
Describe the art piece by performing a formal analysis.

Describe the art piece by performing a formal analysis.
Use this art piece:

How should Mr. Wrong have recorded the transaction? What are the ethical aspects of Mr. Wrong’s action?

Mr. Right and Mr. Wrong own an antique store in a partnership. They share profits and losses equally and receive an annual salary of $50,000, as per the partnership agreement. Mr. Right travels the country buying antiques. Mr. Wrong manages the store. From time to time, they use some of the small items from the store merchandise for personal use. Mr. Wrong’s daughter is getting married, and she loves an antique piece that costs $5,000. Mr. Wrong makes the following entry on the books to record the transaction:

Debit Credit

Cost of goods sold$5,000


How should Mr. Wrong have recorded the transaction?
What are the ethical aspects of Mr. Wrong’s action?

Mr. White (invested $20,000) and Mr. Black (invested $10,000) are in a partnership to run a marketing firm. They share profits and losses in the ratio of 2:1, which is also the ratio of their initial investment in the business. Mr. White manages the office but Mr. Black gets all of the contracts for the firm. It is his high profile that gets the contracts for the firm. At the end of the year, the firm has reported net income of $300,000, which was allocated in the ratio of 2:1, ($200,000 for Mr. White, and $100,000 for Mr. Black). On Dec 31, 20XX, Mr. White’s capital balance was $150,000 and Mr. Black’s capital balance was $100,000. Mr. White has withdrawn more cash from the business than his partner Mr. Black.

On Jan 15th, Mr. White discovered that the net income for the previous year was understated by $60,000. Mr. Black tells Mr. White that this net income of $60,000 should be shared in the proportion of their current capital balances. (Mr. White = 150,000/$250,000 = 60% = $36,000; Mr. Black = $100,000/$250,000 = 40% = $24,000). But Mr. White feels that the additional income should be shared in the ratio of 2:1 ($60,000 x 2/3 = $40,000 Mr. White; $60,000 x 1/3 = $20,000 Mr. Black). Who is correct? Why?

GAAP rules are clear about when a company needs to consolidate or not, but companies tend to find loopholes to circumvent this rule. GAAP clearly indicates that consolidated financial statements are “usually necessary for a fair presentation when one of the companies in the group directly or indirectly has a controlling financial interest in other companies: the usual condition for a controlling financial interest is ownership of a majority voting interest.”

Controlling financial interest means to own more/greater than 50% of the voting stock of another company.

Because of this “greater than 50% of the voting stock,” some of the companies have taken advantage of the criterion, causing serious problems in the business world. Companies were destroyed and with it, employees lost their jobs, their pensions, and 401Ks. So FASB had to make changes to GAAP for consolidations and issued new guidelines.

As a student of accounting, you must know these rules.Research and discuss the new guidelines issued by GAAP for consolidating entities.
Give an example of a company that was involved in this kind of unethical behavior.

Analyze the gender-related topic using related theories, course materials, and additional scholarly sources.

1. Select at least 2 news articles/reports related to the topic. Provide a brief description of the topic and each of the 2 news sources. Include the source, date of publication, and other identifying details in the References section.
2. Next, evaluate the way that gender is depicted in the news articles/sources. How do the sources relate to the topic of gender in society?
3. Analyze the gender-related topic using related theories, course materials, and/or additional scholarly sources. For example, what do the news stories tell us about sexism in society, the social construction of gender, masculinity, femininity, gender roles, inequality, etc.?
4. Compare and contrast the 2 news stories, addressing similarities and differences in the articles/videos in their discussion on gender.

How do you intend to make an impact during the next several years of your education

At Cornell, students and alumni share a desire to positively impact the organizations and communities they serve. How do you intend to make an impact during the next several years of your education and/or career? (350 words maximum)

Explain why same sex couples should be allowed to adopt.

Explain why same sex couples should be allowed to adopt.

In what ways has the readings and class discussions changed your views about life in general and refugees and internal displacement in particular?

In what ways has the readings and class discussions changed your views about life in general and refugees and internal displacement in particular?
How has this class expanded your global understanding and critical/reflective thinking and analysis skills?
What have you learned about protection, ethics, rights, and the larger system?
Have the reading and class discussions inspired you in any way? Made you react in ways that surprised you.

Describe how older adults use technology. What are the most common forms of technology used by older adults? What percentage of older adults use these different types of technology?

Describe how older adults use technology. What are the most common forms of technology used by older adults? What percentage of older adults use these different types of technology?
Describe how technology use varies by sociodemographic characteristics of older adults (e.g., age, gender, education, urban versus rural area, etc.).
Describe how FOUR different forms of technology (e.g., APPs, tablets, virtual reality, electronic medical records, etc) have helped to improve health or social outcomes of older adults.
Describe the potential positive and negative effects of technology on health and social outcomes.
Describe key barriers to technology use in older adults. What can be done to solve these barriers?
Describe approaches or policies that could be implemented to improve access to technology in older adults.

Write a research proposal to study one aspect of early childhood development (i

Write a research proposal to study one aspect of early childhood development (in the UK)

Include hypothesis, research method, and design, procedure, method of data collection, and recording. Explain any ethical issues arising from the research and how they would be dealt with.

To what extent are cholinesterase inhibitors effective in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease?

Write an essay that answers the question: To what extent are cholinesterase inhibitors effective in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease? Define/explain Alzheimer’s disease. Then, define/explain all types of cholinesterase inhibitors that are used to treat Alzheimer’s while also explaining whether or not they are an effective treatment.

How does credit rating affect the rate given to the issuer? Explain your answer.

Understanding how to properly value a vanilla bond (a plain bond) is essential for finance. Using the following Web site, find 3 different funding structures. Describe for each structure: security type, term, and yield. Furthermore, take a look at each of their offering documents, and provide a short description of the information found in the documentation.

Why do the different types of bonds get different rates? Explain your answer.
What makes each of the different structures different? Explain your answer.
What does the rate given say about the credit rating for each issuer? Explain your answer.
How does credit rating affect the rate given to the issuer? Explain your answer.
Which structure has the best credit rating based on the yield given to each structure? Explain your answer.
What is the credit rating supposed to tell you? Explain your answer.
Which bond is receiving the best price? Explain your answer.
Why does having a good credit rating matter to the issuer? Explain your answer.