
Discuss global issues and participation analysis for england.

Discuss global issues and participation analysis for england.

Write a summary of no less than 750 words touching on your thoughts about the film and its connections to restorative justice.

Watch “Beyond Conviction” (available at Milner Library) and write a summary of no less than 750 words touching on your thoughts about the film and its connections to restorative justice.

Discuss the disadvantages of using electronic devices in education.

Discuss the disadvantages of using electronic devices in education.

Explain Ethnic differences in education.

Explain Ethnic differences in education

– out of school factors(home,wider society)

Discuss Night Shift Work and Its Health Effects on Nurses.

Discuss Night Shift Work and Its Health Effects on Nurses.

Write a critical analysis essay on social mobility in education and relate to practice in schools.

Write a critical analysis essay on social mobility in education and relate to practice in schools.

Discuss education and social class from a socialogical presepctive.

Discuss education and social class from a socialogical presepctive.

Tell  about a time you encountered a new idea that challenged what you previously believed or thought.

Honors Courses expose you to challenging new concepts, more than you might find in regular classes. Tell  about a time you encountered a new idea that challenged what you previously believed or thought. What has been your response to that challenge?