
produce an Investment Analysis Report appraising the return on equity of the firm you selected for review over the past two years using the latest 10-Q and the corresponding 10-Q from the previous year.

Your task is to produce an Investment Analysis Report (with a maximum of 2,200 words, tables/graphs not included) appraising the return on equity of the firm you selected for review over the past two years using the latest 10-Q and the corresponding 10-Q from the previous year (so if you are using the 3rd quarter 10-Q, the comparison should be the 3rd quarter 10-Q from the previous year). You are required to employ financial statement analysis to break down the return on equity into its key parts using the basic Du Pont formula (See the reference section 3.6 of Chapter Three: Analyzing Financial Statements and point values below). consider that the panelists are all busy professionals not interested in reviewing a long report; therefore, you will need to keep to the word limit. The panel has also asked that you focus on analyzing the issues rather than on purely describing information. Analysis requires you to focus on explaining and predicting implications of trends rather than merely describing trends. Plan to include the following two sections in your analysis:

Discuss your interpretation of Kurtz’s final words at the end of Joseph Conrad’s novel, Heart of Darkness: “The horror! The horror!” To what is he referring?

part 1:Discuss your interpretation of Kurtz’s final words at the end of Joseph Conrad’s novel, Heart of Darkness: “The horror! The horror!” To what is he referring?

part 2:Discuss your interpretation of Kurtz’s final words at the end of Joseph Conrad’s novel, Heart of Darkness: “The horror! The horror!” To what is he referring?

Construct a pro-forma p&l and cash flow statement for 2021 to 2030 for the company assuming the relocation of Canadian production to Mexico.

Make a powerpoint presentation with notes and Answer only these two questions and do it in the excel file provided.

1) Construct a pro-forma p&l and cash flow statement for 2021 to 2030 for the company assuming the relocation of Canadian production to Mexico. Comparing the base case (declining sales in Canada due to tariff/costs) vs. the scenario of moving production for Canadian customers to Mexico what are the financial impacts? (note: the answers to this set of questions should come from the Summary tab in the provided excel workbook)
a. What is the cash investment required in 2021 (expenses, severance, & working capital)?
b. What is the cash flow impact by year: 2021-2030 of moving production to Mexico vs. the base case?
c. What is the NPV of the move scenario vs. the base case? And what is the IRR?

2) Are there possible cost impacts that were not addressed or may need to be estimated in the Mexico scenario? If so, what are they? Did the group need to make any additional assumptions to complete the analysis and if so, what are they?

Evaluate the ethical, social and political issues that are raised by information systems and how they are intertwined.

What is “ethics” according to the textbook? Evaluate the ethical, social and political issues that are raised by information systems and how they are intertwined.

Textbook: Management Information Systems 16 edition.

Explain the effect of COVID-19 on startup funding

Explain the effect of COVID-19 on startup funding

Write an analytical or argumentative essay based on the research topic of your choice.

Write an analytical or argumentative essay based on the research topic of your choice. Cite your sources parenthetically in the text, and include a list of “Works Cited.” The research essay assignment is an exercise in a number of tasks: library research, reading, summary, synthesis, analysis, note taking, paraphrasing, quoting, citing properly, and documenting properly—and that is in addition to the usual composition tasks: formulating a topic, narrowing a topic, organizing, drafting, revising, and editing. Your finished paper should provide the following elements:

Write  about superstitions and how they relate to the mental

Write a paper over the attack on the United States that occurred on 9/11, the breakdown of intelligence that occurred and the birth of the Department of Homeland Security detailing what it’s purpose is.

Write a paper over the attack on the United States that occurred on 9/11, the breakdown of intelligence that occurred and the birth of the Dep artment of Homeland Security detailing what it’s purpose is.

Tell about a time when you witnessed the candidate living these values.

Kellogg has a diverse student body and values students who are inclusive and encouraging of others with differing perspectives and backgrounds. Tell about a time when you witnessed the candidate living these values.

Which systems are specifically affected by housing quality, access to healthcare, unemployment, quality of schools, and overall economic opportunity?

Which systems are specifically affected by housing quality, access to healthcare, unemployment, quality of schools, and overall economic opportunity?