
Explain what other factors can play a role in selecting more subjects

1. Describe your sample of interest (e.g., who do you want to study), including a type of sampling (e.g. simple random sampling, volunteer sampling etc.), and an estimated population size based on your sampling frame (for example, if your population is college students, and you are going to select some students from George Mason… your estimated population size is the total number of students at GMU). (15 points)
2. Describe inclusion criteria (e.g. that will be used to screen subjects who would potentially participate in your study), and provide a rationale for it. (10 points)
3. Describe exclusion criteria (e.g. characteristics that disqualify prospective subjects from inclusion in the study) The exclusion criteria are often used to ensure participants safety. that will be used to screen subjects who would potentially participate in your study, and provide a rationale for it. (5 points)
4. Describe the potential sample size that would be required for your study. Use previous studies to estimate the ideal sample size for your study (number of subjects that would be required for your study). Explain what other factors can play a role in selecting more subjects (e.g., time, financial, availability of subjects in the area, etc). (10 points)

Should organizations work to create jobs that are satisfying to individual employees?


3-17. Should organizations work to create jobs that are satisfying to individual employees?

3-18. Are the principles of job crafting described here relevant to your job or studies? Why or why not?

3-19. Are there any potential drawbacks to the job-crafting approach? If so, how can they be minimized?

Compare and contrast the economies, social structures, and political institutions and policies that have organized life in California across three of the following four periods of California history.

Compare and contrast the 1) economies, 2) social structures, and/or 3) political institutions/policies that have organized life in California across three of the following four periods of California history: 1) Pre-Columbian California (circa 40,000 BCE – 1542 CE); 2) Spanish California (1542-1821); 3) Mexican California (1821-1848);

Your response should be specific and analyze precise evidence/examples drawn from multiple course sources to support your claims about the similarities and differences you observe

Briefly outline ethical principles related to multiculturalism and gender equity to resolve ethical dilemmas at work.

Select an important news event that addresses questionable decision-making on a topic relating to social equity. Your research should identify a government or nonprofit organization that used (or did not use) proper procedures, policy, or law for handling workplace equality practices. With increased multiculturalism in our communities, organizations also need to know how to fairly discern instances of real or perceived discrimination, civil rights abuses, EEOC violations, and gender inequality. Specific topics to be addressed are listed below.
Identify the organization, and include stakeholders, individuals, and departments involved.
Describe the circumstances and sequence of events—what went right, and what went wrong.
Introduce and identify what rules, policy, or law was (or was not) interpreted properly.
Briefly outline ethical principles related to multiculturalism and gender equity to resolve ethical dilemmas at work.
Summarize important lessons learned.
Conclude by listing central social equity concepts in the scenario.
Ensure your essay is at least two pages in length but is no longer than four pages in length, is double-spaced, and uses 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. Section headings are also encouraged to help organize your paper.
Your essay must be written using APA format. Be sure to include a title page and a reference page, but  note that these will not count toward meeting the minimum page requirement. All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited. Title and reference pages do not count toward meeting the minimum page requirements.

Explore the concept of Intersectionality in the novel ‘NW’ by Zadie Smith.

For this research paper you will be creating an abstract and essay plan for this question: Explore the concept of Intersectionality in the novel ‘NW’ by Zadie Smith.

The abstract should be around 450-550 words and the essay plan should be around 750-850 words totalling to 1350 words.The essay plan should be detailed explaining what you would write in each paragraph in answer to the question. You should use quotations from the novel and also refer to the sources in your essay plan. The essay plan should have a clear structure, allowing the reader to follow the argument from beginning to end. The abstract should capture the overall argument of a longer essay.

A student forgot to put the lid back on the calorimeter after mixing NaOH pellet with HCl solution. How does it affect the value of ΔHreaction2 ?

Show that the two equations for reactions 1 and 3 shown below can be added algebraically to give the equation for reaction 2 in the middle. NaOH(s) Na+(aq) + OH(aq) Reaction 1 NaOH(s) + H+(aq) + Cl(aq) H2O(l) + Na+(aq) + Cl(aq) Reaction 2 Na+(aq) + OH(aq) + H+(aq) + Cl(aq) H2O(l) + Na+(aq) + Cl(aq) Reaction 3

5 2. Applying Hess’s Law and the result from the previous question, calculate the theoretical ΔH for reaction 2 using only the experimental ΔH values for reactions 1 and 3. NaOH(s) Na+(aq) + OH(aq) ΔHreaction1 NaOH(s) + H+(aq) + Cl(aq) H2O(l) + Na+(aq) + Cl(aq) ΔHreaction2 Na+(aq) + OH(aq) + H+(aq) + Cl(aq) H2O(l) + Na+(aq) + Cl(aq) ΔHreaction33. Compare the theoretically calculated enthalpy of reaction, ΔHtheoretical, for reaction 2 (from the previous question) with the experimentally determined enthalpy of reaction, ΔHexperimental, for reaction 2 (from simulation). Calculate the absolute difference between ΔHtheoretical and ΔHexperimental. Show your calculations. 4. If the absolute difference between ΔHtheoretical and ΔHexperimental is equal or less than 10 kJ/mol, then assume that the difference is negligible and that ΔHtheoretical = ΔHexperimental. According to your virtual experimental results, is Hess’s Law valid? Explain.

6 5. In reaction 1, a student measured the temperature of the resultant solution when some NaOH pellets were still left in the calorimeter. How does it affect the value of ΔHreaction1 ? 6. In reaction 2, a student forgot to put the lid back on the calorimeter after mixing NaOH pellet with HCl solution. How does it affect the value of ΔHreaction2 ? 7. In reaction 3, a student left the solution stirring for 30 min while talking to a friend. How does it affect the value of ΔHreaction3 ? 8. In this experiment, we assumed the density of water or any solution is 1.00 g/mL and that the specific heat capacity of any solution is 4.184 J/(g·°C) to simplify the calculation. List another assumption we made in this experiment.

Discuss the differences between prediction and creation ways of thinking.

Compare and Contrast a traditional leader and an entrepreneurial leader. Research traditional leadership characteristics. Create an outline for the traditional leader. Include 10-20 ideal characteristics.
Entrepreneurial Leader
Compare and Contrast a leader and an entrepreneurial leader. Research entrepreneurial leadership characteristics. Create an outline for the ideal entrepreneurial leader. Include 10-20 ideal characteristics.
Entrepreneurial Leader v. Traditional Leader
Compare and Contrast a leader and an entrepreneurial leader. Add similarities and differences.

Activity 2

1. Discuss what was different about Ludwick Marishane and Uri Alon.
2. Research leaders that succeed and research leaders that failed: What is the difference?
3. Discuss the differences between prediction and creation ways of thinking.

Critically discuss the main theories underpinning Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Critically discuss the main theories underpinning Cognitive Behavioural Therapy( CBT); How tho these inform assessment in practice?

Analyse the various impacts of an urban park.

The local council has decided to build a new urban park. You have been asked to analyse the various impacts of an urban park. Use this analysis to recommend ways of maximising the benefits and minimising

Explain the idea and evolution of lwa in Haitian Vodou.

Explain the idea and evolution of lwa in Haitian Vodou.