
Discuss Economic and Legal Issues of Food and Beverage.

Discuss Economic and Legal Issues of Food and Beverage.

What does Flaubert have to say about non-romantic, physical love

Write a short essay (about 3 pp.) on one of the topics below; be thorough and quote from the text.

1. Selections I, IV and V describe the first meeting between Emma and the three men in her life. What are the impressions created? What does each man notice and in what way is it significant? What point of view is the narrator taking?

2. There are romantic and realist aspects in Flaubert’s narrative (the “material” world and domestic life vs “ideal” feelings; passion vs money). Provide examples and analyze them (selections III, IV, VII, VIII).

3. In selections II, III, IV, VI and VII, what are we told about what Emma thinks and feels? Do you feel Flaubert is mostly sympathetic or mostly derisive?

4. What do we know about the three men in Emma’s life (selections III, V, VII)? Does Flaubert give us sympathetic portraits? How does he represent “manhood” vs “womanhood”?

5. What does Flaubert have to say about the 19th century concept of “romance” and the “romantic” view of life (selections II, III, IV, V)?

6. What is the role of descriptions in this novel? You can comment on descriptions of people or descriptions of places (all the selections contain descriptions).

7. What does Flaubert have to say about non-romantic, physical love (selections VI and VII)?

Use real world examples to show how these changes have affected songwriters and composers.

You are working on behalf of a songwriter who has commissioned you to write a report identifying and evaluating the most important recent developments in contemporary music publishing. This is in order to assist the songwriter on future decisions relating to exploitation of their previous and future catalogues. Use real world examples to show how these changes have affected songwriters and composers.

Research, prepare and submit a formal business report researching and evaluating important contemporary topics in music publishing. Students will be required to demonstrate their knowledge of the underlying principles of music publishing including copyright, collection societies, publishing companies and key terms of a publishing contract. The report will evaluate important contemporary issues using high level reading and industry media sources to support its argument. All conclusions made should be based on arguments backed up by the research presented.

Write an essay stating your opinion whether every person has a responsibility to save the earths environment

Write an essay stating your opinion whether every person has a responsibility to save the earths environment.

Explain the effects of over population on land and people

Explain the effects of over population on land and people (Asia)

Using the search engine of your choosing, use the keywords “learning styles debate” to find information, articles, or websites that discuss the debate on learning styles.

Using the search engine of your choosing, use the keywords “learning styles debate” to find information, articles, or websites that discuss the debate on learning styles.

Review three different sources based on your search and think about your own learning style

Explore the cyber threat that our country faces by describing, analyzing, and reflecting on a topic in the Cyberspace Solarium Commission 2021 report. What: This essay invites you to explore the cyber threat that our country faces by describing, analyzing, and reflecting on a topic in the Cyberspace Solarium Commission 2021 report. This assignment also asks you to consider how you might go about addressing your chosen topic of concern. The purpose is for you to connect your own reading and with modern cyber issues that plague our nation

Describe the origins and causes of the controversy you have chosen to write about:

Element 1:
Introduce your topic and state as clearly as you can your
argument regarding that topic.
• Identify the important aspects of the problem
• Define the key terms in the issue (for example, “homelessness” or “freedom”
are terms that must be specifically defined within the context of your paper).
Put most simply, your task in this part of the researched argument answer as fully as you can the following essential question about your issue: What is the problem or issue?

Element 2:
Describe the origins and causes of the controversy you have chosen to write about:
• What are the historical dimensions of this controversy? That is, where does
the issue come from? What started the controversy?
• What are the causes of this problem?
Put most simply, your task in this paper is to answer as fully as you can the following essential questions about your issue: How did it begin and what causes it?

Element 3:
Get into the substance of your argument by evaluating what is at the heart of your controversy. It is in this part of your paper that you put forth your opinion regarding the issue in an attempt to persuade your reader about its nature. Listed below are some questions for you to consider. Answering those questions will help you clarify what it is you’re actually arguing about.
• What makes it a good or bad thing?
• Should it be sought or avoided?
• Is it right or wrong?
• Is it better or worse than something else?
• Is it more or less desirable than any alternative?

Element 4:
Address what should be done regarding the issue you are addressing. It is in this part of your draft that you put forth your opinion and/or proposals regarding the issue in an attempt to persuade your readers to pursue a course of behavior or action. Here are some key questions to consider:
• Should some action be taken?
• What actions or policies are possible or desirable?
• How will the proposed actions or policies change the current state of affairs?
• How will the proposed changes make things different? In what ways? For whom?
• In what ways are your proposals different/similar/better than others that have
been proposed?
This section should include relevant rebuttals to your argument. How might people challenge your argument? What relevant concerns do they have about your proposals? How do you respond to those claims?

Identify three potential minor league hockey franchise locations, along with financial justifications for each location and financial research to support each location.

Identify three potential minor league hockey franchise locations, along with financial justifications for each location and financial research to support each location.

Three teams:
Toronto Marlies
Palm Springs AHL Team
Syracuse Crunch

Use viable financial reasons for the locations.

Discuss Quantum Computing in Government and Defence

Discuss Quantum Computing in Government and Defence