
Discuss and explain the symbolic significance of the concept of “doubleness” or “pairness” in the short story titled “A Pair of Tickets” by Amy Tan.

Discuss and explain the symbolic significance of the concept of “doubleness” or “pairness” in the short story titled “A Pair of Tickets” by Amy Tan. What do you, personally, find interesting or uninteresting about this story? Explain.

Use at least two secondary sources for your documented essay. Use the MLA Style of documentation, keyed to a Works Cited page of not less than three sources.

What is the difference between ascribed status and achieved status? Name a few of your achieved and ascribe statuses

Make sure you are going in as much detail as possible when submitting your reading responses. All answers should include examples and references to illustrate your understanding of class material.
Click on this link and read chapter 5 only

Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World

1) What is the difference between ascribed status and achieved status? Name a few of your achieved and ascribe statuses

2) What is a social group? Which social groups are you a part of?

3) What are the social institutions of society?

4) Explain why societies became more unequal in terms of gender and wealth as they developed and become larger. (In textbook)

5) How do our roles shape our social interaction?

6) What is impression management? Have you ever used impression management? How?

7) If you were in charge of our society, what socialization practice would you most try to change to help improve our society? Explain your answer.

What are the agents of socialization? Which socialization agents influence you the most? How?

1) Do you agree that effective socialization is necessary for an individual to be fully human? Could this assumption imply that children with severe developmental disabilities, who cannot undergo effective socialization, are not fully human?

2) Do you know anyone with negative views in regard to race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religious preference? If so, how do you think this person acquired these views?

3) Explain the looking glass self theory. Do you believe this correctly explains the socialization process for kids?

4) What are the agents of socialization? Which socialization agents influence you the most? How?

5) How is the media responsible for socialization?

6) Briefly describe one example of how peers influenced you or someone you know in a way that you now regard as negative.

7) What is the hidden curriculum? Do you agree that there is a hidden curriculum in secondary schools? Explain your answer.

8) How long does the socialization process last? Does it ever end? Why or why not?

9) Compared to when you were in high school, has your behavior generally improved, worsened, or stayed about the same? How do you think your behavior might change 10 years from now?

10) What are total institutions? Do you know anyone who has spent time in a total institution of any kind? If so, describe how this person’s experience there changed the person to the best of your knowledge.

Of the American presidents who held office between 1896 and 1945, which one did the most to define American foreign policy in the twentieth century?

Of the American presidents who held office between 1896 and 1945, which one did the most to define American foreign policy in the twentieth century? Explain your answer, noting the ways in which this president expanded the role of the United States as a world power.

There are one hundred possible points on this project. In your essay, you should:

  • Describe the president’s policies toward Europe and Latin America, as well as Asia and Africa if applicable. (15 points possible)
  • Summarize the major events in American foreign policy during the president’s time in office. (15 points possible)
  • Analyze the president’s goals in foreign relations. (15 points possible)
  • Evaluate the president’s accomplishments in foreign relations. (15 points possible)
  • Explain why the president’s policies were most important in helping the United States develop as a world power. (15 points possible)
  • Use essay format. Follow the introduction-body paragraphs-concluding paragraph style. Your paper should read smoothly, and your word choice should reflect your ideas and beliefs. (10 points possible)
  • Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. (5 points possible)

Which individual was most important in the civil rights movement? Discuss the person’s contributions, as well as the impact the person had. Why was this person’s role central to the civil rights movement?

There are one hundred possible points on this project. In your essay, you should:

  • Explain the person’s attitudes and beliefs about civil rights. (15 points possible)
  • Analyze the strategies and tactics the person used in support of civil rights. (15 points possible)
  • Summarize the events in which the person was involved. (15 points possible)
  • Explain the impact of the person’s role in the civil rights movement. (15 points possible)
  • Explain why this person’s contributions to the civil rights movement were most important. (15 points possible)
  • Use essay format. Follow the introduction-body paragraphs-concluding paragraph style. Your paper should read smoothly, and your word choice should reflect your ideas and beliefs. (10 points possible)

Discuss African Americans and housing discrimination.

Discuss African Americans and housing discrimination.

Is there moral justification for a human right to democracy?

Is there moral justification for a human right to democracy?

Discuss and define cultural and generational work force diversity.

Dolly Mae Decan, a 62-year-old nurse has worked on the mother-baby unit for 40 years. Dolly Mae is timely, respectful of clients, administrators, and peers, plus she performs excellent care.  Dolly Mae works hard, works fast, and is extremely dedicated to the unit. If she is called by the nurse manager and requested to work an extra shift, she always willing complies.

Sarah Smith, a 26-year-old nurse was recently hired to the mother-baby unit. Sarah works hard and provides quality care; however, Dolly Mae often notices Sarah challenging the charge nurse and or the nurse manager on decisions that they have made. Sarah has refused all three times she was asked to work an extra shift to cover for a sick colleague.

To make matters worse, Abby Delrue, a 22-year-old, was also recently hired, and Dolly Mae and the other “seasoned” nurses must constantly provide direction, and deadlines for Abby to complete her work. Many of these “seasoned “nurses are becoming frustrated as they feel they are required to do the majority of the unit work.

