
Write a case analysis report for two assigned cases.

Case Study Boldly Go: Character Drives Leadership at Providence Healthcare

You will write a case analysis report for two assigned cases. These should each be submitted as a five section document for each case. For this course, please submit five bullet points per section (not narrative here) and do not deviate from this format:

  • Section 1 – Introduction to the Organization
  • Section 2 – Leadership Problems/Issues Facing the Organization
  • Section 3 – Recommendations
  • Section 4 – Metrics or indicators of Success (may be quantitative or qualitative)
  • Section 5 – Anticipated Outcomes The following will be used to evaluate your submissions:

The extent to which you get your points across with concise and precise language

Reasonableness of recommendations, metrics/indicators, and outcomes.


Draw the flow diagrams for for loop and while loop, separately. What does a jump statement do to an iteration statement? What is the difference between a break statement and a continue statement?

Matlab codes quick questions

Read each question carefully. Questions 13 are 10 points each. Question 4 is 20 points. Total 50 points.
For Questions 12, submit your answers in a single MS Word or PDF file. For Question 34, submit the two written script files along with the MS Word or PDF file. Three files should be submitted.
Do NOT submit screenshots.

1. Draw the flow diagrams for for loop and while loop, separately. (10 points)

2. What does a jump statement do to an iteration statement? What is the difference between a break statement and a continue statement? (10 points)

3. The Taylor series for the exponential function ex is given below. Write a script file using the proper iteration statement to read in a number x and calculate its exponential using Taylor series for the first 10 terms. (10 points)

1 + (𝑥^𝑛
𝑛! )


4. Write a script program using a proper loop statement to perform the following tasks: (20 points)
(1) Perdetermine a random integer (rand_int) between [09] by the program (hint: use randi() ).

(2) Let the user guess a number (number) entered from the keyboard to be compared with the random integer (rand_int).

(3) If the value of number matches the value of rand_int, the program should display a message Bingo! The guessing is stopped by the program. and terminate.

(4) If the two values of number and rand_int are not matched, the program should ask whether the user wants to keep guessing by displaying Wrong guessing… try again?.

(5) To continue guessing, a character ‘Y’ or ‘y’ should be entered from the keyboard; to stop guessing, a character ‘N’ or ‘n’ should be entered, and display The guessing is stopped by the user..

(Carefully examine through our inclass examples and exercises. Understand which loop should be used, which condition should be used for logical evaluation, and what the order of different commands should be within the loop. When you see specific keywords, e.g. keep, stop, terminate, continue, etc., know what iteration statement with jump statements should be used. Try making modifications to inclass demos to construct the program.)

How can the transparency of price, quality, and safety change the way a consumer selects health care choices?

Discussion question

  • How can the transparency of price, quality, and safety change the way a consumer selects health care choices? Cite a current example of transparency in the health care industry. When it comes down to the transparency In the price , quality and safety brings impact customers in various ways . They are- Informed choices- patient and their families can make informed choices while selecting any health care plan or hospital.
  • How do consumer decisions affect leadership decisions and organizational directions? easy-to-understand formats (Families USA, 2014).”Consumer decisions affect leadership and decisions and organizational directions by taking charge of their healthcare in a new way. Readily accessible data and information allow patients to have open dialogues with their doctors about diagnosis and treatment options (Santilli & Vogenberg, 2015). A example that I am going to use is how consumer decisions are affecting healthcare leadership decisions and organizational directions is the rise of value-based care. Value-based programs reward health care providers with incentive payments for quality of care they give to people with Medicare, while reducing costs by aligning reimbursement with quality of care and patient outcomes (Porter & Lee, 2013). investing in care coordination, prevention, and population health management (Berwick et al., 2018)

Reference :

Berwick, D. M., Nolan, T. W., & Whittington, J. (2018). The triple aim: care, health, and cost. Health affairs, 27(3), 759-769.

Santilli, J., & Vogenberg, F. R. (2015).

Porter, M. E., & Lee, T. H. (2013). The strategy that will fix healthcare. Harvard business review, 91(10), 50-70.

  • Provide in-text citations from no fewer than 3 scholarly sources for this reply to support your perspective on this issue.
  • Provide a complete properly formatted reference list at the end of the post.

