
Write a 1000-word paper that analyzes and compares Kentucky Fried Chicken ( KFC) , Popeye’s, and Chick-fil-A websites.

Using the 3-step writing process, write a 1000-word paper that analyzes and compares Kentucky Fried Chicken ( KFC) , Popeye’s, and Chick-fil-A websites. Your paper should identify the target audience of each website and discuss which website does the best job of presenting information to its audience. Explain why.

What are the important differences between visual representation and picturing?​

1. What are the important differences between visual representation and picturing?​

2. Assuming that painters engage in imitation, Plato observes that you can make images of “yourself and the other animals, manufactured items, plants, and everything else” by holding up a mirror. What is the relationship between the mirror image and what it shows? Does Plato’s point demonstrate that the ability to make pictures is a trivial accomplishment?​

3. An architect is designing a building. Why does the architect construct a three-dimensional model of the building as a supplement to a series of drawings of it? How does the activity of model building suggest ways in which picturing is a unique mode of visual representation? Architects frequently use so-called “3D” computer software to create simulated movement through their designs. To what degree can these videos replace three-dimensional models?​

4. Choose a visual artwork that pictures a recognizable subject. Explain the difference between accounting for this relationship in terms of recognitional and in terms of experiential resemblance. ​

For this question, choose a painting or non-photograph depicting something from every day life, such as a still life of fruit, flowers, or other collection of items, or a landscape, seascape, or city scape. How does your experience of the painting differ from looking what is being shown in real life?

5. Does an artist’s intention to portray one person rather than another impose a standard of correctness for interpretation of the resulting portrait? Are paintings and photographs different in this respect?​

6. Are there any artworks that lack historically emergent properties, such that their appreciation does not require knowledge of the work’s historical origins? As a test of this idea, select several examples of visual art and then decide whether their meanings would change if they came from different cultures or were created in different historical eras.
Some good historical artworks to choose from might be:
Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emmanuel Leutz
Liberty Leading the People by Eugene Delacroix
The Raft of the Medusa by Theodore Gericault
The Death of Marat by Jacque-Louis David
The Bulls and the Bears by William Hobrook Beard
The Death of General Wolfe by Benjamin West

Should all art and music be judged by the same criteria? In other words, should we use the same criteria that we might use to critique an opera singer be the same as for a hip hop artist?

Can you think of any ways in which Kant’s belief that true beauty must be completely separated from utilitarian function may have harmed the way art history has been written? (Prof. Domenic is going to giving you hints in class but be sure to do some follow up research on those hints).

Conversely, is there any way in which this view may help the arts in general? (Again, Prof. Domenic will give you some prompts to follow up on).

Following Hume’s belief that some of us have better taste than others, can you think of ways in which this may have helped or harmed art history?

Should all art and music be judged by the same criteria? In other words, should we use the same criteria that we might use to critique an opera singer be the same as for a hip hop artist? Should we judge a painting by Picasso the same as we would a painting by Leonardo da Vinci?

Can you think of some instances where it might be more important for a work of art to not be beautiful? What would those be? Can you think of a work of art that is not beautiful, but because of the message it conveys, it is considered to be important?

If you were “King or Queen” of the world, how would you fix healthcare in the U.S.

  1. Why do you think the U.S. health care system lags so far behind the world in terms of money spent vs. health care outcomes.
  2. If you were “King or Queen” of the world, how would you fix healthcare in the U.S.

Provide specific information describing how you meet the essential requirements in the job description

Provide specific information describing how you meet the essential requirements in the job description / person specification for this position.

How do these practices compare with “traditional” media such as painting, sculpture, and drawing? What are your feelings about these “alternative” art forms?

Alternative Media: Conceptually Speaking
Conceptual art concentrates on ideas, and artists who create installations consciously arrange an environment for the viewer to engage with. These types of artworks celebrate the perceptions and understanding of those who respond to them as much as the skills of the artists who made them. In your three-paragraph discussion on conceptual art and alternative media, focus on the following:

How do these practices compare with “traditional” media such as painting, sculpture, and drawing? What are your feelings about these “alternative” art forms?
How are these different from “traditional” art forms?
Which, if any, artworks from this chapter do you have trouble understanding? Why?
Which, if any, do you find refreshing or inspiring? Why?
Have you experienced being the viewer or participant in any of these alternative art forms? If so, which, and what was your experience like? If not, would you like to view or participate in any of these art forms? Why or why not?

What are examples of internal and external revenue sources for sport tourism organizations?

1. What are examples of internal and external revenue sources for sport tourism organizations?

2. What are the different types of fees/charges used by sport tourism organizations as revenue streams?

3. What are the various pricing strategies available to sport tourism service providers?

4. What are the steps to secure sport tourism event sponsorships?

5. What are bonds, and how are they used in the sport tourism system?

Identify and then discuss one or two types of analysis that you find most interesting – and that you think could shed meaningful light on works of art and readings that you will be exploring this semester.

  • Identify and then discuss one or two types of analysis that you find most interesting – and that you think could shed meaningful light on works of art and readings that you will be exploring this semester.
    • Make sure to discuss why you chose the type(s) of analysis that you selected.
  • Identify and then discuss one or two themes that you are most interested in exploring, and that you think will provide a useful framework for your virtual exhibition.
    • Make sure to discuss why you chose the specific theme(s) that you chose.

What is the bioevolutionary view of art?

Philosophy of Art
Assignment Two: Ellen Dissanayake: Homo Aestheticus and More Human Than Human

For this assignment, I want you to answer the following questions in essay form and include a cover page in APA style. I don’t care if you use APA style throughout the paper, but all content must be your own original thoughts. This is tricky….. consider these questions carefully in 2 pages of text. If you do quote any sources, you must cite them and use a reference page

As we have seen and read in Ellen Dissanayake’s work, this author believes that human beings evolved to create art. After listening to her speak and reading her work, answer these following questions:

What is the bioevolutionary view of art?

Why do you think human beings began creating art?

What does art do for human beings?

If a culture creates objects that might be considered art by Western definitions, but they do not have a word for art in their own language, are we wrong to call what they do art?

Dissanayake states that humans have a need to “make special” and to
play.” We can do this through visual and the performing arts. How do art, play, and ritual intersect to “make special?”

Can you think of an example of human behavior that could be defined as combining ritual, play and art – such as Mardi Gras? Describe it.

Write a synopsis of each scene, linking the two together and explaining what they illustrate about French politics.

Choose one of the two films on French politics, either ‘Au revoir les enfants’ (Goodbye Children)’ or ‘ La bataille d’Alger and choose TWO SCENES from the film that best reflect the dilemmas of French politics at the time.

Write a synopsis of each scene, linking the two together and explaining what they illustrate about French politics.