
Create effective business messages that establish, maintain, or repair credibility.

Create effective business messages that establish, maintain, or repair credibility.

Analyze audiences and situations in order to plan and create messages, select appropriate communication channels, identify relevant research, and adapt to various business contexts and purposes.

 Construct messages with a professional business style, tone, language, mechanics,and voice.

 Design messages using visual principles with attention to formatting, graphics,navigation, and readability

Collaborate and communicate with and through teams and technologies

Discuss how specific marketing promotions will help drive revenue and profitability for your sports organization.

Create a condensed business plan for purchasing and operating a professional sports team. This is a hypothetical sports team and you may make assumptions to support your key points.

Marketing: Discuss how specific marketing promotions will help drive revenue and profitability for your sports organization. Consider trends, market strategy, pricing, sponsorships, advertising, and revenue generation sources, etc.

Tax and Legal Issues: Discuss at least one tax and one legal issue you may face in the purchase or operation of your sports business.

Financial Plan: Develop pro-forma financial statements (5 years) for your sports business. Include:

An income statement on a monthly basis for year 1, a quarterly basis for year 2, and an annual basis for years 3, 4, and 5.

A balance sheet on a monthly basis for year 1, a quarterly basis for year 2, and an annual basis for years 3, 4, and 5.

A statement of cash flows on a monthly basis for year 1, a quarterly basis for year 2, and an annual basis for years 3, 4, and 5.

Important Note: Use a spreadsheet program such as Excel to create the financial statements. Then, embed the statements by copying/pasting them into the final Word document.

Financial Plan Assumptions: For all financial statements, include a list of key assumptions that drive your financial plan.

Financial Analysis: Describe three financial metrics or ratios that you will use to analyze the health of your business.

Financial Risks: Describe three potential financial risks for your sports business.

Mitigate Risks: Describe possible ways to mitigate each of the risks listed above.

Investor Return on Investment: Describe what you will offer potential investors in order to seek funding for your business. Consider types of ownership, stocks, dividends, interest payments, royalty fees, merchandise profit sharing, perks, etc.

Exit Strategy: Describe your exit strategy assuming you are ready to sell the sports business in 10 years.

Identify appropriate categories of information. Then write a one-page background fact sheet that provides background that can help reporters writing articles for special-interest magazines.

You are a public relations writer with one of the following organizations. Do some internet research for appropriate information. Identify appropriate categories of information. Then write a one-page background fact sheet that provides background that can help reporters writing articles for special-interest magazines.
A network of health-care providers promoting self-examination for early detection of breast cancer or testicular cancer.
A travel agency promoting a particular type of vacation such as cruises, wilderness excursions, language immersion, or theater and museum tours.
An organization dealing with some other technical or specialized topic with which you are familiar.

 Compare and contrast the two topics Communism vs Capitalism.

Compare and contrast the two topics Communism vs Capitalism with 4 sources and an annotated bibliography

Why is it relevant for you as students at the university or high school in 2021 to learn about Umm Kulthum?

What insight did you gain from either reading “Enough, enough, oh ocean”

Write 100-150 words.
Why is it relevant (or not relevant) for you as students at the university or high school in 2021 to learn about Umm Kulthum?

Write at least 100 words

Discuss the pros and cons of the main legal structures.

Discuss the pros and cons of the main legal structures (Sole proprietorship, general partnership, C Corporation, S Corporation, Limited Liability Company (LLC), Limited Partnership, Benefit Corporation) and find a business that exemplifies each.
What would you use and why?

What were some of the themes and issues? Was one of the themes particularly meaningful to you?

Slam Poem about the book trash

Think about your spring break pleasure reading the book. What were some of the themes and issues? Was one of the themes particularly meaningful to you? Choose a topic or theme that was addressed in your chosen book. Make sure it is a topic about which you have something to say. Think of your slam poem as an opportunity to express yourself and share your point of view. Your tone and attitude toward the topic make a difference. Are you angry? Conversational? Humorous? Know how you feel before you write.

To what extent are behavior analysts required to put their clients’ interests first and those of the organization or themselves second?

Pick ONE of the following sub-codes and discuss the following:

1. Provide an in-depth description of the sub-code of your choice.

2. What does this sub-code tell you in terms of responsibility to clients?

3. To what extent are behavior analysts required to put their clients’ interests first and those of the organization or themselves second?

