
Former Senator Simpson (R-WY) was the co-chair of President Obama’s bipartisan commission on the national debt. What does he say about the national debt including such issues as Social Security and national defense? What must leaders in Congress do to reduce the burgeoning debt in the United States?

American government

Discuss: Former Senator Simpson (R-WY) was the co-chair of President Obama’s bipartisan commission on the national debt. What does he say about the national debt including such issues as Social Security and national defense? What must leaders in Congress do to reduce the burgeoning debt in the United States? According to the second video, who holds the majority of US debt? Why might the US debt increase in the coming years? What concerns are there with the growing US debt?

Paper Requirements: Your paper must use formal citations (MLA, APA, or Chicago). Research, engage in critical thinking, and cite and reference all sources used. Follow rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation. Your paper must be at least 250 words.

Compare the U.S. Constitution with the Articles of Confederation, describing each system’s governmental structure (see the number and types of “branches”). What were some of the strengths and weaknesses of each system, and, in your opinion, why was the Constitution eventually “chosen” over the Articles?

Introduction to American Government

Overall Directions: You should take approximately 60 minutes for your response to the essay question, and an additional 60 minutes for the identification & short answer sections of the exam. You may consult your textbook while formulating your responses. However, all of your responses to these questions should be your own work. Do not consult with others or share answers. A typical essay response should be about 2 pages in length. A suggested length for the identification and short answer responses would be about a paragraph per item.
*There are 4 sections to this exam. Please complete each of them. * If you do not sign the “academic integrity statement” I will NOT grade your exam responses. This assignment is to be returned to the instructor through the EXAM #1 link no later than 11:59 pm on March 13, 2023. Late exam responses will face a severe penalty during the grading process. I will attempt to post your score for this assignment to the “Grades” tab within one week of the due date.

Section I. Essay Directions:

Write on the following question, explaining your position as thoroughly and as completely as possible, using examples from notes and readings. Use your mind and take your time, in short, be brilliant! (20 total points) Remember that a detailed response is the key to a successful essay answer.

Essay Question: Compare the U.S. Constitution with the Articles of Confederation, describing each system’s governmental structure (see the number and types of “branches”). What were some of the strengths and weaknesses of each system, and, in your opinion, why was the Constitution eventually “chosen” over the Articles?

Section II. Identification:

Directions: Provide a definition for each term, and identify or explain the importance or significance of ten (10) of the following twelve (12) options:
**Remember, tie your answer into the context of this course. (For instance, why do we care about these things in our study of American Government?)** (10 X 5 points = 50 total points)

  • 1. Unitary System vs. Confederal System
  • 2. Concurrent Powers
  • 3. Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists
  • 4. Direct Democracy vs. Representational Democracy
  • 5. Express (or, enumerated) powers vs. implied powers
  • 6. Connecticut(or, Great) Compromise
  • 7. Bill of Rights
  • 8. Philadelphia Convention
  • 9. 3/5ths Compromise (regarding representation in government)
  • 10. Equal Rights Amendment
  • 11. Full Faith and Credit Clause 12. de jure & de facto segregation

Section III. Short Answer:

Answer three (3) of the following four (4) options: Responses should be about a paragraph in length. (10 points each X 3 = 30 total points)

  1. What was the Declaration of Independence? What exactly was it trying to do, and who was it addressed to? (You have a copy of this document in the back of your book).
  2. What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 seek to address?
  3. What has been the impact of the 19th Amendment on voting in America?
  4. What was the impact of the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

Calculate cost of debt and equity as well as weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Apply the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). Develop a capital budget.


Utilize the attached “Excel” template. Outside resources are not allowed, and Citations are not required (use suggested resources in reading). Projects 1-4 worksheets will be uploaded for calculation/comparison purposes if needed.


Your team’s work with Largo Global Inc. (LGI) is nearly complete. In your consulting role, you have recommended steps for improving the company’s financial health. You have offered advice on a revenue target, recommended steps for optimizing operations, and suggested investments that will improve LGI’s competitive position. In your final project, you will continue working on capital budgeting with a focus on the best way for LGI to finance the investments you recommend.

