
What is Professor Roberts’ view of whether terrorism works, and why? Do you agree?

The Changing Faces of Terrorism, By Professor Adam Roberts, 08/27/2002, BBC, 5 pages

What is Professor Roberts’ view of whether terrorism works, and why? Do you agree?

Write a paper that traces the stylistic development of Rembrandt. Discuss and analyze fully three (3) specific works of by your chosen artist:

Write a paper that traces the stylistic development of Rembrandt. Discuss and analyze fully three (3) specific works of by your chosen artist: 1.) The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulip, 1632; 2.) The Night Watch, 1642 and 3.) The Syndics of the Cloth Guild, 1662.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of this argument?” Additionally, how has the criminalization of immigration contributed to the humanitarian crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border?

In chapter 7 of Gomberg-Muñoz’s book, she makes the argument that “the proportional expansion of the incarcerated population in the U.S. has to do with changes in criminal legislation that disproportionately affect racial minorities, and she hypothesizes that these policies are similar to those that have ‘illegalized’ immigrants. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this argument?” Additionally, how has the criminalization of immigration contributed to the humanitarian crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border? What should be done about it?

Write a screenplay on the following short story

Write a screenplay on the following short story

Harold lived a happy life with his family, which constituted the daughter Samantha and his mother. The mother later fell ill and passed away, leaving Harold in full care of their daughter. Samantha becomes a waitress at the dining hall that was run by her stepmother Fiona. Her stepmother Fiona is heartless and greedy but eventually acquired full ownership of the premise after Samantha’s father’s death. He married Fiona immediately after the death of her husband. Harold Samantha’s father died, leaving behind no will. Fiona greedily took everything for herself, leaving Samantha to toil for her upkeep and manage her school fee; her stepmother Fiona and her stepsister twins Brianna and Gabriella torments her to their satisfaction, forcing her to work for them for long periods without any pay and food.

Fiona took Samantha’s earnings and spent it on luxurious things instead of basic needs like water, food, and clothing required at home. Samantha tried all that she could to join High School; she was bullied and tormented by some staff, but some of them welcomed her to the institution with open arms showing her all the adoration and love she required as a teenager. She confides in her pen pal friend Austin who had the same interests of joining the college as Samantha’s to become a writer. Some friends never turned their backs on her, and these friends of her include Carter Farrell, Rhonda, and many employees that her father had employed to help handle tasks at the dining hall. Samantha, together with Nomad, had planned to meet at the festival which was to be held at the school hall; Samantha appeared at the party dressed up in a white gown and mask. They danced together, and later, Samantha learns that Nomad is Austin, but Austin didn’t get the opportunity of knowing her. Samantha resumed back to the dinner to continue with her shift. Samantha left without revealing her true identity to Nomad, not knowing that they had been named the principal’s homecoming princess and prince.

Samantha dropped her phone on her way out of the hall, but Austin luckily picked it. Brianna and her sister Gabriella discovered that their stepsister Samantha was Cinderella and eventually tried luring Austin that they are Cinderella. Brianna and Drisella then presented the emails that were for Samantha to Shelby. They went the extra mile of gathering some lies that Samantha wanted to steal Austin. Brianna, Shelby, and Gabriella performed a mean-spirited skit at a school pep rally, horrifying the school staff. The email was read to the public. This helped Austin in knowing Samantha’s true identity. Samantha became humiliated and disappointed as Austin left her to bear the shame without offering any support.

Samantha later becomes more frustrated with her stepmother for letting her work so hard and received no pay. She left working at the diner and moved to Rhonda’s place. Some staff, including Rhonda, resigned too from the job as they were only staying in the dinner hall in respect of Samantha after her father’s death. Customers stormed out after learning all that had been taking place. Samantha confronted Austin before the football was over to let him know that she was not pleased with the lies and cowardice he showed. Austin then apologizes to her, she accepts the apology, and they both kissed for the first time. Samantha later found her father’s will hidden. The will indicated that Mr. Harold’s wealth and house were meant to be left for her daughter Samantha, including the dinner place. She then sells her stepmother’s possession to pay for her dream college.

Her stepmother Fiona, had signed the will as a witness but later on claimed not to be knowing anything about the will left by Hals, was arrested for child abuse and exploiting Samantha, forcing her out of her lawful inheritance, letting her work for long hours without any pay at that minor age. Her stepsisters Gabriella and Brianna retrieved her real acceptance letter to the college of her dream from the garbage where their mother Fiona had dumped it. Samantha’s stepmother and her unpleasant kids were then forced to work at the dinner in compensation for all the wrong things they did to Samantha after her father’s death. Samantha and Rhonda fully managed the dinner hall, making it to be more pleasant as customers stormed in in large numbers.

