain Lincoln’s practical and idealistic views regarding ending the Civil War.

Using specific examples and line numbers from both the Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address, explain Lincoln’s practical and idealistic views regarding ending the Civil War.

Describe appearance and personality of your best friend

Describe appearance and personality of your best friend

Write a statement of purpose in accounting and finance

write a statement of purpose in accounting and finance

Write three hypotheses about the relationship you think exists between or among the variables.

Choose a topic covered within communication studies that you might be interested in using for your capstone project.

Read the abstracts of each article. Choose three of your favorites and complete reference worksheets for them. Remember that the purpose of a reference worksheet is to summarize the article content in your own words rather than copying and pasting the information from the article. The only information that may be copied and pasted is the hypotheses.
Make a list of all of the variables that have been included in the hypotheses for your articles. Remember that variables can be independent/grouping variables or dependent/outcome variables. All variables are included in the hypotheses and discussed in the methods section where it lists how they are measured.
Choose five of the variables you identified. Write three hypotheses about the relationship you think exists between or among the variables. You may not use any of the hypotheses included in your published articles so create different combinations of variables. Remember to use the principles we talked about for developing strong hypotheses.
For three of the variables, you identified in your articles and used in your hypotheses, find the original scales that were used to measure those variables (the article from which the scale was taken will be listed in the Methods section under a heading typically called scales, instrument, or measures). This may require you to use the methods section to find the reference and then trace it back to where the original scale came from.
Once you have completed these tasks, you are going to turn in the following as a single Word document (.doc or .docx):

Discuss the Role of History on Social Policy.

Discuss the Role of History on Social Policy.