
Write an analysis to evaluate Total corporate performance, position and potential using the financial information

Write an analysis (one-two pages) to evaluate Total corporate performance, position and potential using the financial information for the years of 2015 – 2019 in:

1- Investment (analysis to make investment decision).
2- Renewables and sustainability.
3- Size of Downstream vs Upstream (segment reporting).

Make an essay about the Philippine Army Core Purpose “Serving the people, securing the land” with a minimum of 500 words.

Make an essay about the Philippine Army Core Purpose “Serving the people, securing the land” with a minimum of 500 words.

 What are potential profit centers that are associated with real estate investment and development?

What are potential profit centers that are associated with real estate investment and development?

Identify centers and how money is made. What about profit margins?


What kinds of organizations must consider disaster preparedness? Give examples. Outline the differences between mitigation and preparedness.

1. What kinds of organizations must consider disaster preparedness? Give examples. Outline the differences between mitigation and preparedness.

2. What are the steps of the preparedness cycle? According to, what are the 3 basic steps people can take to prepare for any type of disaster?

3. Name 5 special needs populations and describe what makes their disaster planning needs unique.

4. What kinds of training opportunities are provided by the federal government? What agencies provide these courses, workshops and other programs? Outline any that you or your organization have participated in.

Evaluate whether globalization of production and expansion in the global marketplace can improve competitive advantage while decreasing costs.

In your proposal, be sure to include the following elements:

The possible advantages and disadvantages of the different types of global sourcing for your company. Identify areas in the company that may benefit from a form of sourcing. Identify specific countries that may serve as sources of materials, components, and labor. Explain how global sourcing could impact the existing issues with pricing, competition, and production.
The managerial impact of using a global workforce. Include a description of the in-house management required to implement a global workforce scenario in the countries identified as potential sources of labor. Discuss the qualifications and characteristics that should be sought when recruiting and hiring an international management team.
Cultural and ethical concerns with using a global workforce. Offer some possible solutions to overcoming these concerns and negotiating cultural conflicts that may arise.
An evaluation of communication and decision-making for your recommendations. Identify the managerial philosophies and the technology needed to keep everyone ‘in the loop,’ no matter how remote that person may be.
Evaluate whether globalization of production and expansion in the global marketplace can improve competitive advantage while decreasing costs.
A final summary of your recommendations, tying together the components so that the CEO understands the potential benefits, risks, and changes to the company.

How has self-build housing schemes challenged the role of an Architect in shaping a community?

How has self-build housing schemes challenged the role of an Architect in shaping a community?

Explain the significance of the role of African Americans in the Union war effort during the Civil War.

Explain the significance of the role of African Americans in the Union war effort during the Civil War.

use apa format with intro, body, and conclusion along with a citation from the following book.

Liberty, Equality , Power Murrin, 2020 Cengage ISBN.13: 978-0-357-02231-3

Write an essay describing how this revolutionary year sparked your motivation, resiliency, and development.

2020-2021 has forced students to change and adapt more than ever before. Write an essay describing how this revolutionary year sparked your motivation, resiliency, and development. Provide examples and details about your personal growth, specifically in your AP/Honors course(s), during this unprecedented year.

How would you explain the water footprint concept to someone who was unfamiliar with it?

Q1: What is the water footprint concept according ? (20 points): 20

Q2: Have you discussed the water footprint concept in any of your other university courses? (10 points): 10

Q3: How would you explain the water footprint concept to someone who was unfamiliar with it? (70 points): 70

Your answer of Q3 should be between 150 and 250 words long. Answers that are longer or shorter (even by a word) will be penalized.



Describe the clouds you currently see outside.

Describe the clouds you currently see outside. All of us are completing this assignment in different areas and at different times so we should see differences in our answers. Take a picture and attach it to your discussion post so everyone can see what you are describing.

Some of the characteristics you should include in you description are

Current weather conditions

At the end of your post you should pose a NEW question to your classmates about the atmospheric moisture. This is wide open for interpretation – what did you wonder about as you worked through this activity & discussion? Example question could be “Is fog a type of cloud?”