
Compare and contrast the changing attitudes in the media towards love, relationships, and marriage.

This paper is to compare and contrast the changing attitudes in the media towards love, relationships, and marriage.
1. Select one show from column A and one show from column B.
2. Report the name of the show, the season (s), and the episode (e).
3. Describe the characters and the plot as if the reader has never seen an episode of the show.
4. Describe each show’s concept of love either as expressly mentioned or as implied from the interaction of the characters.
5. Describe each show’s concept of marriage either as expressly mentioned or as implied by the interaction of the characters.
6. The major portion of the paper should be dedicated to the comparison of love and marriage in the two shows. Provide evidence from the shows.

Discuss the digital divide and how it applies to work, or education. Or, perhaps you would care to address the reality of Corporate Surveillance in our everyday lives.

Write a 4-5 page essay on one of the emerging issues of our time. Perhaps you may wish to discuss the digital divide and how it applies to work, or education. Or, perhaps you would care to address the reality of Corporate Surveillance in our everyday lives. Also, with perceived coming developments towards a vaccine for Covid-19, what would be a preferred approach to property rights, if they’re even ought to be for such claims for property rights?

Discuss Pollution & Air Quality and how air pollution can harm your health and the environment.

Discuss Pollution & Air Quality and how air pollution can harm your health and the environment,

what EPA is doing to protect the air we breathe and Reference the Clean Air Act

What are at least two different examples of how Black Americans protested in favor of freedom or against slavery in actions or in words during the years before the Declaration of Independence (1776)

What are at least two different examples of how Black Americans protested in favor of freedom and/or against slavery in actions or in words during the years before the Declaration of Independence (1776)? (Consider, for example, Peter Bestes and Phillis Wheatley.) How did those in power – British authorities or white Patriot revolutionaries – respond to these actions or statements of protest? (Consider, for example, the statements of Lord Dunmore and Thomas Jefferson.) Why do you think that claims to rights on the part of African Americans and debates on the issue of slavery intensified on the eve of the Revolution? Required sections in Holton, Black Americans: Introduction, Documents – The Coming of the Revolution.

Read Woody Holton, Black Americans in the Revolutionary Era. Read the Introduction with particular care because it gives you a context for the sets of documents that follow. Try to get a sense of which set of documents interests you most, and then focus your paper based on that decision.

Use quoted or paraphrased passages to offer examples that support or illustrate the points of your analysis. Remember: Cite all quoted passages, all paraphrases, and any borrowed information by page number or document number. Do not plagiarize. For citations of Holton’s book this MLA style citation format will suffice: (Holton 27) – 27 being the page number (for text users) or document number (for e-book users).

What role does advertising play in this story?

Read the article attached and answers the following questions about the article. Search additional articles to add more context.
1. What is the main point of the article?

2. What role does advertising play in this story?

3. What are some challenges or new opportunities presented in the article?

4. Based on class readings and exercises, how has advertising changed based on the issue/theme presented in the article?

The link to the article is

Discuss the characteristics of common headaches—migraine, cluster, and tension—and describe their evaluation and treatment options. What prevention strategies would you advise?

  • Consider the impact of spinal cord injury and the potential scope of lifetime disability and sequelae associated with spinal cord injury. The greatest challenge facing the neuroscience community involves developing therapy that will allow damaged nerve tissue to be regrown and regenerated. Reflect on this article and discuss the importance of Schwann cells and their impact on damaged axons.
  • Describe the genetic components, pathophysiology, and major neurologic features of neurofibromatosis, Cri du chat syndrome, Tay-Sachs disease, and Parkinson disease (early onset).
  • Define dementia of Alzheimer type (DAT) and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation and treatment.
  • Consider the following scenario: Your patient has suffered from schizophrenia for two decades and has received classic dopaminergic treatments since the onset of illness. The latest research supporting use of the glutamatergic model has not been tried on your patient, and there is an opportunity for your patient to enter clinical trials utilizing glutamate-based treatments. Your patient suffers significant executive function impairment and memory impairment. Do you recommend participation in the clinical trial? Why or why not?
  • Discuss the pathophysiology of cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs)—thrombotic, embolic, hemorrhagic, and lacunar—their incidence and prevalence, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment.
  • Discuss the characteristics of common headaches—migraine, cluster, and tension—and describe their evaluation and treatment options. What prevention strategies would you advise?


Develop the mission, vision, and values for the Diversity plan of the organization.

The final project includes the application of fundamentals learned in the course regarding diversity and inclusion. Your task is to develop the mission, vision, and values for the Diversity plan of the organization. In addition, you are responsible for developing measurable metrics to evaluate whether the plan met its goals.

XYZ Municipality’s Diversity/Inclusion Plan

In order to develop XYZ Municipality’s Mission and Vision, senior staff are committed to actively fostering diversity, inclusion and cultural competency throughout our programmatic, research, development, and operational efforts of the municipality.

Mission: XYZ Municipality-

Vision: XYZ Municipality

Values: XYZ Municipality

Goal 1: Build XYZ Municipality’s capability to execute a long-range diversity & inclusion plan

Metric 1

Metric 2

Goal 2 : Design a research agenda focused on recruiting and retaining diverse population of employees

Metric 1

Metric 2

Goal 3: Increase awareness; build mutually rewarding relationships and foster collaboration with the leaders and employees in the organization who are from diverse backgrounds and different perspectives

Metric 1

Metric 2

Goal 4: Promote an agenda for education of diversity/inclusion in the organization

Metric 1

Metric 2

Goal 5: Develop and implement diversity and inclusion education and program for professionals

Metric 1

Metric 2

Discuss the stereotypes used in the drama “Los Vendidos.” Use evidence to back your argument.

The paper must be 3-4 pages long (the third page needs to be a full page, and your Works Cited page is not your third page), typed, double spaced, 1-inch margin, MLA format. Include a Works Cited page and a title.
– PROMPT: Discuss the stereotypes used in the drama “Los Vendidos.” Use evidence to back your argument.
– Link to read “Los Vendidos”

What roles does human resources management play in a public or nonprofit sector organization fulfilling its mission and effectively pursuing its strategic goals?

1. What roles does human resources management play in a public or nonprofit sector organization fulfilling its mission and effectively pursuing its strategic goals?

2. Employment anti-discrimination laws have changed in many ways over the years. Discuss these key changes, and how these legal shifts relate to an HR Manager’s continuous effort to negotiate internal personnel changes and external legal changes.

3. In many ways there is a symbiotic relationship between employee development and performance management. Discuss the relationship between the two HR management functions, and how you can effectively use performance management to ensure effective employee development and use employee development to ensure high-quality employee performance.

4. Public sector HR Managers have an obligation to effectively manage a diverse workforce. Discuss why this is so important in the public sector, the value of diversity for an organization, and how managing diversity and complying with anti-discrimination laws are not the same.

Discuss the aspects of right, wrong, and different and select one example of what you consider a “grey area” and relate how that example could impact you.

The book needed for this assignment is Cross-Cultural Connections: Stepping Out and Fitting in Around the World (2002) by Duane Elmer.

From Elmer’s text, discuss the aspects of right, wrong, and different and select one example of what you consider a “grey area” and relate how that example could impact a) you, b) the local church, c) the kingdom of Satan, and d) the kingdom of God.