
How will you contribute to the mission of the Nurse Corps SP in providing care to underserved communities and how does this align with your commitment to pursue a career in nursing?

How will you contribute to the mission of the Nurse Corps SP in providing care to underserved communities and how does this align with your commitment to pursue a career in nursing?

Discuss the importance of donkey farming to nomad societies in Northern Africa;

For this discussion, compose two Introductions for your Researched Argumentative Essay. The introductions should demonstrate different approaches, using different words and phrasing. Only the thesis statement will remain similar. Then, in a third paragraph, share your thoughts about which introduction you are most likely to use and why.(the topic is on the acceptability and validity of diversification as a best practice in
marketing and as a corporate strategy. Most specifically, the topic focuses on the context of small
businesses. One of the arguments that are in favor of diversification is that it is a strategy that
assists businesses reduce or eliminate a high probability of risks or failure.)
A few reminders:
Paragraph 1 will be your first possible introduction.
Paragraph 2 will be your second possible introduction.
Paragraph 3 will be your commentary on both introductions.
Write only in 3rd person point of view (No direct address – “You would be shocked at the waste of edible foods!”).
Do not announce the topic (Example: This paper will discuss the importance of donkey farming to nomad societies in Northern Africa; In this essay, or, In this essay, I will…).

Write a 300 word report on how many things in his speech have been accomplished today and how many more still need to be done.

Obtain a copy of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech and write a 300 word report on how many things in his speech have been accomplished today and how many more still need to be done.

Brainstorm the solution to the question raised?

Question 1

Mary was a BCBA who provided behavioral services to David, a 17-year-old who was aggressive and disruptive at school. May had been working in the field of behavior analysis for 10 years and was well read in other forms of therapeutic treatments. After several treatment sessions, David began to talk about issues related to sex. Clearly, David was confused and troubled about intimate issues. Mary believed that this topic fell in the general category of verbal behavior, and teach David to verbalize the sex-related issues.

Step 1 Identify the (1) ethical dilemma; (2) the relevant BACB compliance code that you learned this week; (3) the personal values or biases that may influence your decision making on this issue.

Step 2 Brainstorm the solution to the question raised?

Step 3 Evaluate solution

Step 4 Have you found an ethically acceptable solution?

Step 5 Reflect upon your decisions

Question 2

Dr. L. was an organizational behavioral consultant hired by the state office Department of Development Disabilities. He was assigned to an older, large residential facility for children and adults with developmental disabilities. His job was to help staff develop behavior programs for clients and to provide facility-side program consultation. Some of the staff thought that Dr. L was simply a new behavior analyst who was working with clients. They were unaware of the connection with the state office. As a result, they were often observed to be off-task including talking on their cell phones when they were supposed to be working with clients.

The administrators knew, of course, that Dr. L was hired by the state office. They began to pressure Dr. L not to report facility problems to the Department of Developmental Disabilities.

Step 1 Identify the (1) ethical dilemma; (2) the relevant BACB compliance code that you learned this week; (3) the personal values or biases that may influence your decision-making on this issue.

Step 2 Brainstorm the solution to the question raised?

Step 3 Evaluate solution

Step 4 Have you found an ethically acceptable solution?

Step 5 Reflect upon your decisions

Question 3:

Allen was a BCBA working in a kindergarten classroom for children with developmental disabilities. Emily was a 5 year-old who recently experienced parents’ divorce. Emily spent alternating weeks with each of her parents. The teacher in the classroom had a theory that Emily’s problem behaviors (e.g., wondering and disruptive) increased greatly after she spent time in her father’s house. As a result, Allen began taking data to test this theory. She felt that this assessment was part of her job description and did not inform the parents. At the end of the month, Allen submitted her time sheet indicating that she had spent hours on assessing of parent-induced behavior disorder.

Step 1 Identify the (1) ethical dilemma; (2) the relevant BACB compliance code that you learned this week; (3) the personal values or biases that may influence your decision-making on this issue.

Step 2 Brainstorm the solution to the question raised?

Step 3 Evaluate solution

Step 4 Have you found an ethically acceptable solution?

Step 5 Reflect upon your decisions

How do’s logistics and supply chain management activities help the company create value for its customers?

1) Suppose the president of a carpet manufacturing firm has asked you to look into the possibility of bypassing the firm’s wholesalers (who sell to carpet, department, and furniture stores) and selling direct to these stores. What caution would you voice on this matter, and what type of information would you gather before making this decision?

2) Read the case on page 347 titled “Amazon: Delivering the Earth’s Biggest Selection!”, and watch the video HERE (Links to an external site.).

(a) How do’s logistics and supply chain management activities help the company create value for its customers?

(b) What systems did Amazon develop to improve the flow of products from suppliers to Amazon fulfillment centers? What systems improved the flow of orders from the fulfillment centers to customers?

How can you convince the British to stop this kind of warfare?

As a Native Indian, you are on the receiving end of these biological weapons. How can you convince the British to stop this kind of warfare?

Choose one of the following topics, then write a proposal.

Choose one of the following topics, then write a proposal.

  1. Japanese film industry
  2. The intersections of Japanese cinema with industries and filmmakers in Europe, the United States, and East Asia.
  3. Japanese Animation (Anime, copyright)

List the criminal charges recommended for each of the people involved in each scenario?

Assignment:  Analyze the facts from each scenario to make a formal recommendation to an Iowa prosecutor. The prosecution recommendation should be based on the relevant crimes found in the  Iowa State Criminal Code.  The prosecution recommendation should answer the following questions:

  1. Who should be criminally charged in each scenario?
  2. List the criminal charges recommended for each of the people involved in each scenario? (Hint: you should be looking at Iowa Code Chapters 705, 706, and 707 to make your recommendations.)

3.  For each criminal charge recommended, explain how the facts of the scenario support the elements of each crime.  Do this for each person, and each crime

What is the CSI effect? What are the positive and negative implications of CSI effect?

Essay question: What is the CSI effect? What are the positive and negative implications of CSI effect?


Describe and critically assess some challenges facing your organisation and consider the extent

Describe and critically assess some challenges facing your organisation and consider the extent and possibility of solving them.
Coherent and logically structured examination of the challenges facing the organisation
Clear indication of the influencing factors that have led to the challenges that the organisation is facing
Well supported judgements should evidence the extent and possibility of solving the challenges facing the organisation.
Use of appropriate theories and/or models to support your explanations
All discussions should be supported by current and relevant evidence and data, that is accurately cited using Harvard Referencing and follow the hierarchy of source”