
How do government and non-profit organizations fund their operations? Explain and provide examples.

What is covered in the three paragraphs of the typical audit opinion letter? Why?
What is government financial condition? What is the major source for information about financial condition?
What are the major classes of ratio analysis? What can we learn from each class?
What types of comparisons should be made with ratios? What are the advantages and disadvatages of each?
Do traditional solvency ratios adequately address financial condition analysis concerns?
What are debt burden measures and how are they used? Provide two examples and explain.
How do government and non-profit organizations fund their operations? Explain and provide examples.

What is the difference between SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19?

a. What is SARS-CoV-2?
1) Describe the virus and its structure.
2) Describe how it infects and replicates in the body (consider ACE and/or how viruses use host machinery to replicate themselves)?
3) What is the difference between SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19?
4) Is it the same as the flu? Why or why not?
b. Transmission:
1) What does transmission mean with regard to infectious diseases?
2) What is/are the route(s) of transmission for coronavirus?
3) What does the term transmission rate (R0, pronounced “R naught”) mean in epidemiology?
4) Compare R0 for coronavirus with that of other common illnesses (for example, influenza, measles, polio, Ebola) and explain what this means about how transmissible coronavirus is compared to other diseases.
5) What are the best ways to prevent transmission of coronavirus?
6) Additional resources may be found at
c. Where did coronavirus come from?
1) What is meant by host species of a virus?
2) What is a zoonotic disease?
3) How are they spread?
4) What is spillover?
5) Define reservoir, host, and intermediate host in regard to zoonotic diseases.
6) What do scientists think are the most likely reservoirs or intermediate hosts for coronavirus? Do scientists know for sure?
7) How could humans increase the likelihood of zoonotic disease transmission to humans?
d. COVID-19 Treatment
1) Are there any FDA-approved medical treatments for COVID-19 (i.e., ones that are not in the experimental or clinical trials stages but have been “proven” effective)?
2) What are some of the possible medical treatments that are being considered?
e. COVID-19 Vaccines
1) What vaccines have been approved for the prevention of COVID-19? What vaccines are in clinical trials?
2) Describe the technology underlying these vaccines (for example, virus, viral vector, DNA-based, RNA-based, etc.) and how that type of vaccine works.

Analyze and discuss how women, blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans, were impacted by the Depression and New Deal.

Analyze and discuss how women, blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans, were impacted by the Depression and New Deal.

To what extent have conditions for women changed?

To what extent have conditions for women changed?

Using an OOP language involving multiple objects, design a Snake game that allows users to control the movement of a snake on a screen, to get points for eating food and avoiding running into the walls or the growing tail of the snake itself. In developing the game ensure you use the best software development practice. Finally, implement, test and debug the game.

Exploring the ways survey design can affect the results of the survey.

Exploring the ways survey design can affect the results of the survey.


Differentiate how advanced registered nurse roles relate to and collaborate with different areas of nursing practice.

Differentiate how advanced registered nurse roles relate to and collaborate with different areas of nursing practice.

How could healthcare reforms affect the future of healthcare?

How could healthcare reforms affect the future of healthcare?

How do nursing organizations view the role of the professional nurse within the context of healthcare reform?

How can you advocate for quality healthcare in your current area of nursing?

Discuss ways in which a person’s education, gender, language, and relationships, among other things, can help shape his or her identity.

Discuss ways in which a person’s education, gender, language, and relationships, among other things, can help shape his or her identity. Write an essay that explains which factors have the greatest influence in shaping a person’s identity.