
Should Nampa High keep the same start time or start later.

High School Start Times: Should Nampa High keep the same start time or start later. Basically, should we continue

Write an essay analyzing to what extent these factors influenced foreign policy from 1937 through 1941.

Prompt: “To a greater or lesser extent, three factors were involved in explaining US response to Japanese and German aggression: a) economics, b) national security, and c) democratic values.” Drawing upon the documents provided as well as your own knowledge of history, write an essay analyzing to what extent these factors influenced foreign policy from 1937 through 1941.

Was it ethical for Anna’s parents to conceive a child that meets specific genetic requirements? Should specific exceptions be allowed, or does it create a“slippery slope?”

Book read is “My sisters Keeper” Jodi Picoult

2 Main prompts.
1.Was the final outcome of the trial the correct one in your opinion? Using specifics from the novel, craft an argument that argues whether the outcome was right or wrong.
2.Was it ethical for Anna’s parents to conceive a child that meets specific genetic requirements? Should specific exceptions be allowed, or does it create a“slippery slope?” Using specifics from the novel, craft an argument as to why or why not.

What are the main principles of classical conditioning and operant conditioning?

Write a 350-word summary of Ivan Pavlov’s and BF Skinner’s theories on conditioning. Your summary must include the following information:

What are the main principles of classical conditioning and operant conditioning?
What do Pavlov and Skinner have in common?
How do their theories differ?
What are the famous experiments attributed to each theorist?
How did these experiments contribute to the conditioning principles each theorist developed?

Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines (7th ed.).

Submit your summary as a Microsoft® Word document, and include your Compare and Contrast Chart and your 2 Mind Maps with your final submission.

Wk 4 – Three Stages of Memory paper [due Mon]
Assignment Content

Watch “Information Processing Model: Sensory, Working, and Long Term Memory” from Khan Academy.

Prepare a 350- to 700-word response to the following questions about the video:

What are the three stages of memory?
Do all of these stages have to take place?
Do they need to take place in order?
Can something be retrieved if there was an error in the encoding process? Why or why not?

Provide a complete but concise description of the DPC you are analyzing.

Your submission will require you to demonstrate that you can think critically about the ethical implications of your chosen topic. Address the following in your paper:

Part I: Exposition
a) Background
– Introduction: set out general problem that design/product/concept (DPC) is intended to solve.
– Provide a complete but concise description of the DPC you are analyzing.
– Who is responsible for creating/producing/building the DPC?
– What need is it intended to fill?
– Who are the stakeholders (identify direct and indirect stakeholders)?

b) Survey (no weights assigned) of potential benefits and potential drawbacks
– 1-2 paragraphs summarizing potential benefits.
– 1-2 paragraphs summarizing potential drawbacks.

Part II: Critical Analysis
a) Identify the most significant (two each at most) of the following:
– Benefit – what is the most significant benefit and why?
– Drawback – what is the most significant drawback and why?

b) Applying systems thinking & virtue ethics:
– Provide a mini-introduction to this section previewing the steps are you going to go through in the following paragraphs.
– You should include your causal loop diagram in this section of the paper. Do not (re)summarize the entire diagram. Rather, use it to support your analysis of the system from a virtue ethics perspective. Remember, virtue requires efficacy as well as right motivation. Efficacy requires understanding the system one is operating within; your causal loop diagram can facilitate this.
– Use Aristotelian virtue ethics to analyze your topic. This should include a discussion of eudaimonia (i.e. how does the technology you are analyzing impact the flourishing of all stakeholders) as well as two (no more than three) virtues you think are most relevant. Your application of the virtues should be from the perspective of the engineers/computer scientists making decisions about the DPC you are analyzing.

c) Position on the future of your topic
– What is your position? Why?
– If you are in favor of the DPC continuing, make sure you address the drawback you discussed in IIa. That is, mitigating or eliminating this drawback should be part of your position. If you are against the DPC, explain how you will address the lost benefit mentioned in IIa.

d) Counterargument to your position (II c) and response
– Spend at least one paragraph identifying and motivating the most serious counterargument/objection to your position.
– Spend at least one more paragraph addressing this counterargument/objection.

Did the initial U.S. intervention in Cuba’s struggle for independence against Spain shape the subsequent history of Cuba?

Did the initial U.S. intervention in Cuba’s struggle for independence against Spain shape the subsequent history of Cuba? If so, how might the U.S. government have acted differently?

When IPE fails early childhood educators burnout.Discuss

When IPE fails early childhood educators burnout.Discuss

Explain why an Internship is Important to Career Growth.”

Write 3 Pages , Doubled Spaced Essay on

Explain why an Internship is Important to Career Growth.”

Ways to ensure the use of technology in schools and the classroom is safe, ethical, and responsible.

Trends in understanding puberty over the last 100 years and reasons for these trends.

The effect of early and late onset puberty on adolescent physical development and social/emotional relationships with peers.

How changes in physical development effect cognitive processing and decision-making.

The current role of technology on students’ sense of interconnectedness. Provide examples of some technological tools.

Ways to ensure the use of technology in schools and the classroom is safe, ethical, and responsible.

Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Use typical features of a newsletter, including images, headings, and columns.