Your Project 5 business report will focus on ensuring LGI’s capital structure is sound and that the company is on a financially sustainable path. You will recommend a plan for financing investments that does not expose LGI to unnecessary risk. By the end of this project, the company’s financial statements should demonstrate that it has returned to a competitive position.

Step 4: Complete the Analysis Calculation for Project 5

Your team has provided you with an Excel workbook containing LGI’s financials. You will use the Project 5 Excel workbook to perform advanced capital budgeting techniques to assess the viability of the investment you made in the previous project.

Complete the analysis calculation for the project:

  • Download the Project 5 Excel Workbook, click the Instructions tab, and read the instructions.
  • Calculate cost of debt and equity as well as weighted average cost of capital (WACC).
  • Apply the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).
  • Develop a capital budget.

What personal characteristics or competencies do you think the individual members of the team should possess? How do these characteristics or competencies contribute to the team’s success?

Organizational Behaviour: Motivation and Group Dynamics

This assignment will allow you to apply concepts of organizational behavior, specific to motivation theories and group dynamics.

Using your experiences and knowledge of a workplace or organization where you have worked, volunteered or are quite familiar, read through and answer the following scenarios and questions.

There are two parts to this assignment. Carefully read the instructions below

Part 1

Motivation describes the energizing forces influencing an effort’s direction, intensity, and persistence. It is a complex interaction between the individual and the environment.
Daniel H. Pink states in his 2009 TedTalk “The Puzzle of Motivation” that the incentives we believe work the best, extrinsic rewards like bonuses or other financial rewards may not motivate employees to think creatively or perform at their best. In fact, he suggests that this extrinsic approach may do more harm than good! Instead, he indicates that employers should consider a new approach, encouraging intrinsic motivation. Daniel Pink (2009) described intrinsic motivation as “… the desire to do things because they matter because we like it, they’re interesting, or part of something important.”

He proposes the three elements of intrinsic motivation in the workplace are:
Autonomy: the urge to direct our own lives

Mastery: the desire to get better and better at something that matters

Purpose: to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves

Answer the following:
Your manager has asked you to design a motivational strategy your organization could use to motivate you. There are no restrictions on what kind of a strategy you may use (theory, model, hybrid of different types); however, financial rewards are limited.
Consider the following questions when designing your strategy.
What do you value? What matters to you?

What resources will you need?

What barriers might you encounter?

Will you incorporate all or some of Pink’s three elements? How?

Part 2
Nelson (2019) defines a team as a type of group that:

is composed of people with complementary skills;

exists to accomplish a goal;

includes members who work interdependently,;

holds each other mutually accountable for their performance.

Answer the following:
Think about a successful team of which you have been a member. What made this team successful? Then, think about an unsuccessful team of which you have been a member.
What made this team unsuccessful? Now, i
imagine you were put in charge of developing a self-managed workplace team that would be working on a year-long project. First, briefly define the project (be concise and clear). Then, answer the questions below.
What personal characteristics or competencies do you think the individual members of the team should possess? How do these characteristics or competencies contribute to the team’s success?

What are the most important norms of behaviour you would want to develop? How do these norms of behaviour contribute to the team’s success?

How would you establish these norms?

How would you avoid some of the common team-related issues like loafing, groupthink, and group polarization?

Step to Complete:
1. Review the information above.

2. Answer the questions corresponding to the parts as described above, using an organization you worked/volunteered at, or know very well as the setting.

3. Submission should be 2-4 pages, APA formatted, not including cover page, reference page or appendix
and provide a Reference Page.

Based on the resources you reviewed, describe two racial or ethnic group health disparities. Explain how social determinants of health can lead to these disparities. What are long-term consequences of these disparities?

Soc 123 Responses

Based on the resources you reviewed, describe two racial or ethnic group health disparities. Explain how social determinants of health can lead to these disparities. What are long-term consequences of these disparities?