1) Discuss Conflict resolution strategies.

2) Discuss and define cultural and generational work force diversity

3) Discuss how culture affects communication.

4) How does Meta Communication impact conflict?

5) How can conflict be resolved?

6) Using the case presented – what impact does “conflict” have on the following develop examples:

How does interprofessional communication impact conflict?

A nursing case study: The following case study illustrates an oncology setting at a hospital. The nursing team is composed of a Nurse Manager nurse who is in charge of the unit and 11 staff nurses. There are five experienced registered nurses who have worked in the service for about 9 years, and six new registered nurses. Although it seems that staff nurses and the Nurse Manager work together in perfect harmony, conflict occurs between them. An excess of authority and power on the part of the leader (Nurse Manager) appears to be the main source of conflict in the service. However, no member of the nursing staff seeks to bring up this uncomfortable situation, as they are concerned about losing their job or making matters worse.

1) Define and Identify Conflict Resolution Strategies.

2) Develop strategies for the nurse to use in this situation.

3) Is Avoidance an effective conflict resolution technique- why or why not?

4) Why do nurses use avoidance?

5) How does interprofessional communication impact conflict?

6) Using the case presented- what impact does “conflict” have on the following concepts, develop examples:

Indicate whether each question is best assessed by using a confidence interval or a hypothesis test.

Two of the variables in this data set are the weight of the vehicle and the city miles per gallon. We wish to test whether there is statistically significant evidence of a negative correlation between weight and city mpg. A randomization distribution based on the data is shown below.
(a) (3 points) Write the null and alternative hypotheses.
(b) (3 points) What is the correct notation for the sample statistic?
(c) (4 points) Which of the following sample statistics would give statistically signifi cant evidence at the α = 0.05 level for the alternative hypothesis? (-0.75, -0.4, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.75)

2. (15 points) Some researchers were interested in whether the antidepressant drug de sipramine reduces the likelihood of relapse among cocaine addicts who are actively trying to quit. 48 subjects were randomly assigned to either a fixed daily dose of desipramine or a fixed daily dose of a placebo. After six months, it was determined whether or not the subject relapsed. At the conclusion of the study, the researchers looked to see if the proportion of the desipramine group who relapsed was significantly lower that the proportion of the placebo group. In parts (a) through (c) below, give a formal decision (reject H0 or fail to reject H0) for the test using a significance level of α = 0.05.
(a) (2 points) The p-value was 0.023.
(b) (2 points) The p-value was 0.503.
(c) (2 points) The p-value was 0.001.
(d) (3 points) Which of the p-values in parts (a) through (c) provides the strongest evidence for the alternative hypothesis?
(e) (3 points) Which of the p-values in parts (a) through (c) provides the weakest evidence for the alternative hypothesis?
(f) (3 points) How do your formal decisions change in parts (a) through (c) change if the researchers make their conclusions using a significance level of α = 0.01?

3. (12 points) Indicate whether each question is best assessed by using a confidence interval or a hypothesis test. For a hypothesis test, write hypotheses and use correct parameter notation. For a confidence interval, write the correct notation for the parameter that we are trying to estimate. You do not need to define the parameter.
(a) (3 points) Is there a difference between the mean number of hours spent watching TV per week by full-time female college students and the mean number of hours spent watching TV per week by full-time male students?
(b) (3 points) What is the mean time for getting through the intersection of Pleasant Valley Road and Riverside Drive in East Austin?
(c) (3 points) Is the proportion of women who have at least one tattoo different from the proportion of men who have at least one tattoo?
(d) (3 points) What percent of US adults support the death penalty?

4. (6 points) We have data from a random sample of elementary statistics students at a large college. We are interested in whether the mean SAT math score for all elementary statistics students at this college is different than the national average of 527 (the 527 is a parameter).
(a) (3 points) State the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses.
(b) (3 points) I computed a 95% confidence interval for the mean SAT math score from the data: [602.188, 616.532]. What is the conclusion in context of the hypothesis test at the α = 0.05 level? Explain how you arrived at your answer. (I do not want a novel. A sentence or two will suffice.)

5. (6 points) Say researchers are interested in scores on the math portion of the SAT for a particular school. For each graph of side-by-side dotplots, indicate which of the two samples shows stronger evidence that the mean is less than 500. If they show about the same strength of evidence, indicate that.6. (6 points) The Gallup organization surveyed 1100 adult Americans in 2002 and con ducted an independent survey of 1100 adult Americans in 2014. In both surveys they asked the following question: “Right now, do you think the state of moral values in the country as a whole is getting better or worse?”Researchers were interested in whether the proportion of all adult Americans who would respond “yes”changed between 2002 and 2014.
(a) (3 points) Write the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses.
(b) (3 points) The researchers report: “the test of a difference in proportions results in a p-value of 0.00022.”Do you think this provides sufficient evidence that the proportion of Americans who would respond “yes”to the question changed between 2002 and 2014 or do you think our observed difference occurred just by chance? Provide a short explanation.

Do hospitalist physicians improve the quality of inpatient care delivery?

Do hospitalist physicians improve the quality of inpatient care delivery? A systematic review of process, efficiency and outcome measures. BMC Medicine, 9(58).