
Describe several ways in which it differs from other varieties of English in terms of its phonology, morphology, vocabulary, or syntax.

Select a recognized dialect or variety of American English and prepare a report on it. It may be a regional, social, or stylistic variant. Good choices include AAVE, Gullah, regional variants (e.g., Appalachian English, New York English), Standard English, or English variants associated with particular ethnic or religious groups. Prepare an 800 word report on this dialect, based on reliable linguistic sources (not newspaper or magazine articles, unless they’re citing professional linguists). Your report should address at least the following:
Where, when, and/or by whom is this variety spoken? How does the speech community differ from other American speech communities? What makes it a cohesive group?
How did the dialect develop? Is it a prestige variety or a stigmatized variety?
Describe several ways in which it differs from other varieties of English in terms of its phonology, morphology, vocabulary, or syntax.
List a few interesting lexical items that are specific to this dialect.

What do  you think are the two or three major take-away points from the podcast – basically, the things you would tell a friend if you were summarizing the podcast.

Listen to the below podcast exploring the radio ban of Loretta Lynn’s song “The Pill”. You can also read the transcript if you’d rather. It’s a neat story about the history of birth control in America and the sexual double-standards that exist in country music publishing.

Once you’re done, please write a 2-3 page reaction paper. In the reaction paper make sure to do both of the following:
1)  What do  you think are the two or three major take-away points from the podcast – basically, the things you would tell a friend if you were summarizing the podcast.
2) For each of those points, tell me why you think they are the take-aways. What’s important about them, and what evidence supports them? (If you really want to impress, provide research or evidence from a source other than the podcast itself.)

Defend the importance of minimum qualification and certification standards for the position.

You will assume the role of a human resources manager for an airline or airport. As the human resources manager, you are responsible for recruiting and hiring a qualified workforce. For this assignment, you will prepare a briefing identifying and supporting the necessary qualifications, certifications, and attributes for a pilot


Keep in mind that as a minimum your presentation must:

Identify the job description for the position.
Explain the criteria needed for the position.
Explain the privileges of certification in this position.
Defend the importance of minimum qualification and certification standards for the position.
Include references

Create an Ownership, Location, and Internalization analysis to understand their foreign operations.

Based on your experience working at some particular organization(s), create an Ownership, Location, and Internalization analysis to understand their foreign operations. If your organization did not engage in global operations, conduct the same analysis to find out whether it makes sense for that organization to become a multinational firm.

What three factors best describe how to identify someone’s individual paradigm and interests

1, What three factors best describe how to identify someone’s individual paradigm and interests

2, What process should we use to decide which factors to use to determine their individual paradigm and interests.

3, Do their interests and individual paradigms overlap? Can paradigms determine interests or vice versa?

The three factors must be observable. A behavior is observable if you can do any of the following:

See the behavior
Taste the behavior
Touch the behavior
Hear the behavior
Smell the behavior

Where would you advise investors to put their money in? Conduct the same exercise for the bust period.

You will put yourselves in the shoes of investors evaluating Brazil during the two periods covered by the reading: the era of booming exports and the bust that followed. Imagine you are a group of consultants hired to evaluate business opportunities in Brazil during the booming period. Where would you advise investors to put their money in? Conduct the same exercise for the bust period. Where would you invest? For your decisions of both periods explain your rationale to choose particular sectors of the economy or individual firms.

Describe an alternative solution to explain the social phenomenon

1, A direct challenge to a peer’s initial post. The challenge can consist of:
– Explaining why the theory is weak and limited
– Demonstrating that from a different view your point is better supported than
2, Empirical support and justification
-Do not simply say a post is bad. Articulate why it is bad and what is needed to
improve. Illustrate limitations or holes in the argument
– Even if you agree with the post, play devil’s advocate and argue the other side!
3, Provide an alternative solution
-Describe an alternative solution to explain the social phenomenon
-There are no black and white answers with vast shades of gray. Justify your shade of gray with evidence. Show the class and me why your shade of gray is a better choice

Choose a multinational corporation and analyze its operations in two different countries using the CAGE analysis.

Choose a multinational corporation and analyze its operations in two different countries using the CAGE analysis. Divide your report into the following parts:

1.Company background;
2.Industry background;
3.Relevant characteristics of each of the countries under analysis;
4.CAGE analysis. Section (4) should constitute the main body of the project.
Evaluate under the CAGE framework the successes or failures of the multinational.

Do you agree with our society’s emphasis on intelligence testing, specifically IQ testing?

Write a 1 – 2 page (double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins) paper in which you discuss your thoughts and opinions on the lecture material concerning intelligence and assessing intelligence.
Do you agree with our society’s emphasis on intelligence testing, specifically IQ testing?
Is IQ all there is to intelligence, or are we missing a bigger picture?
How would you (yes, you!) define intelligence?
In other words, how would you describe intelligence to a younger sibling or student?

Why do you think that historically, Subaru chose to export production from Japan, rather than set up manufacturing facilities in the United States like its Japanese rivals?

1. Why do you think that historically, Subaru chose to export production from Japan, rather than set up manufacturing facilities in the United States like its Japanese rivals?

2. What are the currency risks associated with Subaru’s export strategy? What are the potential benefits?

3. Is Subaru wise to expand its U.S. production capacity? What other strategies could the company use to hedge against adverse changes in exchange rates? What are the pros and cons of the different hedging strategies Subaru might adopt?