
Compare, contrast, and evaluate Plato and Aristotle on Democracy

Prompt: Compare, contrast, and evaluate Plato and Aristotle on Democracy
Democracy. Is democracy really the best regime (as we are likely to think)? Why or why not?

List and describe the six activities project managers should use to closeout a project.

List and describe the six activities project managers should use to closeout a project.
Which activity is most important? Which activity is least important? Can you describe an
activity that should be included?
Your essay should be approximately 400 words.
Be sure to use proper APA punctuation as well as provide research references

Explain some misconceptions about organ donation.

In 150-250 words, address the following:
Euthanasia in the elderly is an extremely controversial topic in America.
Do you believe assisted suicide should be legalized? Why or why not?
How does this correlate with your religious beliefs?
Related to the topic of dying, organ donation is a personal decision where the death of one person can offer some key bodily functions or life to another.
Address the following:
Explain some misconceptions about organ donation.
Why should people donate or not donate their organs?
At what point is a person too old to donate his/her organs?
Provide rationale from course readings to support your answers.

How does retirement affect well-being?

In 300-500 words, address the following:
What are the arguments for and against older people in the labor force?
Are you for or against early retirement? Justify your position based on costs and benefits. For example, what impact does this have on a retiree’s social security benefits? How does retirement affect well-being?
Provide evidence to support your answers.

How do Medicare and Medicaid financially provide for long term care ? Discuss both programs with specifics and include evidence.

In 300-500 words, address the following:
How do Medicare and Medicaid financially provide for long term care (extended/non-acute hospital care)? Discuss both programs with specifics and include evidence.
Review various types of care facilities (at least 3). Describe when people might consider one form of care facility over another and why. Discussions should consider patient needs and factors such as costs, resources, and/or services available for each facility type.

What happens if someone changes their mind?”, discuss what is the process if someone decides to make changes to their document once it has been implemented.

Write a discussion paper regarding health care advanced directives. Choose only ONE of the options below and follow the instructions for that option to complete this assignment.

Option 1: Health Care Power of Attorney and Reflection Paper Instructions
To clarify, you can do a DPOA or a Living Will. The directions may only refer to one at times, but you can do either. The website link has both forms and the assignemnt directions are the same, so it is your choice. Just remember to state which one you did in your paper.
Option 2: Discussion Paper for Health Care Advanced Directives Instructions
The question “How does a Living Will/Advanced Directive and Durable Power of Attorney work?”, means for you to discuss the process to complete and implement a LW/DPOA including info such as who is involved and how are they activated?
For the question “What happens if someone changes their mind?”, discuss what is the process if someone decides to make changes to their document once it has been implemented.

Choose either the Disease model or the Moral model and describe how Mike developed his addiction based on that model.

Review the “CASE of MIKE” in Chapter 5 below and respond the following questions:

  1. Choose either the Disease model or the Moral model and describe how Mike developed his addiction based on that model. This response should be 10 or more sentences.
  2. After reading the article : Starting Where the Client is, discuss how you might utilize the Harm Reduction Approach with this client.  This response should be 5 or more sentences.

In this scenario, a 19-year-old African American male college student has been caught by the university police urinating in public after consuming large amounts of alcohol at a fraternity party. The student, on arrest, became belligerent and physical with the apprehending officers. He spent the evening in jail and was released the next morning. He seemed embarrassed the following morning and did not recall the previous evening’s events. At that point he recognized how he had blacked out because of his use of alcohol. Mike was referred to the judicial committee the following week; he also met with the local district justice for the violation. In this case, he was dually referred for the alcohol and drug assessment.

Mike met for a preassessment with the alcohol and drug staff member to determine his involvement in the campus program. During their preliminary session, Mike disclosed that his first use of alcohol began at age 16 and his current pattern is to drink only on the weekends, from eight to 10 beers at a time. He reported that in high school, he drank minimally and experimented some with marijuana. Mike is a 2nd-year student who has a grade point average of 2.85, which has dropped in the past semester. He reported to the evaluator that his last use of marijuana was minimal, “Maybe a few joints every two or three times a month.” He denied any other chemical use. He did share that he drank minimally in high school because of his father’s alcoholism and his uncle’s death from a heroin overdose.

As presented, Mike reported only one other alcohol violation in high school when he was stopped for possession of alcohol and was, therefore, not able to obtain his driver’s license until age 18. He presented to the evaluator the following data, which will be important for an appropriate referral. Mike appears to have a pattern of drinking, which has increased, and has a developing tolerance to alcohol. He has presented at least two blackout periods during his drinking. In addition he reported a second alcohol consequence and a significant history of alcoholism and drug addiction within the family regarding his father and uncle.

Based upon the different regulatory styles of motivation, identify what level of motivation you feel Michael Phelps was at during the time of his interview and explain why.

Based upon the different regulatory styles of motivation, identify what level of motivation you feel Michael Phelps was at during the time of his interview and explain why.