
write a report summarizing the presentation and how it relates to the sports tourism industry.

Review the presentation by Roxann Favors uploaded under Module 4. There are audio recordings in the bottom right corner of every slide with her speaking about the content on the slide. You will write a (minimum 500 words) report summarizing the presentation and how it relates to the sports tourism industry.

Explain why reading critically is so important to a person’s educational goals.

What main steps do you take to read a text critically? Be sure to explain them.
Explain why reading critically is so important to a person’s educational goals.

Discuss The Astronomical Significance of Gobekli Tepe.

Discuss The Astronomical Significance of Gobekli Tepe

Paragraph 1: Describe the temple. Give its location, the date it was constructed, what it contains, its dimensions, what it is made of, etc. (In this paragraph, include only the facts regarding the physical attributes of the structure.) Include these words: circular, pillar, weight, height, limestone

Paragraph 2: Describe what the researchers think the temple was used for, what the temple’s symbols may represent, what event or events the symbols may have depicted, etc. (In this paragraph, include only the researchers’ ideas and constructs. Do NOT include why the researchers proposed their hypothesis. Simply state what they think they have found.) Include these words: observatory, meteor, carving, asterism

Paragraph 3: Describe the evidence the researchers point to that supports their hypothesis. Focus on the astronomical evidence. Why do the researchers think their ideas are plausible ones? (This is where you will explain briefly the researchers’ reasons for making their assertions.) How did the astronomical event affect human history? Include these words: comet, computer, Younger Dryas, Greenland

Discuss  NASW Code of Ethics

Discuss  NASW Code of Ethics

What was the role of information technology at Deutsche Bank?

Read “Business Problem-Solving Case: Did Information Systems Cause Deutsche Bank to Stumble?” on pages 35-36 of your text and answer the following:

What was the role of information technology at Deutsche Bank?
How was IT related to the bank’s operational efficiency, decision-making capability, and business strategy?
Was Deutsche Bank using technology effectively to pursue its business strategy? Explain your answer.

What are some of the major impacts of this case on same-sex couples?

A core component of a well-functioning democratic society is having leaders who will be bound by ethical decision-making.

Within your paper – keeping in mind and evaluating the ethical merits of the decision – you should address the arguments in support of and in opposition to the decision. What evidence is there that lends credence to each side of the argument? Finally, this decision will inevitably have political implications. What are those implications, and how do those realities enhance your understanding of how politics works? You must draw a conclusion and justify your position.

Paper Guidelines:
• Between 1,000-1,250 words in the body of the paper (does not include cover page or references)
• Minimum of 5 academic sources, included at the end of the paper in a works cited page
• Paper must conform to the APA style format (see Purdue OWL for formatting)
o No abstracts
o Section headings are optional
Same-Sex Marriage
o Evaluate and discuss the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, in which the Court held that, based on the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, states cannot prohibit same-sex couples from getting married.
o Read the majority and dissenting opinions of the Court.
o What are some of the major impacts of this case on same-sex couples?
o The dissenters from the decision – including the Chief Justice, John Roberts – argued that it was inappropriate for the Court to circumvent the democratic process. Is this correct? Would it have been better for individual states to make the decision regarding same-sex marriage, or is the majority correct, that the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment protects all in the area of marriage?
o NOTE: One source MUST BE the Supreme Court’s opinion.

What was the significance of the Conflict of the Orders in the development of the Roman Republic and in subsequent Western social and political history? Why does it matter?

• What was the significance of the Conflict of the Orders in the development of the Roman Republic and in subsequent Western social and political history? Why does it matter?

– What were the major issues in what historians call the Conflict [or Struggle] of the Orders in the early history of the Roman Republic?
– How did the plebeians resist patrician domination? [Put another way, how did the seemingly powerless majority group resist the domination of the powerful minority group?]
– What political rights did the plebeians gain in this conflict?
– How did these gains give them more power in the Republic?
– What are the larger implications of the outcome of this Conflict?

Discuss ancient Greece The spartans were they heroes or villains?

Discuss ancient Greece The spartans were they heroes or villains?

What are the attributes of the learning organization and how does it align the complex adaptive healthcare system?

What are the attributes of the learning organization and how does it align (or support) the complex adaptive healthcare system? What leadership styles are inherent in learning organizations that may not be totally supported in a traditional organizational culture? Using the cultural assessment you did a few weeks ago, how does your current organizational culture and climate align with the learning organizational attributes? What other information might you need before you could make that determination? Where would you obtain it? How does your philosophy of leadership and personal leadership profile align to the attributes of the learning organization? What is the role of the nurse leader in leading and creating a shift toward becoming a learning organization?

What are the implications for your healthcare system for developing services or programs that might address some of the gaps?

Conduct a mini-community health assessment of the area served by the healthcare system for which you work. Describe the services and programs related to the social determinants of health (SDOH) provided by your institution. Identify which ones are being addressed through other agencies.
Reflect on the areas of population health within your community that are not being fully addressed by available services. Which SDOH are not being fully addressed by available services through your organization or other community agencies.
What are the implications for your healthcare system for developing services or programs that might address some of the gaps? What role would you have in developing coalitions or partnerships within your community to achieve these goals?