
Explain the relationship between the methodology used and the research question that was asked in each study. Include each research question and the methodology of each study (quantitative or qualitative).

Human Trafficking

In this journal assignment, think about each of the research articles you found in the Project Prep assignment in Module One. You will later add to this research for Milestone Two. Why do you think the researchers in each of your articles decided to use the methodology they chose? What about each research question might imply that this methodology is best? Note that you have researched on the same research topic that represents both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, so when assessing each study, you may wish to consider the effectiveness of the opposite methodology. For example, if you have a quantitative research study, you may want to consider how the study could have benefitted from qualitative research. Complete each step for both studies.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Relationship Between Methodology and Question:
Explain the relationship between the methodology used and the research question that was asked in each study. Include each research question and the methodology of each study (quantitative or qualitative).
Evaluation of Methodology Selection: Evaluate how successful each methodology choice was answering the research question asked.

Identify the elements of negligence and apply them to a scenario that you create involving an injured student in the playground. Identify two defenses to negligence and explain how they could be applied to the scenario described in #1 above.

Torts: Negligence, Intentional, Defamation

Write a 3-5 page paper in which you provide specific rationales for the following scenarios. The paper should have at least three references and all APA guidelines are to be followed.

A minimum of three references are to be used and remember to follow all APA guidelines (7th edition).

Book: Legal Rights of School Leaders, Teachers, & Students 8th edition- McCarthy M., Eckes, S., Decker, J. (Should be included as 1 of the references)

1. Identify the elements of negligence and apply them to a scenario that you create involving an injured student in the playground.

2. Identify two defenses to negligence and explain how they could be applied to the scenario described in #1 above.

3. Individuals can receive damages for written or spoken injury to their reputations. How do defamation cases differ between public and private figures?

Think about the last time you needed to work in a small group. What was it you were supposed to do, a project, an activity, plan an event, solve a problem, etc.? Was the end result of your working together productive or unproductive? Why do you think this was so?

Group Leadership Discussion

Think about the last time you needed to work in a small group. What was it you were supposed to do, a project, an activity, plan an event, solve a problem, etc.? Was the end result of your working together productive or unproductive? Why do you think this was so? Were you the leader of the group? If not, could you tell who the group leader was? How? Did the direction the group took in terms of completing the task align with how you thought the task should be completed? Why or why not?

In one paragraph, evaluate how your assessment promotes Learning & Innovation Skills, assess how it could be used as a tool for ongoing evaluation of student progress, and evaluate how it could be used as a guide for teacher and student decision making.

Education & Teaching Question

Content Expectations

The Redesign expectations explain what you are required to do with the prior coursework you choose to redesign. The Summary expectations are for the separate written portion of this assignment.

  • Redesign – Alignment and Mastery (1 Point): Redesign an instructional plan with assessment plans embedded throughout, or a full assessment plan as noted above including a summative assessment that could be selected to include alignment between specific skills, CCSS, and objectives and includes criteria for mastery.
  • Redesign – Learning and Innovation Skills (1 Point): Redesign an instructional plan with assessment plans embedded throughout, or a full assessment plan as noted above including a summative assessment that could be selected to include specific learning and innovation skills

Links to an external site. from either/each of; creativity and innovationLinks to an external site., critical thinking and problem solvingLinks to an external site., and/or communication and collaboration

  • Links to an external site..
  • Summary – Introduction/Conclusion (1 Point): A one paragraph introduction to a summary that concisely presents the scope and organization of the summary writing, as well as a one paragraph conclusion that recaps your summary’s key points.
  • Summary – Modification (2 Points): In one paragraph summarize the changes you made to your activity to meet the redesign expectations for this assignment. Explicitly state how your redesign assignment provides evidence of mastery of at least two PLO’s from your master’s program.
  • Summary – Evaluation (2 Points): In one paragraph, evaluate how your assessment promotes Learning & Innovation Skills, assess how it could be used as a tool for ongoing evaluation of student progress, and evaluate how it could be used as a guide for teacher and student decision making.
  • Summary – Reflection (1 Point): Summarize, in one paragraph, your experience with the redesign in terms of challenges you encountered and how you overcame those challenges.

Explain (in your own words) what you believe the concept “Manifest Destiny” is about, especially in terms of racial formation in the U.S. How was “Manifest Destiny” operationalized into action against Native Americans and Mexicans in the West?

Discussion: Manifest Destiny

This week we take a closer look at the histories of Native Americans and Mexicans in what is now the Western United States in our readings and videos. Additionally, we read and see the concept of “Manifest Destiny“, which is what this post will focus on in relation to the actions of the United States White population versus both Native Americans and Mexicans.

In this discussion post please make sure to answer the following 4 prompts:

  • Explain (in your own words) what you believe the concept “Manifest Destiny” is about, especially in terms of racial formation in the U.S.
  • How was “Manifest Destiny” operationalized into action against Native Americans and Mexicans in the West?
  • What types of resistance did we see from both Native American and Mexicans?
  • What stood out to you on a personal level from this week’s readings, videos and images?

Some useful links

Provide the molecular diagrams for the following molecules/ions. Indicate their bond orders HOMO and LUMO and magnetism (diamagnetic/paramagnetic). B2 Cr NO NO* NO-

Inorganic chem

Provide the molecular diagrams for the following molecules/ions. Indicate their bond orders HOMO and LUMO and magnetism (diamagnetic/paramagnetic).
B2  Cr   NO  NO*   NO-

Based on the video, describe what have you learned about Asahi DC in Australia in terms of: a. How an ASRS operates. b. The benefits of Asahi’s ASRS. c. The challenges of an ASRS.