Based on the resources you reviewed, describe two racial or ethnic group educational inequalities. What factors contribute to these inequalities? What are long-term consequences of these inequalities for racial groups?

Explain how racial and ethnic inequalities in health and education are examples of institutionalized (or structural) inequalities.

What is the “model minority” image and standard that many Asian Americans are held to in American society? Based on the resources you reviewed, explain why this image is a myth and a stereotype (be sure to address the methodological issues highlighted in the articles). How does this stereotype harm Asian American students?

Describe a colleague in your life, past or present, who had, or has, a particularly strong emotional intelligence. Were they able to balance the analytical needs of the organization or team with their emotional connection with the team? If so, how did they do that, and if not, what impact on the organization or team did that have?

Psychology question

Topic Discussion #3A: Respond to the Podcast in the context of emotional intelligence. How does emotional intelligence impact how you, as a leader, can work to make work engaging for your people? Is that your job? The phrase “what gets measured gets managed” is often used to justify intensity towards quantitative analytics. What problems does that cause?

Topic Discussion #3B: Describe a colleague in your life, past or present, who had, or has, a particularly strong emotional intelligence. Were they able to balance the analytical needs of the organization or team with their emotional connection with the team? If so, how did they do that, and if not, what impact on the organization or team did that have?

Provide one example from your professional life of something that changed and something from your professional life that did NOT change.

Technology, Innovation, and Change


Organizational development requires that the workforce adhere to new changes. Change management is an essential leadership task that will assist employees within the workforce to be open and ready to embrace new techniques and methods that will contribute to the overall improvement of the company. In today’s society, things are always changing due in large part to technology. As companies strive to keep up and stay ahead of the curve, they are prone to rushing into changes that may be ” en vogue” at the moment.


The last 14 months have provided a bizarre and fascinating space for thinking, changing, and adapting. Provide one example from your professional life of something that changed and something from your professional life that did NOT change. These can be examples of procedures, practices, approaches or most anything Provide one (minimum) reference/citation for each change and non-change (two total required). Then, in responses to each other (due by Sunday), challenge each other regarding change! For example, was the change due to COVID? Was the change due to culture from shifts in politics and policy?

Be sure to proofread carefully (Use Grammarly – the premium version! Make sure your writing score is more than 90) and cite your sources (APA 7.0 ed).


  1. Post your 300-400 word answers by Wednesday 11:55 pm to earn a maximum of 14 points.
  2. Offer at least two 200-300 word comments (replies) to posts from your peers’ discussions by Sunday 11:55 pm to earn a maximum of 8 points each.
  3. When using credible academic/scientific sources for your learning engagement (LE), be sure to include a section at the end of your main LE as “personal analysis” to comment based on what you have learned from your textbooks, classes, and previous academic/professional experiences. As an MBA student, your personal analysis is very important to me. You should be able to reach a personal conclusion by summarizing your knowledge and experience in scientific and professional situations.

Evaluate and discuss clinical and business solutions for hospital improvement. Include in your discussion improvement of outcomes, reduction in costs, optimization of payment, and improvement in the overall patient experience.

Evaluate and discuss

Evaluate and discuss clinical and business solutions for hospital improvement. Include in your discussion improvement of outcomes, reduction in costs, optimization of payment, and improvement in the overall patient experience.

Discuss how this book has enabled you to see yourself and the world through a new (different) lens. Specifically, discuss what have you attempted to do differently based on the insights/learning you gained from this book.

Book Report (maximum 6 pages)

Read the assigned book What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 (WIW) by Tina Seelig and submit an six-page report (excluding coversheet and references) following the structure below:

  1. Summarize the book and identify the key takeaways from it. Write 4-6 sentences summary of each chapter and also discuss one key takeaway from each chapter. You should also discuss how the key takeaways resonated with you the most and clearly explain why.
  2. Discuss how this book has enabled you to see yourself and the world through a new (different) lens. Specifically, discuss what have you attempted to do differently based on the insights/learning you gained from this book.
  3. Finally, discuss the results of your self-assessments ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.); (Links to an external site.)) in the context of the entrepreneurial skills highlighted in the book. What skills do you need to develop to achieve your goals that you want to set for the next ten years and what actions do you need to take to develop these skills?

