
Explain who fought, why they fought, and what the end result was.

The longest military engagement fought in the United States was the wars for territory between Europeans and later Americans against the indigenous peoples of America.

For this follow up, you will write on the Battle of Tippacanoe . You will research the war and describe the events of the battle. In your follow up–explain who fought, why they fought, and what the end result was. You must use at least one academic source (No Wikipedia).

What are the implications of your IIT index calculations for the UK trade policy?

1.1. collect total imports and total exports data for a particular year (e.g. 2019) to calculate IIT indices for (1) China and UK trade and (2) USA and UK trade.

1.2 Present your calculations in a table.

Step 2

2.1. Carefully interpret and share your findings from step 1

Step 3
3.1 Reflect on: What are the implications of your IIT index calculations for the UK trade policy?

Write about a “magical place” from your childhood or now. Be sure to tell your reasons why and include how others might see this place.

Write a fully developed essay with a title, 4-5 body paragraphs with topic sentences that refers to our readings by comparing and contrasting your place and experiences with the readings. We are looking at narratives, particularly Trevor Noah’s excerpt “Soweto.” We also looked at Emily Dickinson’s “Hope is a Thing with Feathers.” Your essay should be 1000 words or more. Use the rhetorical modes and literary devices that we have studied.

Writing prompt

1) Write about a “magical place” from your childhood or now. Be sure to tell your reasons why and include how others might see this place.

Identify and describe the sculpting process and materials used in the sculpture(s).

Write: Choose two sculptures either from the textbook or famous sculptures from history. Identify these sculptures by artist, title, date, and medium. Add images to your discussion. In your essay, consider the following for each sculpture you choose (your total discussion should be a minimum of 3 paragraphs):

Identify and describe the sculpting process and materials used in the sculpture(s).
What do you feel are the associations the artist may have had in mind when sculpting from this material or process? Is there a cultural connection with the material or process? Is there an historical connection with the material or process? Is there a specific tradition reflected in the materials used?
What does the material or process contribute to the overall meaning or your personal feeling of the sculpture?
Consider this sculpture if it had been made in a different medium. How might that change the reception (how the viewer views the sculpture) or meaning of the sculpture?

Explain why an Internship is Important to Career Growth.”

Write 3 Pages,
Doubled Spaced Essay on “Why an Internship is Important to Career Growth.”

Think of your favorite relative and describe him or her.

Think of your favorite relative (real or invented) and describe him or her. Use the following questions as a guide:

Come si chiama?
Di dov’è?
Quanti anni ha?
È italiano?
È alto/a o basso/a?
Ha i capelli lunghi/corti?
È simpatico/a?
È generoso/a?

What is employment at will? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this concept?

1. Whistleblowing – What is whistleblowing? What is the difference between internal and external whistleblowing? When is an individual justified in external whistleblowing?

2. What is employment at will? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this concept?

Should University require students to take physical education classes? Discuss both sides and give your opinion

Should University require students to take physical education classes? Discuss both sides and give your opinion

Write an Argumentative essay on early childhood education

Write an Argumentative essay on early childhood education

Describe the particular objects, individuals, or entities that are being studied as elements of the population.

Write a few sentences or a brief paragraph to explain each concept below as it relates to your approved research proposal topic. Using Microsoft Word, include the headings below then write your descriptions which should be about 2 pages total (see the example for sample format). Example attached.

Research Proposal Topic: Insert the name of your research proposal

Purpose of research –
Identify the purpose of the research project, which should be clearly indicative of what will be studied. This statement should have been included in your introduction section.

Prior research –
Review similar or relevant research. This review promotes knowledge of the literature.

Theoretical orientation –
Describe the theoretical framework on which the research is based.

Concept definition –
List the various concepts that have been developed and clarify their meanings.

Research hypotheses –
Develop the various hypotheses that will be evaluated in the research (refer to your 2 research questions to develop your 2 research hypotheses)

Unit of analysis –
Describe the particular objects, individuals, or entities that are being studied as elements of the population.

Data collection techniques –
Determine how the data are to be collected, who will be studied, and how will it be done.

Sampling procedures –
Specify sample type, sample size, and procedures to be used.

Instruments used –
Describe the nature of the measurement instrument or data collection device to be used.

Analytic techniques –
Determine how the data will be processed and examined. What specific statistical procedures will be used? Think back to your statistics class that was a prerequisite for this class or see the chapters in your textbook.

Time frame –
Pinpoint the period of time covered by the study. This will include the time period examined by research questions and the amount of time spent in preparation, data collection, data analysis, and presentation. This is likely the time you will be enrolled in your senior project class (for example, August 2021-November 2021.)

Ethical issues –
Address any concerns as to the potential harm that might occur to participants. Also deal with any potential biases or conflicts of interest that could affect the study. Remember, if you are dealing with vulnerable populations (like juveniles, inmates, the elderly, etc.) or are asking sensitive questions, there is potential for harm.