
Describe the purpose of a risk assessment , risk scope and identify critical areas for an assessment..

You have been hired as a security consultant to secure the network of a Fortune 500 company.

1. Describe the purpose of a risk assessment , risk scope and identify critical areas for an assessment..

2. Select risk assessment methodology and give your rationale behind the one you chose.

Write a memo to your manager giving your thoughts on how this should be handled by the client.

You are an intern in a CPA firm. Your manager walks into your cubicle and says, “One of our clients is thinking about investing in a company. He wants to know how he should account for this investment. Be prepared to discuss it with the client tomorrow.”

Write a memo to your manager giving your thoughts on how this should be handled by the client.

The situation is the following:

Company F purchased 40% of the outstanding stock of company K on June 30, 20XX.
Both of the companies have a December 31st, year end.
Company K is a publicly traded company and reports its net income to company F.
Company K also pays a hefty dividend to the shareholders of company F.
How should company F report the above facts on its December 31, 20XX balance sheet and income statementWrite a memo to your manager giving your thoughts on how this should be handled by the client.?
Support your answer.

Present Confucius with two reasons that Creon is not guilty. Write one paragraph about each reason.

Imagine that Creon is put on trial for causing Antigone’s suicide. Confucius is the judge who must decide the king’s fate. You are the prosecution. Present Confucius with two reasons that Creon is guilty. Write one paragraph about each reason.

Now, imagine that you are Creon’s defense lawyer. Present Confucius with two reasons that Creon is not guilty. Write one paragraph about each reason.

Finally, in one paragraph tell Confucius’ verdict, giving one reason justifying his decision.


Discuss the modes of adaptation as presented by Robert K. Merton. What are people adapting to according to Merton?

1.What are some things Admin can do to create that enviornment. .GST

2. What are the foundations of social disorganization theory? Please discuss the nature of the concentric zones and the legacy of Shaw and McKay.

3. What are the foundations of social process theory? Please discuss differential association theory? What concepts were added by Akers and Burgess for Differential Reinforcement Theory?
4. The most successful strain theory is General Strain Theory (GST) by Robert Agnew. What are the sources of strain described by Agnew and how do they move a person toward deviant behavior?

 According to the reading, how might we describe architectural ghosts and the afterlife?

According to the reading, how might we describe architectural ghosts and the afterlife?
– What is the di erence between ghosts that haunt and those that are stranded in place.
– What are the qualities of a haunting?
Do structures absorb and retain the memory of events that take place within them?
– Do these memories assert themselves when subject to a new context.
– Consider the definition of transcendence.
– Buildings could be subject to destructive and devastating experiences. Do
such deeds transcend time and materials.

What is the Stroll n’ Scroll Method, what’s the valueof the method? Howmight it change our understanding of the areas weinhabit?

Use your thoughts on the lecture to respond to the following questions. Upload your assignment as a PDF file to your google drive with the following naming convention: Last name_IARC 399E_Lecture Series_02Link to Lecture Recording:

1.What is the Stroll n’ Scroll Method, what’s the valueof the method? Howmight it change our understanding of the areas weinhabit?

2.How do we support our main streets now? What helpsprovide strength?

What is a decision tree and describe how it is used in relation to expected monetary value analysis?

What is a decision tree and describe how it is used in relation to expected monetary
value analysis?
Your essay should be approximately 400 words.
Be sure to use proper APA punctuation as well as provide research references

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the methods used?

Reflect on this week’s lecture on, Reinforced Concrete Technologies and Future.
a. As we have been learning, reinforced concrete is a very versatile and durable building material. You will be researching a building method/technology involving reinforced concrete.
b. Find one scholarly article on the topic of reinforced concrete technologies. For reference, you can use reading 03-04 as an example of a scholarly article.
a. Prefabrication
b. Robotics
c. Inflatable Formwork
d. Textiles as Formwork
e. Others?
c. On Brightspace I have created a discussion post for Homework 08. The first person to create a thread will create the thread based on one of the topics listed above. The rest of you will respond to these threads so that we have a class collection of these different concrete technologies.
(That topic would be on Robotics)
d. Your post should be 500-1000 words and you should be sure to post at least one picture of the process.
e. Describe the process.
f. What are the advantages/disadvantages of the methods used?
g. Include sources/citations at the bottom of your post.

Describe Economics of donor engagement behaviour and preferences

Describe Economics of donor engagement behaviour and preferences

Discuss strategy analysis of mobile sector in Saudi Arabia STC and Mobily