
Discuss how images and sound in the media have changed the cultural landscape of values in society over the years.

Discuss how images and sound in the media have changed the cultural landscape of values in society over the years.

How does your insight about Helga’s life during the Harlem Renaissance translate to help you see new things, or see familiar things in new ways, in the world we live in today?

Identify and explain a specific insight you gained from reading Nella Larsen’s novel about how gender intersects with race and socioeconomic class in ways that impact people’s treatment, opportunities, or sense of self? What is the author trying to get the reader to see and understand? How does your insight about Helga’s life during the Harlem Renaissance translate to help you see new things, or see familiar things in new ways, in the world we live in today?

What are some of the types of bias, and how might bias distort data reporting?

Surveys such as the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) are based on sound research principles such as with randomized sampling, high response rates, and other systems to reduce bias.

What are some of the types of bias, and how might bias distort data reporting?

How can Tide utilize marketing research techniques to assess their brand image?

Tide is facing increased competition in the laundry detergent market. In addition, Tide is concerned that its brand image might not be as strong compared to previous years. How can Tide utilize marketing research techniques to assess their brand image? Also, how can Tide use these techniques to test potential marketing strategies?

Is Capitalism really on its way out? Do you think that the system will continue in a slightly altered form in order to sustain itself or are we moving towards something different?

Is Capitalism really on its way out? Do you think that the system will continue in a slightly altered form in order to sustain itself or are we moving towards something different? Is this economic arrangement somehow intrinsic to human beings or is it possible for something else to develop? How likely do you think this kind of evolution might be?

Choose two theories and apply them to the ethical decision making process of your agent.

The paper will be a three to five page paper taking an ethical issue and applying the different positions to it to see what the different stances would be. The goal is to see how well you can apply what we have seen to specific situations.

The easiest way to structure the paper is in four paragraphs (may be more, but at least these elements presented): An intro which spells out the case to be considered, identifying the moral agent (who is making a choice about the issue); an explanation of what the agent would say is right if they were acting according to one of the theories; an explanation of what the agent would say is right if they were acting according to another of the theories; and finally, what do you think is the ethical thing for the agent to do and why.Establish a specific case (the more specific, the better …do not write about euthanasia; write about Grandpa Joe and his living will).
Determine who the moral agent is.
Choose two theories and apply them to the ethical decision making process of your agent.
What do you think the agent ought to do and why?

Discuss the evolution of post-truth from the era of All The President’s Men to ours shown in The Social Dilemma.

What is post-truth? Explain and exemplify the concept. Discuss the evolution of post-truth from the era of All The President’s Men to ours shown in The Social Dilemma. How has technology and social media contributed to that evolution? What challenges does our current era pose to the pursuit of truth? How do we use critical thinking skills to overcome those challenges? Or can we?

Carefully analyze the Court’s decisions in the specifically identified cases, as well as the additional cases dealing with the Exclusionary Rule found in the casebook;

Based on the limitations imposed on law enforcement agencies by the Fourth Amendment(as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court), and the capabilities available to law enforcement officers via Drone technology:

1. carefully analyze the Court’s decisions in the specifically identified cases, as well as the additional cases dealing with the Exclusionary Rule found in the casebook;

2. briefly, very briefly summarize the most significant legal issues on each side of the debate

([a] should law enforcement agencies be able to utilize Drone technology without a warrant, or

[b]should a warrant be required prior to law enforcement’s use of such devices,and why?). (in your analysis,carefully consider the issue as to whether Drones are similar or dissimilar to the other forms of “aircraft”discussed in the cases);

3. CONCLUSION: based on your research, and based on the previous holdings of the U.S. Supreme Court in Search and Seizure cases, which side of Drone issue represents the stronger position in light the Supreme Court’s rulings in cases dealing with the Search and Seizure issues? Justify your conclusion with careful analysis and rational, logical reasoning; and

4. ̈as to the Conclusion, merely stating that both sides have strong and essentially equal positions is not an acceptable outcome–you must articulately adopt one side of the issue, providing rational justification,supported by legal reasoning,for that conclusion. A failure to reach adefinitive conclusion on one side or the other of the issue,will result in a markedly lower grade for this paper

Explain Financial limitation to accessing post-secondary education.

Explain Financial limitation to accessing post-secondary education.