
Identify appropriate risk estimate from your study.

Utilizing the question highlighted in the “New Jersey Case Study” doc, write a 1/2 -1 page and

• Identify appropriate risk estimate from your study.
• Interpret appropriate risk estimate from your study.

Evaluate the interrelationship and contribution of human resource management, marketing, production, and finance in meeting business objectives.

Evaluate the interrelationship and contribution of human resource management, marketing, production, and finance in meeting business objectives.

Suggested Approach:
*Briefly define the main function(s) of each department listed above.
*Discuss how the departments work together and support each other to fulfill business goals and objectives.
*In your opinion, which department provides the most valuable contribution to a company’s success? Justify your answer

Discuss any point in the video that affected you the most. Why did this part of the video affect you?

InstructionsThis is the outside website address on Youtube:, the YoutubeShare Link:

1.Latif begins with a story about his travels to Pakistan as a 12yearold boy. What details does he use to describe his appearance as a child? Why does he choose these details

2.How did other people (students, strangers, family) treat Latif after 9/11? Why did they treat him this way? How did he respond?

3.What experience madeLatif feel “so wretched”? Why did he feel this way? What did this experience teach him?

4.What is the point of Latif’s story

5.Discuss any point in the video that affected you the most. Why did this part of the video affect you?

6.Can you relate this story on a personal level because of a similar experience that you encountered where you felt you were treated differently due to race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, education, class or any stereotype?

Discuss how monitoring DALYs may help guide the flow of health-related expenditures, improve the impact of health interventions, advance inclusive health care for diverse aging adult populations, and prepare healthcare providers for serving the health needs of aging adults.

The burden of health conditions across race and ethnicity for aging Americans: Disability-adjusted life years – PubMed (

After reading the article, discuss how monitoring DALYs may help guide the flow of health-related expenditures, improve the impact of health interventions, advance inclusive health care for diverse aging adult populations, and prepare healthcare providers for serving the health needs of aging adults.

Writing requirements:

  • Essay format
  • Minimum 500 words (Not including title page or reference page)
  • Size 12 font, double spaced
  • Citations in APA format

Choose a speech topic appropriate for children ages 5 to 8 then write about it

Choose a speech topic appropriate for children ages 5 to 8 then write about it

What are some ways in which picturebooks rely on design and production elements for their artistic effects and to make meaning?

What are some ways in which picture books rely on design and production elements for their artistic effects and to make meaning? Select 13 works and analyze both visual and verbal elements.

What is a concept book? What is a concept book’s significance to the development and origins of children’s literature? Select 13 works to identify and analyze how and why they are examples of a concept book.

What are the differences between a picture book and an illustrated book? Select 13 works to 1) identify them as a picture book or illustrated book and 2) establish why they are either a picture book or illustrated book.Review “What Is the Difference between an Illustrated [Text] and a Picture Book?” for details on the differences between the two.Fairy Tales

“Original” fairy tales, like those recorded by the Brothers Grimm, often contain violence. Some literary critics and child psychologists believe these tales are good for children because they address children’s real fears, feelings, and desires. Others argue that contemporary “sanitized” fairy tales still convey the main themes of the tales and are far more appropriate for children. What is your stance on this issue and what argument can you make? Use specific reasons and examples from readings assigned in ENG 250 to explain and validate your argument.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines fairy tales as, “any of various short tales having folkloric elements and featuring fantastic or magical events or characters.” Identify and make an argument for how 13 of the fairy tales assigned for reading in ENG 250 align with this definition and the characteristics and elements of fairy tales as discussed in class.

Discuss and make an argument for how “The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods” and “The Master Cat,or Puss in Boots” are examples of either a restoration tale or a rise tale.

Fairy tales often have happilyeverafter endings, while others end in a sad, bittersweet or ambivalent way. What changes when a fairytale ending is unhappy (think about “The Little Match Girl”)? What are some possible motivations in offering tales without happy endings?

What kind of problems do Paul’s letters reveal the churches had? Pick one and discuss how Paul dealt with that problem.

The New Testament generally does not give a sanitized version of church problems (except, perhaps, in Acts). What kind of problems do Paul’s letters reveal the churches had? Pick one and discuss how Paul dealt with that problem.

Discuss your situation, information streams, representational depictions, and Dashboard.

Suggest an imagined work situation where it is important to monitor at least four streams of incoming information simultaneously.  Provide a copy of the existing Dashboard, and demonstrate how your re-design of that Dashboard improves upon the original.  Dashboards should be designed using good design principles and not corporate habit—“this is the way we have always done it at work.”

Design the appropriate information graphic or table for each stream of information.

Create a Dashboard which meaningfully arranges the depictions of your incoming information streams that displays the status of each factor and the whole situation easily and rapidly.

Discuss your situation, information streams, representational depictions, and Dashboard. The narrative should include:

  • A narrative describing your dashboard with instructions of how to look at it, how to interpret it, and what each part and the whole means.
  • A brief description about the situations being monitored.
  • A brief description about why monitoring each information stream is important.
  • A brief description about why you chose the graphic or tabular representation for each input stream


What do these codes of conduct have in commons and how do they apply

Professional Code of Conduct Review information related to the professional code of conduct posted on the websites of several healthcare providers. Some examples of organizations with such websites include the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Pharmaceutical Association (APA), and the ArnericanAurses Association (ANA).

What do these codes of conduct have in commons and how do they apply.