
What term was coined as a result? What demographics are impacted the most?

In the 1980’s the Rational Theory of Crime and the Broken Windows theory of Crime coined a new phrase “zero tolerance.” The Zero Tolerance policy of law enforcement was that if you enforce the small laws, such as common nuisance and other quality of life laws, the community will become a better place to live. This approach was also characterized as the start of taking back the streets. The Zero Tolerance policies crept into schools. After going through the book, as well as your own research and review of Juvenile Justice Topics, what is your opinon on the outcomes of the “Zero Tolerance Policy” in schools? What term was coined as a result? What demographics are impacted the most?

Is the effect of polarization on institutional workings and governance overstated or not?

Is the effect of polarization on institutional workings and governance overstated or not?

What does “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner tell us about the American desire to cling to tradition during this period?

What does “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner tell us about the American desire to cling to tradition during this period? Find an article that discusses symbolism in the story and use evidence from both the primary text and your secondary source to create and support your argument.

Critics of the modern, post-FDR American presidency have long derided it as excessively powerful. And may continue to do so in the era of permanent campaigning, social media, and heavy use of executive orders. Assess the legitimacy of this argument.

Critics of the modern, post-FDR American presidency have long derided it as excessively powerful. And may continue to do so in the era of permanent campaigning, social media, and heavy use of executive orders. Assess the legitimacy of this argument.

Write a 1500 word blog post which evaluates levels of CEO pay from the perspective of HRM practitioners.

How much CEO’s are paid has been a long-standing concern for human resource management practitioners. Over the course of the past year the COVID crisis has increased the gap between top and bottom earners within a company. In the UK, the CIPD’s and High Pay Centre found that in 2020CEO’s were paid up to 117 times more than the average worker. Therefore, how much CEO’s are paid has become an even more pressing concern.

Write a 1500 word blog post which evaluates levels of CEO pay from the perspective of HRM practitioners. Your blog post should be written for a professional HRM audience and should seek to gain their attention. Although you will be writing in a less formal style than in an academic essay. You must reference appropriately, following APA(7thed)convention.It is important that your work should not just describe the concerns regarding CEO pay, but provide a critical analysis and evaluation of the issue. Please use multiple sources of academic literature to frame and justify your analysis.

What is the seasonal variability of discharge “InsertRiverName” at “InsertLocation”?

What is the seasonal variability of discharge “InsertRiverName” at “InsertLocation”? — yes, it’s that simple – or written a different way: “How does the discharge in “InsertRiverName” at “InsertLocation” change over the year? Choose the one you like!

Identify the chapter and then write a 150-200 word paragraph exploring plot, symbols, hypocrisy, conflict, character development.

Select any three chapters from the Scarlet Letter–one each from chapters 1-8, chapters 9-16, chapters 17-24. For each: identify the chapter and then write a 150-200 word paragraph exploring plot, symbols, hypocrisy, conflict, character development. This will be three paragraphs in all. Make sure you include details.

Analyze and fine tune their marketing plan. Make valid attempts to get factual information from the company.

Think of yourself as a marketing consultant that has been contracted by your selected “Made in Michigan” company to analyze and fine tune their marketing plan. Make valid attempts to get factual information from the company. If impossible, please use your best marketing judgements to fill in the blanks

Discuss how the role and function of budgeting has been utilized to correct externalities and other market failures.

In a 750-word evaluation, discuss how the role and function of budgeting has been utilized to correct externalities and other market failures. Additionally, justify the use of taxpayer resources to correct externalities and other market failures

Thread Outline Use bolded statements as headings in your thread.

I. Summarize the role of the government in the budget process
II. Analyze the role of the government in correcting externalities and other market failures
III. Justify the use of taxpayer resources to correct externalities and other market failures

Externalities are a consequence of a governmental activity that affect other parties without this being reflected in the cost of the goods or services involved. Externalities by nature often are environmental. Some examples of negative externalities include:

Air pollution
Water pollution
Farm animal production
Passive smoking.
Traffic congestion
Noise pollution

Market failure is an inefficient allocation of resources. Government failure occurs when government intervention results in a more inefficient and wasteful allocation of resources.

Prepare a sample ergonomics program for the company.

Part 1:
You have agreed to assist Mr. Shafe by preparing a one-page minimum overview explaining the regulatory requirements related to ergonomics, including the history of the OSHA Ergonomic Standard and the benefits of implementing an ergonomics program. Your summary must include references and should be written to convince management to implement a program (after all, you are a consultant and you want their business).
Your overview must include a minimum of two outside sources, one in which must be from the CSU Online Library.
Part 2:
Six weeks later, Mr. Shafe contacts you again with news that the leadership is more open to the idea of implementing an ergonomics program but needs guidance on what should be included in the program. Using the information covered in the unit lesson, prepare a sample ergonomics program for the company.
Your sample program should be three pages in length, not counting the title page and the references page.
Your fully completed assignment, including Part 1 and Part 2 together, should be a minimum of four pages in length, not counting the title and references pages. Include both parts in one document and label for clarity.