List and describe 5 advantages and disadvantages of virtualization.


1) Read Virtualization Essentials –

2) List and describe 5 advantages and disadvantages of virtualization.

Do you believe the primary focus of planning should be developing and implementing the best strategy (i.e., risk management) that aligns with the organizational leader’s succession planning goals? If so, how do you go about doing this? If not, what is the primary focus of succession planning?

Mentoring in the work place

-How do you serve as a coach and/or mentor (formally or informally)? Have you ever had a coach and/or mentor? Reflect upon the experience through the lens of organizational leadership. If you’ve not had such an experience, describe what you may do to engage in coaching and/or mentoring.

-As you consider the importance of organizational learning, describe how and why leaders should integrate succession planning into an organization.

-Do you believe the primary focus of planning should be developing and implementing the best strategy (i.e., risk management) that aligns with the organizational leader’s succession planning goals? If so, how do you go about doing this? If not, what is the primary focus of succession planning?

Discussion Question # 1: Do patients at HCCI have the same expectations as far as care and personal touch go as their patients in India? What does it mean from a task-shifting standpoint?

Discussion Question # 1:

Do patients at HCCI have the same expectations as far as care and personal touch go as their patients in India? What does it mean from a task-shifting standpoint?

Post an explanation for how you think the cost-benefit analysis in terms of legislators being reelected affected efforts to repeal/replace the ACA. Explain how analyses of the voters views may affect decisions by legislative leaders in recommending or positioning national policies.


Regardless of political affiliation, individuals often grow concerned when considering perceived competing interests of government and their impact on topics of interest to them. The realm of healthcare is no different. Some people feel that local, state, and federal policies and legislation can be either helped or hindered by interests other than the benefit to society.

Consider for example that the number one job of a legislator is to be reelected. Cost can be measured in votes as well as dollars. Thus, it is important to consider the legislator’s perspective on either promoting or not promoting a certain initiative in the political landscape.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on efforts to repeal/replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
  • Consider who benefits the most when policy is developed and in the context of policy implementation.


Post an explanation for how you think the cost-benefit analysis in terms of legislators being reelected affected efforts to repeal/replace the ACA. Then, explain how analyses of the voters views may affect decisions by legislative leaders in recommending or positioning national policies (e.g., Congress’ decisions impacting Medicare or Medicaid). Remember, the number one job of a legislator is to be re-elected. Check your discussion grading rubric to ensure your responses meet the criteria.

Why do you want to become a nurse and how will any scholarship funds help you get to graduate?

Scholarship Essay Topic

Why do you want to become a nurse and how will any scholarship funds help you get to graduate?

Pick a culture that you strongly identify with. Bring in an object that represents that culture. you can create Powerpoint slides for the video. Create an outline that organizes your thoughts and main points into a coherent speech.

CST110 Informative speech on culture


1: Pick a culture that you strongly identify with.(think about your nationality, your religion, the region where you grew up or organizations of which you are a member)

2:Bring in an object that represents that culture. you can create Powerpoint slides for the video.

3: Create an outline that organizes your thoughts and main points into a coherent speech.

4: References

Start with a line that draws us into the story, a hook. Then, give us the pertinent details of where, who and what was happening. Set the foundation for the conflict and stakes. Who were you before this event happened?

METAMORPHOSIS: A solo story of transformation

Time: 5 min

This is a 5 min personal story of your choosing, that tells us about a personal transformation that you went through. Choose an event in your life that changed your life in some significant way. When you think about this event, you should think “After that happened I was never the same” or “My life has been different in some significant way since that happened.”

This is a personal story, so not a story of someone else. Center it on your experience.

The structure of the story should follow a basic Narrative Structure.

1. Intro: Start with a line that draws us into the story, a hook. Then, give us the pertinent details of where, who and what was happening. Set the foundation for the conflict and stakes. Who were you before this event happened?

2. Rising Action: Build up to what happened. Build the conflict and stakes. What do you have to lose?

3. Climax/ turning point: The Event that changed you, and you lost something, or gained something, or both. You were changed in some way.

4. Falling action: How were you changed? What happened after, and how you were transformed?

5. Conclusion: What have you learned since this event? What can we learn from this transformation? End with a final line or two that leave an impact on the audience.