How can the leader promote a healthy nutrition environment? What are behaviors that leaders can demonstrate to lead in this domain? Are there any resources that may be available for the leader to consider to promote a healthy nutrition environment? What innovative or evidenced-based strategies may already exist?

Leader Inspired Nutrition (A Concept Analysis) using the Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) as a Framework

Leaders play a critical role in the success or failure of an organization to accomplish their mission. Leaders depend highly upon the art and science of leadership. ADP 6-22 in Army doctrine defines leadership as the “activity of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.” Leaders within the military must be able to effectively communicate, be mentally adept, agile, and understand the specific requirements to leverage their units at superior strength against multi-domain operational threats. One consistent factor remains is that operational readiness is strategically linked to Warfighters health and performance. Recent national public health reports have highlighted high rates of employee absenteeism related to mental health, lower employee work productivity, and rising employee associated hospital costs related to suboptimal nutrition and lifestyle behaviors. The military population is no exception; there has been an increased focus on human health performance with the introduction of Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F, FM 7-22).

Commonly, leadership discussions often focus on character, competence, context, communication, with less attention given to the leaders’ role in modeling and influencing healthy behaviors within their organization. Optimal nutrition and health of Warfighters within the military population are foundational to organizational effectiveness. Equipping leaders with greater knowledge on how to engage employees on nutrition and healthy lifestyle practices may help to maximize Warfighter health and workplace performance. Emerging evidence suggests positive outcomes on employee health and increased organizational effectiveness when leaders promote healthy behaviors in the workplace.

A new concept of Leader Inspired Nutrition (LIN) is proposed as a domain of leadership that embraces conscious promotion of Warfighter healthy lifestyle as a facilitator for optimal performance and operational readiness. LIN is an innovative approach in which leaders can influence their subordinates, transform their operational environments, and demonstrate investment in the Army’s most prized human capital, its Warfighters. The purpose of this concept paper is to raise awareness and insight of a leader’s potential influence on promoting healthy behaviors within their organizations and provide practical evidence-based guidance for positively engaging with Warfighters to create a healthy work environment. Within the concept paper, we will explore the concept of LIN as it relates to the Nutritional Readiness domain within the H2F model in a military context 2) describe the potential barriers to leaders assisting Warfighters towards optimal healthy lifestyle practices within the workplace 3) identify ways leaders can incorporate LIN in their daily work environment to cultivate a culture of wellness.

LIN is comprised of seven core proposed strategies leaders can use to foster an optimal nutrition and healthy lifestyle within their units: 1) Promote a Healthy Nutrition Environment 2) Model Positive Nutrition Behaviors 3) Assess Economic Factors that Affect Nutrition 4) Assess Nutrition Knowledge 5) Assess Employee Performance 6) Assess Employee Wellness 7) Promote Utilization of Wellness Resources. The following proposed strategies of how leaders can influence and inspire Warfighters through a nutrition-focused approach within their units and organizations will be addressed below.

Note (Model Question Prompts for below categories): author question prompts to address their respective core strategy- ie. How can the leader promote a healthy nutrition environment? What are behaviors that leaders can demonstrate to lead in this domain? Are there any resources that may be available for the leader to consider to promote a healthy nutrition environment? What innovative or evidenced-based strategies may already exist? What is the benefit of a leader promoting a healthy nutrition environment? This is an example motivation question prompt, but please feel free to address as the subject matter expert what may be relevant, important, or innovative from your perspective as you consider the concept of leader inspired nutrition or LIN.

  • Promote a Healthy Nutrition Environment
  • Model Positive Nutrition Behaviors
  • Assess Economic Factors that Affect Nutrition
  • Assess Employee Performance
  • Assess Employee Wellness
  •  Promote Utilization of Wellness
  •  Holistic Health and Fitness (FM 7-21)