
Analyze the conclusions reached by the researchers in your final project article and compare them to the conclusions of the reference article for your selected study.

In this worksheet activity, you will need to analyze the conclusions reached by the researchers in your final project article and compare them to the conclusions of the reference article for your selected study. This reference article will be a similar study in some way to the one you chose for your Primary Article in the Final Project Article List. You will also need explain how the study you have analyzed contributes to scientific literature and speculate about further investigations that might take place because of this research.

To complete this assignment, complete the following steps:

  1. Review the article you selected for the final project.
  2. Review the reference article for your selected final project article.
  3. Download and complete this Module Six Worksheet document. Compare your final project article to the reference article that you analyzed in the Module Four worksheet activity. Address the following topics through the worksheet questions below:
  • Purpose, research question, and hypothesis
  • Research methods
  • Key findings
  • Major conclusions

Write about why the gender pay gap exists and why women in sports should be paid equally compared to their male counterparts.

Write about why the gender pay gap exists and why women in sports should be paid equally compared to their male counterparts.

What are the challenges to single fathers in college raising children?

What are the challenges to single fathers in college raising children?

What lessons do you think this video can teach us about doing qualitative field research? How could you compensate for this weakness?

Watch the video
Were you surprised by the results? What lessons do you think this video can teach us about doing qualitative field research? How could you compensate for this weakness?

What company is responsible for the transportation of the commodity to other countries?

Here is the link for the chapters –

Questions to consider:


What commodity did you choose?

Where is it produced?

What company produces it?

Who owns this company/corporation?

How much does it cost to produce this commodity?

What do workers earn for their labor to produce this commodity?


What company is responsible for the transportation of the commodity to other countries?

How is transportation organized?

Is there a separated company responsible for packing the commodity? Where is it located? Who owns that?


Who buys and consumes this commodity?

How much does it cost?

How often do people (let’s say you) buy this commodity?

Explain how substance abuse affects families.

Explain how substance abuse affects families.

What Makes a Good Public Speaker?

What Makes a Good Public Speaker?

Name two examples of regional IGOs. Why might regional IGOs be more effective channels of interaction between states than global IGOs?

  • Name two examples of regional IGOs. Why might regional IGOs be more effective channels of interaction between states than global IGOs? Provide a rationale for your response.
  • One key criticism of global civil society is that it is not representative. What do critics mean when they suggest this? Do you agree or disagree with this claim? Why

Write one short summary paragraph about what you learned specifically from the peer-reviewed scholarly resources in relation to your chosen issue and the sociology of family. (150 word max.)

Write one short summary paragraph about what you learned specifically from the peer-reviewed scholarly resources in relation to your chosen issue and the sociology of family. (150 word max.)

Prepare a paper or presentation over a gene, protein, pathway, treatment, phenomenon, etc., that has been experimentally shown to be associated with cancer.

Prepare a paper or presentation over a gene, protein, pathway, treatment,phenomenon, etc., that has been experimentally shown to be associated with cancer.