Additionally, Andy accepted his son to join Princeton and created a promotion at his carwash. Shelby and carter become friends for a while, but they parted when carter realizes her true colors. Samantha and Austin began a relationship after Austin had returned her cell phone, which he picked at the Halloween party. They then happily drove to Princeton together, a college each had been willing to join.

Explain how culture shapes verbal and nonverbal communication, utilizing Bevan.

Explain two points detailing why it is so important to be aware of culture when thinking about communication, utilizing Bevan.
Explain how culture shapes verbal and nonverbal communication, utilizing Bevan.
Describe the relationship between culture and two other themes that are central to culture from this list, utilizing Bevan:
Gender(Chapters 2 and 3)
High versus low context cultures (Chapter 3)
Dominant cultures versus co-cultures (Chapter 3)
Individualism and collectivism (Chapter 3)
Perceptual filters (Chapter 3)
Explain how paying attention to culture can help a person improve as a communicator, utilizing Bevan and, if you choose, one of the supplemental videos you watched.
The Culture and Communication paper

Must be 750 words (three double-spaced pages) in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.

Must utilize an academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.
Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) guide.

What are educational outcomes effect on economic development?

To evaluate the Education effects on Economic Development?
What are educational outcomes effect on economic development?
Is education necessary to promote economic development?
Identify problems in education: Childhood Poverty, Health, Inequality. What are some possible solutions to those problems?

The general focus of papers is to be the application of upper year level microeconomic theory to analyze and critically assess an Economics problem, policy, or law. Your paper must include at least one mathematical microeconomic theory model which can be used to analyze your paper topic; descriptive, econometric, empirical, and macroeconomic papers are not acceptable.

Define critical thinking and explain why it is important in groups.

Define critical thinking and explain why it is important in groups. Provide an example of a fact and an opinion and how you know the difference.

Complete a 2000 – 2500 word data analysis report outlining the data measures, trends across the two-year period, and any correlations or patterns you deem relevant, in your goal of providing a coherent overview of how crime patterns changed in this town from 2018 to 2019.

Emerging from the 2020/2021 COVID-19 period, senior Gardaí and policy- makers wish to use pre-pandemic crime reporting to consider whether local policing strategies were effective and should be introduced nationally. This town’s 2019 policing to reduce theft is one such case study.
Complete a 2000 – 2500 word data analysis report outlining the data measures, trends across the two-year period, and any correlations or patterns you deem relevant, in your goal of providing a coherent overview of how crime patterns changed in this town from 2018 to 2019.  Do not exceed the amount of words or the professor won’t grade it.
Include a short introduction summarising your principal findings and a conclusion section making any relevant recommendations for how this data might be supplemented, different categorised, or otherwise provide for an improved analysis in future years.
Provide any replications or reorganisations of the initial data, any tables, graphs, visualisation, etc., as appendices to your report.
You must include at least three graphs/visualisations, at minimum.
In your report and especially in your conclusions, thoroughly address the strategy changes in 2019 acknowledged by the Gardaí (to mitigate theft offenses), providing your analysis of the effectiveness of their measures, and any resulting changes for other crime types.

Compare and contrast the major or minor characters to arrive at a personal insight.

You can choose one of the three types of literary research papers which will analyze different aspects of Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez:

Compare And Contrast
Compare and contrast the major or minor characters to arrive at a personal insight.

Choose an image or symbol and trace it throughout the novel to highlight the major theme.
After you choose and analyze your examples, you should come to some greater understanding about the work, as well as your chosen image or symbol’s role in developing the major theme and stylistic strategies of that work.

Ask a question you can argue about: for example, is Florentino Ariza a likable character?

In this kind of essay, you’re being asked to debate a moral, ethical, or aesthetic issue regarding the work. You might be asked to judge a character or group of characters ( Is Caesar responsible for his own demise?) or the work itself ( Is Jane Eyre (Links to an external site.) a feminist novel?). For this kind of essay, there are two important points to keep in mind. First, don’t simply base your arguments on your personal feelings and reactions.

Second, remember that strong literary essays make contrary and surprising arguments. Can you think of any arguments for the opposite side? Even if your final assertion is that the novel depicts a cruel, repressive, and therefore harmful society, acknowledging and responding to the counterargument will strengthen your overall case.