
Discuss Marriage-An institute of Oppression from the book Lihaaf.

Discuss Marriage-An institute of Oppression from the book Lihaaf.

What influence did the concepts and techniques being used during the Italian Renaissance have on art in Northern Europe?

How did this influence the art being made in Northern Europe at that time? Be specific.
What influence did the concepts and techniques being used during the Italian Renaissance have on art in Northern Europe? Be specific.
1 paragraph, 5-7 sentences for each picture
Use references and intext citations from links below:

Describe one or two drug–drug or drug–food interactions for the selected agent.


1. List specific goals for treatment for R. S.

2. What dietary and lifestyle changes would you recommend for R. S.?

3. What drug therapy would you prescribe? Why?

4. What is the goal for the FPG? Postprandial glucose? HbA1c?

5. Discuss specific education for R. S. based on the prescribed therapy.

6. List one or two adverse reactions for the therapy selected that would cause you to change the therapy.

7. If the HbA1c after 3 months on the prescribed therapy is 8.8%, what would be the next line of therapy?

8. What over-the-counter or herbal medicines might be appropriate for R. S.?

9. Describe one or two drug–drug or drug–food interactions for the selected agent.

Explain the relationship between entrepreneurial marketing and traditional marketing.

Explain the relationship between entrepreneurial marketing and traditional marketing. How can an entrepreneur use one to their advantage in relation to the chosen target market?

Explain the goal of the NGO and its organizational vision.

Explain the goal of the NGO and its organizational vision.

Propose and present a new social media marketing campaign for a well-known brand:

Propose and present a new social media marketing campaign for a well-known brand:

  • What steps would you take?
  • What platforms would you use and why?
  • How would you assess whether or not you were successful?
  • How would you need to modify your pitch to be effective in social media?

Be sure to include the skills needed from management to launch as well as marketing skills needed.

Discuss one example where simulation technology could be beneficial for nursing or for patient care.

1. a. Discuss one example where simulation technology could be beneficial for nursing or for patient care.

b. Explain your rationale.

2. In addition, discuss two strategies you could implement to ensure the confidentiality and protection of patient health information at your facility.

In what ways did the Market Revolution bring about economic and social change in the United States in the period from 1800-1860?

  1. In what ways did the Market Revolution bring about economic and social change in the United States in the period from 1800-1860?
  2. Jacksonian Democrats viewed themselves as the guardians of the United States Constitution, political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of opportunity. To what extent do you agree with the Jacksonians’ view of themselves? Defend your answer using specific evidence.
  3. Analyze the contributions of TWO of the following in helping establish a stable government after the adoption of the Constitution: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington.

Explain the difference between formative and summative assessment and name an example of each.

  1. Where can student reasoning be facilitated to more advanced levels through interaction with more capable others (peers or teachers)?_proximal development___________
  2. What type of assessment makes use of portfolios and exhibitions? ___summative_________
  3. What type of assessment is designed to compare and rank students in relation to one another?____________
  4. What is the term for test score data that is broken down by group (grade level, gender, ethnicity, etc.)?____________
  5. What is the term used for a plan to increase school performance?____________
  6. Which learning theory bases student motivation to learn on external rewards?____________
  7. What is the procedure that helps teachers determine whether their individual test questions are too easy or overly difficult?_____________
  8. Which learning theory’s fundamental goal is to change society rather than explain it?____________
  9. Which type of research is sometimes referred to as “Eduneering.”____________
  10. Which tool can increase the reliability of scoring on certain assessments?_____________
  11. Short Answer (Respond to each of the following questions with a few sentences. Please use your own words.  (3 pts. each, 15 pts. Total)
  12. Explain the difference between formative and summative assessment and name an example of each.
  13. What was the No Child Left Behind Program and why was it considered a flawed policy?
  14. Explain the significance of reliability and validity in testing.
  15. Look at the test item below. Is it well- designed?  Explain why or why not.

The Stanford Binet Test yields an

  1. IQ score
  2. Reading level.
  3. Vocational preference
  4. Mechanical aptitude
  5. Look at the question below.  Is it well-designed?  Explain why or why not?

T/F  Siberia is believed to have a cold climate.

  • Essay: Chose one of the following three questions and write an essay response (approximately 3-5 paragraphs), drawing on information from the readings, power point presentations and videos.  (25 pts.)
  1. We have been studying best practices for teachers in designing assessments.  If you were a teacher getting ready to plan for the next semester, what kinds of assessments would you use in your classroom?  Explain why these assessment approaches you have chosen are the most appropriate for your students and the subject you teach?  Be sure to include the following in your response:
  2. How will you make use of the 7 key concepts when designing assessments?
  3. How will you make sure your tests are fair and unbiased?
  4. Be sure to discuss some different forms and types of assessments in your response.
  5. We have been learning about data-based decision making at the school level. You are a principal who would like to increase the amount of parent participation at your school.  Explain how you can use data to increase parental involvement.  What type of data will you use?  Be sure to discuss the following in your response:
  6. Why is data important for decision making?
  7. How you will take this data through the 5-step process (as outlined in the article by Flowers and Carpenter).
  8. We have been discussing Learning Sciences and its relation to theory. What is LS and how is it different from traditional experimental research on learning?  On which learning theories is LS based, and what are its limitations for schools and communities?  Be sure to include the following in your response:

a.The role of contexts and settings such as classrooms and community centers.

  1. An example of one LS experiment discussed in the article/in class.

Explain and provide an example of how the a firm might gain economies of scope without gaining economies of scale.

1) Explain the relative advantages and disadvantages of each of the following:

a.) time-series and cross-section studies for estimating cost functions in the short run and long run.
b.) using a polynomial cost function compared with a power function for a long-run analysis.

2) Explain and provide an example of how the a firm might gain economies of scope without gaining economies of scale.