
From your perspective explain the phenomenon the ‘Cycle of Violence.

Criminologists have begun to analyze crime data in the attempt to find predictable patterns and common threads that bind victims together. Additionally, they have identified theoretical frameworks that help to explain crime, deviance, and victimization.
As such from your perspective explain the phenomenon the ‘Cycle of Violence.’ Your submission should include an example of the causation(s).

Do we give up part of who we are to be more educated?DISCUSS

Do we give up part of who we are to be more educated?DISCUSS

Discuss Wuthering Heights as a romantic novel by identifying at least six different traits of Romanticism found in the novel.

Discuss Wuthering Heights as a romantic novel by identifying at least six different traits of Romanticism found in the novel. Prove each of your assertions with examples from the text in order to develop your paragraphs.

Write  an essay about the Philippine Army Core Purpose “Serving the people, securing the land”

Write  an essay about the Philippine Army Core Purpose “Serving the people, securing the land”

Explain whether you believe there is an evidence base to support the proposed policy and explain why.

When politics and medical science intersect, there can be much debate. Sometimes anecdotes or hearsay are misused as evidence to support a particular point. Despite these and other challenges, however, evidence-based approaches are increasingly used to inform health policy decision-making regarding causes of disease, intervention strategies, and issues impacting society. One example is the introduction of childhood vaccinations and the use of evidence-based arguments surrounding their safety.

In this Discussion, you will identify a recently proposed health policy and share your analysis of the evidence in support of this policy.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Congress website provided in the Resources and identify one recent (within the past 5 years) proposed health policy.
  • Review the health policy you identified and reflect on the background and development of this health policy.

Write  a description of the health policy you selected and a brief background for the problem or issue being addressed. Explain whether you believe there is an evidence base to support the proposed policy and explain why. Be specific and provide examples.

Discuss whether the child’s display of this particular behavior is typical for his or her age.

Introduction: one-paragraph. Include pertinent information about the child, such as age, gender, family structure, immigration/language learning status, special needs, etc, but do NOT specifically identify the child by their real name. You may also want to include a description of the circumstances of the observation – time, place, other individuals present, etc. Again, take care not to mention any specific people, schools, or other details that would make it possible to identify the child.
General Impressions: about one paragraph. Describe some of the child’s behavior or patterns of behaviors that were interesting to you, and analyze their significance to child development. Use this space to place the child within a particular developmental stage, supporting your observations with information on age-related milestones from the text. Select what you choose to include in this paragraph to show you reader how old your subject is, and how you can tell.
Specific Behaviors: 4-8 paragraphs, depending on how you organize it. For approximately four behaviors the child exhibited during the first or second hours:
Describe the behavior, in good observational detail.
Identify the concept from class the behavior illustrated.
Explain why this behavior illustrates the concept.
Discuss whether the child’s display of this particular behavior is typical for his or her age.
Discuss the significance of these behaviors for the child, and for child development in general.
Wrap-Up: about 1 paragraph. Summarize your conclusions about this child and his or her current stage of lifespan development. Include any factors that you think may have impacted on the behavior of the child.

Explain whether African Americans are neglected during pregnancy and the racial disparity that happens

Explain whether African Americans are neglected during pregnancy and the racial disparity that happens

Identify and explain any significant changes the character undergoes as a result of the loss of innocence.

LITERATURE (Choose AT LEAST TWO works to analyze in your essay):
 Nathaniel Hawthorne: “Young Goodman Brown”
 Abdullah Shoaib: “Pretty Ugly”
 James Joyce: “Araby”
 Alan Feldman: “My Century”
 Robert Frost: “The Road Not Taken” and “Birches”
 Kate Chopin: “Désirée’s Baby”

Choose from one of the following essay topics to develop a 900-1200 word (about 3-4 pages), double-spaced, typed essay. Indicate the topic choice number in your essay’s title. Be sure to use specific evidence from the text for your analysis and conclusions, not mere speculation. Remember to correctly cite and document your quotes and paraphrases. Be careful not to summarize the story!
You may choose any combination of literature; for example: two short stories, a poem and a short story, or two, three, or all four of the poems.

Essay Topic:

The Loss of Innocence is a theme that many authors have written on in their works. Identify a character’s loss of innocence in at least two different works, by addressing this prompt and all the following questions:
a. Analyze the character: How did he/she lose innocence? Consider what the character does or says, does not say or do–and why.
b. Identify and explain any significant changes the character undergoes as a result of the loss of innocence.
c. Focus on the Literary Elements in the works, such as symbolism, imagery, allegory, irony, and tone. How are these elements evidenced in the works, and how do they affect the overall impact of the literature?
d. Reflect on the role (if any) that society had in the character’s loss of innocence.

Explain the Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen.

Explain the Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen.

Describe your experiences with someone who is moody and who has responsibilities of decision making for an organization.

Emotions, mood, and organizational culture can create a positive or negative experience for employees. They can also cause problems for leaders.

Imagine a leader arriving at work each day with a very emotional or moody disposition. How would you handle someone who has an uneven personality and brings a negative air and context to the workplace and organization? How might this impact organizational effectiveness? Support your answer with research.
Practical Application: Describe your experiences with someone who is moody and who has responsibilities of decision making for an organization. What impact does this have on his or her directives for the organization? If you have no such experiences, try interviewing a friend or family member about their experiences. Alternately, you may research an organization or leader. If you choose this option, you must support your findings with credible reports or articles.