
Discuss mental health challenges in the LGBTQ community

Discuss mental health challenges in the LGBTQ community

Discuss whether or not your subsidiary has any role in foreign exchange risk management.

1-Subsidiary: Ford Motor Company Limited – registered number (company number) – 00235446

2- 4. Show detailed calculations, analyze, compare and comment the financial performance trend of your subsidiary for each year of the three-year period of 2017-2019 (sales and profit growth/ decline); profitability ratios of gross profit margin ratio, EBIT ratio, net profit ratio, ROA; gearing ratios of debt-to-total assets, debt-to-equity, times interest earned; liquidity ratios of current ratio, quick ratio, working capital; operating efficiency ratios of inventory turnover in days, account receivable turnover in days and account payable turnover in days. In case your subsidiary exports, analyze sales in domestic markets and international markets. You should present the financial statements of your subsidiary in the appendix in the format of the image.

3- Analyse all the major financing sources of your subsidiary for the period 207-2019? Discuss whether or not your subsidiary has any role in foreign exchange risk management.



If you were the Executive Director of the NCAA, what would you have done?

We have gone over the laws concerned with Gender Equity and as you can tell, just because it is the law, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is applied.  If you haven’t heard or seen the news about the men’s and women’s NCAA Basketball Tournaments, it is a great example of the lack of equity.

Read this article:

Question for Response:

If you were the Executive Director of the NCAA, what would you have done?  For this assignment, you are limited to two pages, double spaced.


Explain self-talk, self-awareness, and control and monitoring, and how they all help with problem solving and decision making

Explain self-talk, self-awareness, and control and monitoring, and how they all help with problem solving and decision making

What does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion mean to you, and how can it be applied in a Public Library setting.

What does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) mean to you, and how can it be applied in a Public Library setting.

Discuss on the role of an editor

Discuss on the role of an editor

Define and contrast the three ethical perspectives. How do the perspectives differ from the ethical theories?

Define and contrast the three ethical perspectives.
How do the perspectives differ from the ethical theories?
What does each ethical perspective tell us about morality and virtue?
Think of an issue that has occurred in the community where you live during this past year. This may be a public issue that has generated interest in the press, or it may be something that has come up in your child’s school, in your church, in a social club you belong to, or in your neighborhood. Describe the issue, and then analyze the issue from the viewpoint of one of the ethical perspectives. Include at least one external source that references your issue (e.g., a newspaper article, news report, published report, etc.).

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center resources Introduction to APA (Links to an external site.) and Integrating Research (Links to an external site.).

Explain the themes or ideas that unite the different ethical theories.

Explain the themes or ideas that unite the different ethical theories.

How would you address radicalization? Pick one small piece and write a one page policy paper, assuming the facts as given in the text and assuming that you are advising a US governor.

The Changing Faces of Terrorism, By Professor Adam Roberts, 08/27/2002, BBC, 5 pages.

Policy Paper: How would you address radicalization? Pick one small piece and write a one page (single spaced) policy paper, assuming the facts as given in the text and assuming that you are advising a US governor. For example, “To address radicalization we should….”

Identify some “extremis ideas that are also part of a terrorist ideology’ and that are ‘conducive’ to terrorism..

Identify some “extremis ideas that are also part of a terrorist ideology’ and that are ‘conducive’ to terrorism…” Or identify some that are not.