
Is corruption of a language possible? Is this a real threat to English?

*You need to have these two (2) books for this assignment: Images of English: Cultural History of the Language (2009) by Richard W. Bailey and English as a Global Language by David Crystal.*

Based on your opinion, experience, reading, and reflection, is English being corrupted by forces such as email and texting language habits, or by the influence of pop culture or of other languages, such as maybe Spanish, or even others? Is corruption of a language possible? Is this a real threat to English? (Do not underestimate the subtlety and complexity of this question.)

What does the Japanese American Citizens League aspire to accomplish with their proposal that the language used to represent the Japanese internment in the United States during WWII should not involve euphemisms.

Read Chapter 12 in Everything’s an Argument pp. 286–317
Read “From The Power of Words” by the Japanese American Citizens League, pp. 667–76

What does the Japanese American Citizens League aspire to accomplish with their proposal that the language used to represent the Japanese internment in the United States during WWII should not involve euphemisms. Respond to this prompt with at least a paragraph and respond to the post of at least one other student.

Explain the problems confronting the Constitutional Convention in 1787, how they were addressed, and the role of God in the creation of the Constitution.

  1. Explain the problems confronting the Constitutional Convention in 1787, how they were addressed, and the role of God in the creation of the Constitution.
  2. Barton gives a number of examples of scriptural references in the Constitution regarding governance. Name any two governing principles, give the complete text of the applicable scripture verse, and explain how this principle does or does not work in practice today.
  3. Barton gives four examples of political issues, based on the Ten Commandments, which receive God’s highest priority. Select any one political issue and discuss how it is either in or out of compliance with God’s law.
  4. According to Barton’s presentation, the government should not be involved in meeting the needs of the poor. Cite a verse in the Bible that instructs us how to help the poor.  Give an example of how this works in your community.  Compare the work of charities, the church, or your own activities to a government service that serves the poor in your community.  Who provides a better outcome to the recipient?

Examine its impact at the time it was written, at the height of the Civil Rights movement, or through the lens of current affairs.

You will be writing an argument essay using Letter from a Birmingham Jail. You will argue whether or not Martin Luther King’s overall argument in the letter was effective or not effective. You may approach your claim any way you choose. (i.e., you can examine its impact at the time it was written, at the height of the Civil Rights movement, or through the lens of current affairs. You must use the text and two to three other sources.

Compare and contrast the key points made in each article about the role of the DNP and Ph.D. prepared scholars.

Compare and contrast the key points about the role of the DNP and Ph.D. prepared scholars. What did you learn about the two advanced degrees? Why is the DNP degree the best fit for you at this time?

What has been the driving force for you to pursue a higher education?

What has been the driving force for you to pursue a higher education? What are your passions and how do you plan to ensure you follow them?

How does this question fit within the subject area of “(higher) education, civic engagement, and democracy”?

The research topic is why civic classes should, for the "democratic project", be mandatory. You will write a 1 1/2 – 2-page research proposal that poses a narrowed, research-based research question and answers some fundamental questions about your research question.
How does this question fit within the subject area of “(higher) education, civic engagement, and democracy”?
Explain the research you did that led you to this question. Summarize that research briefly, citing your sources appropriately.
What have you learned so far through preliminary research? What are the major controversies, questions, issues currently surrounding this question (i.e., what is the “they say”)?
What are some enduring questions or concerns you still have about your research question?
Make sure you include at least 2 sources you found in your research. You should cite your sources in your proposal and include a works cited page.

Write a short essay that explains whether or not you think the CSUN athleticprogram is ethically defensible.

AssignmentChapter 6 presents many arguments for and against the role of sports in higher education. While thereare compelling reasons for elite college sport that have a big price tag (think PAC 12, SEC, BIG 10) andthere are compelling reasons for sports on campus that aren’t as expensive (think Division III programsthat don’t offer athletic scholarships), CSUN may exhibit the worst of both options. One the one hand,CSUN athletics have a higher price tag because it has athletic scholarships. The athletic department issubsidized by the general fund which means that the tuition and fees of over 38,000 students subsidizesabout 350 athletes. The 99% are subsidizing the 1%. While most of CSUN’s athletic programs wouldnot be considered elite (very few programs are ranked) but student-athletes have the same pressures ofelite programs.In light of this information, write a short essay that explains whether or not you think the CSUN athleticprogram is ethically defensible.

Discuss any ‘outside’ factors which may have impacted the investigation (press, public, politics).

You can choose from any of these cases to pick from for the paper to be on.
The Boston Strangler (Albert De Salvo)
 Chicago Murders (John Wayne Gacy)
 Son of Sam (David Berkowitz)
 Green River Killer (Gary Leon Ridgeway
 Jeffrey Dalmer Murders
 The Yorkshire Ripper (Peter Sutcliff)
 The Atlanta Murders (Wayne Williams)
 Jon Benet Ramsey Murder
 Fatal Vision Murders (Jeffrey MacDonald)
 The Lacy Peterson Murder (Scott Peterson)
 The Fire Lover Murders (John Orr)
 The ‘Helter Skelter’ Tate/La Bianca murders (Manson Family)
 Nicole Brown & Ron Goldman Murders

complete a Case Study to evaluate the investigation of a well known homicide. A critical evaluation of an actual crime can reveal much about the science and techniques of investigation. The study should evaluate the actual investigative process, the locating and interviewing of involved parties and the securing of physical evidence. Do not judge the case only upon whether it resulted in a conviction. Discuss any ‘outside’ factors which may have impacted the investigation (press, public, politics). What was/were the key item(s) of physical evidence, and how was it used to prove motive and/or intent? What were the elements of the crime and how were they proven? What investigative errors were made, and how did they impact the case during the trial? Identify at least one example of creative, proactive investigation. Did this case break any ’new ground’ in the science of forensics or the legal presentation of evidence? Was criminal profiling used to identify a suspect? Did it prove to be accurate? Who committed the crime(s) and why? What can be learned from this investigation? What was the impact on the public’s perception of the criminal justice system as a
This paper should be no longer than 12 typed double-spaced pages. Use 1” margins, headers and footers. Use size 12 Arial font. Include a title page and a bibliography (not included in the five page count). In the body of the paper, do not waste space with headings or double/double spacing. APA or MLA formatrequired as to citations, footnoting etc. Five references (Reputable sources online) required.

Define and apply the symbolic-interaction perspective. Discuss how symbols are seen, defined and used in the college environment.

Write a well developed essay that addresses each portion of the following prompt. There are four main sections to this paper. Each section should be a well developed collection of paragraphs. Providing illustrative examples will increase points earned. Be sure to properly cite your text (or any additional source). Failure to cite material will result in a zero.

*Sociologists use a variety of perspectives to view social issues. These perspectives help us see the "whole picture". For this paper, you will demonstrate your ability to apply each theoretical perspective. (Please remember that Conflict and Functional perspectives are macro-level. This means that you are looking at how large social institutions effect social experiences–remember to think broadly!)

1. First, Define and apply the Sociological Perspective (C. Wright Mills) to explain how society played a part in your own decision to attend college. Include examples!

2. Define and apply the symbolic-interaction perspective. Discuss how symbols are seen, defined and used in the college environment.

3. Define and apply the conflict perspective. How might college access and success be effected by other areas of social inequality (class, race, gender)?

4. Define and apply the functional perspective. What manifest and latent functions does college provide to our overall society?

(there is no page limit or page requirement. However, you are expected to provide a fully developed response to each question. This response should be college level, and demonstrate your understanding of the topic, text, and question at hand.)