Video Review – Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems (ASRS)

Watch the video: Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems (ASRS)

Links to an external site.

Copy the following questions on a MS-Word document, answer them, save the file in PDF format and upload it:

Based on the video, describe what have you learned about Asahi DC in Australia in terms of:

  • a. How an ASRS operates.
  • b. The benefits of Asahi’s ASRS.
  • c. The challenges of an ASRS.

It is highly recommended that you perform additional online research about ASRS in order to enhance your answers to the questions above. List your additional references used.

The process of forecasting new products is difficult. Why? How can new products be forecast? Explain how forecasting relates to having an efficient supply chain.

Discussion question

The process of forecasting new products is difficult. Why? How can new products be forecast? Explain how forecasting relates to having an efficient supply chain.

Parameters: Include certain requirements for the satisfactory completion of the discussion. It must include directions for word length, citations, and both an initial response and peer responses (where appropriate).

– Initial Response – 300 to 350 words

– Minimum 1 reference should be cited in initial response

Looking at the online website, how would you suggest that the issues requiring revision are corrected based on what you have learned in the class so far?

Human Computer Inter & Usability Writing question Usability Journal

Each day, we use the Internet on our personal computers and mobile devices to access information and purchase goods. Websites often have their own mobile form factor while others maintain the same Website user experience, creating challenges when trying to use navigation, overcome errors, search, and complete the most mundane tasks. For this assignment, you are to review a website as well as a Mobile Site. For example, you would evaluate on Microsoft Edge (PC) and on your iPhone using Safari. Conducting a heuristic evaluation (self-evaluation), you will write an assessment on each Website answering the following questions:

  1. What Website did you evaluate?
  2. What industry does the company participate in?
  3. Looking at the online website, address three issues that require revision? For each issue, please provide a screenshot and explicitly mark why you feel this issue is problematic.
  4. Looking at the online website, how would you suggest that the issues requiring revision are corrected based on what you have learned in the class so far?
  5. Moving to the mobile site, compare those same three features. Did you find the user experience to be problematic or better suited for the mobile form factor?
  6. With the mobile site, how would you enhance the experience for those same issues you found on the Website to be problematic.

This paper length is 4 -6 pages. Since this is a personal review of a website, sources are not necessary. However, you are still to follow the APA format in presenting the paper.

How did Jefferson’s racial ideas about indigenous people and Black people serve his dream of an agrarian republic? Why did Jefferson imagine a republican future for indigenous people but not Black people?

Jefferson and Race

Reading: Hollitz, John, Thinking Through the Past, Volume One: to 1877, Fifth Edition (Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning, 2015), Chapter Six, “Ideas in History: Race in Jefferson’s Republic,” linked earlier in module.

Problem: More than any of this country’s founding figures, Thomas Jefferson illustrates the central paradox of early American history: that slaveholders could wage a revolution and create a republic in the name of equality. This reading aims to explain that paradox by making connections between Jefferson’s views on race and his theories about republican society.

Setting: This section explains Jefferson as a product of the Enlightenment and gives background on the environment in which Jefferson developed his views on race and republicanism.

Investigation: Your main job in this paper is to understand Jefferson’s ideology regarding American society, how his views on Black people and indigenous people differed, and how the main essay’s argument connects these two sets of views. How were Jefferson’s views regarding Black people and Native Americans connected to his plans for and fears regarding republican society? Why was Jefferson able to imagine a republican future for indigenous people but not Black people?

Source 1 argues that Jefferson’s racial views cannot be understood apart from his republican ideology. Takaki believes that Jefferson believed the moral purity needed to uphold a republic required a homogeneous population of virtuous (self-restrained), independent (landowning) men, which he postulated that indigenous and Black people could not fulfill.

Source 2: reveals Jefferson’s views on the differences between Black people and indigenous people. Jefferson fancied himself an enlightened thinker, but he reveals himself to be a terrible, terrible excuse for a scientist.

Sources 3-8 deal with indigenous people. Do Sources 3 and 4 suggest that the United States is adhering to treaty terms? How much does the letter of Source 5 support the idea that Jefferson’s racial views influenced his policies toward indigenous groups? To what extent does the treaty in Source 6 reflect Jefferson’s ideas about indigenous people and his ideas in Source 5? What impact did Jeffersonian policies have on indigenous people, according to Source 7? What familiar rhetoric does Tecumseh use to mobilize indigenous resistance in Source 8?

Sources 9-12 deal with Black people. How is Jefferson’s colonization plan in Source 9 influenced by his views on Black people? What might Jefferson say about the arguments for and against emancipation in Source 10? To what extent did republican ideals influence the author of

Source 11? Compare the author of Source 12’s reasoning about Black inferiority to Jefferson’s reasoning on the same subject.

Paper Topic: Write a paper around two pages long (500 words or more) answering the central question for this assignment: How did Jefferson’s racial ideas about indigenous people and Black people serve his dream of an agrarian republic? Why did Jefferson imagine a republican future for indigenous people but not Black people?

Students should not take Jefferson at his word, but rather assume that his racial views are NOT a genuine reflection of serious study. Instead, think what Jefferson wanted for the United States, and consider how Jefferson’s racial views served his ideas on the preservation of republican society. What did Jefferson gain from each racial group, in reality, and in his imagination of what they were capable of? Be as specific as you can. DO NOT USE OUTSIDE SOURCES. PLEASE DOUBLE-SPACE.