2.01 Accepting Clients
2.02 Responsibility
2.03 Consultation
2.04 Third-Party Involvement in Services
2.05 Rights and Prerogatives of Clients
2.06 Maintaining Confidentiality
2.07 Maintaining Records
2.08 Disclosures
2.09 Treatment/Intervention Efficacy
2.10 Documenting Professional Work and Research
2.11 Records and Data
2.12 Contracts, Fees, and Financial Arrangements
2.13 Accuracy in Billing Reports
2.14 Referrals and Fees
2.15 Interrupting or Discontinuing Services

Write a Facebook post of no more than 50 characters. Include an actual or hypothetical reference to a current event, and sketch or describe a photo or short video to be posted with the message.

You are the online media spokesperson for one of the following organizations or clients.
A congressional candidate addressing a national issue such as immigration, school bullying, tax reduction, or another topic identified by your instructor or of interest to you.
Α college or university student advocacy group addressing a local issue such as ethnic discrimination, initiation hazing, a proposed tuition increase, or another topic identified by your instructor or of interest to you.
A multinational auto company addressing changing vehicle emission standards in the United States, Canada, UK, Australia and Scandinavia.
A citizen watchdog organization opposing lower emission standards for cars or favoring stronger enforcement of anti-harassment laws against women and/or minorities.
Another topic identified by your instructor or of interest to you.
Write a Facebook post of no more than 50 characters. Include an actual or hypothetical reference to a current event, and sketch or describe a photo or short video to be posted with the message. Include a link to the organization’s website and one outlink to an authoritative organization.

What grade did she deserve for her handling of the Osborne plan? What do people think about her responses?

Helen Demarco arrived in her office to discover a clipping from the local paper. The headlineread,Osborne Announces Plan.Paul Osborne had arrived two months earlier as Amtrans newchief executive. His mandate was torevitalize, cut costs, and improve efficiency.After 20 years, Demarco had achieved a senior management position at the agency. She hadlittle contact with Osborne, but her boss reported to him. Demarco and her colleagues had beenwaiting to learn what the new chief had in mind. She was startled as she read the newspaperaccount. Osbornes plan made technical assumptions directly related to her area of expertise.Hemight be a change agent,she thought,but he doesnt know much about our technology.She immediately saw the new plans fatalflaws.If he tries to implement this, itll be the worstmanagement mistake since the Edsel.Two days later, Demarco and her colleagues received a memo instructing them to form acommittee to work on the revitalization plan. When the group convened, everyone agreed it wascrazy.What do we do?someone asked.Why dont we just tell him it wont work?said one hopeful soul.Hes already gone public! You want to tell him his baby is ugly?Not me. Besides, he already thinks a lot of us are deadwood. If we tell him its no good,hell just think were defensive.Well, we cant go ahead with it. Itll never work and wed be throwing away money.Thats true,said Demarco thoughtfully.But what if we tell him were conducting a studyof how to implement the plan?Her suggestion was approved overwhelmingly. The group informed Osborne that they weremoving ahead on theimplementation studyand expected excellent results. They got asubstantial budget to support theirresearch.Theydidnot say that the real purpose was to buytime andfind a way to minimize the damage without alienating the boss.Over time, the group assembled a lengthy technical report,filled with graphs, tables, andimpenetrable jargon. The report offered two options. Option A, Osbornes original plan, waspresented as technically feasible but well beyond anything Amtran could afford. Option B, billedas amodest downscalingof the original plan, was projected as a more cost-effectivealternative.30Reframing Organizations

WEBC02 05/30/201717:25:15 Page 31When Osborne pressed the group on the huge cost disparity between the two proposals, hereceived a barrage of complicated cost-benefit projections and inscrutable technical terms.Hidden in a fog was the reality that even Option B offered few benefits at a very high cost.Osborne argued and pressed for more information. But given the apparent facts, he agreed toproceed with Option B. TheOsborne planwas announced with fanfare and widely heralded asanother instance of Paul Osbornes talent for revitalizing ailing organizations. Osborne had movedon to work his management magic on another organization by the time the plan came online,and his successor had to defend the underwhelming results.Helen Demarco came away with deep feelings of frustration and failure. The Osborne plan,in her view, was a wasteful mistake, and she had knowingly participated in a charade. But, sherationalized to herself, she had no other choice. Osborne was adamant. It would have beencareer suicide to try to stop him.

Consider Helen Demarco’s situation and response to the “Osborne Plan” publicized by Paul Osborne through the lenses of the Four Frames – Political, Symbolic, Human Resources and Structural. Answer this question:

How do the elements of the situation/response fit into each frame?
Provide comment on some of the following questions:

Was Helen Demarco a good manager?
What grade did she deserve for her handling of the Osborne plan?
What do people think about her responses?
Her choices?
Her options?
The power of her beliefs and theories of the situation?
Be sure your answer is supported by concepts and references from relevant materials. Also, be sure to follow the Initial Post and Response Post guidelines in the course syllabus.