
Write a Literature review for the pros of using medical marijuana

Write a Literature review for the pros of using medical marijuana

Do the benefits of artificial intelligence out way the risks.

Do the benefits of artificial intelligence out way the risks.
and  site the souses on nodal tools

Write a research paper on  ” social anxiety disorder”.

Write your papers in APA style. Papers should range from 2500 to 3000 words. Write a research paper on  ” social anxiety disorder”.

Both Gilgamesh and the Odyssey have central female characters, both mortal ones and goddesses. Discuss how the two epics deal with such subjects as what power women have.

Topic #2: Both Gilgamesh and the Odyssey have central female characters, both mortal ones and goddesses. Discuss how the two epics deal with such subjects as
what power women have;
how central the women are to the events in the epics;
to what extend the goddesses exhibit characteristics similar to mortal women;
whether women are portrayed as having flaws or traits that are unique to females.
From Gilgamesh, focus on Siduri and possibly Ishtar, Ninsun, or Shamash; for Homer, you have many options, including Penelope, Athena, Anticleia, Circe, Calypso, and Nausicaa. One of the passages you should quote (all or in part) and analyze is the following:

When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man (25).

Second, write an essay presenting your argument. Include quotations from the texts as well as additional details that illustrate and enhance the points you are making. Use the following as an outline of what to include:

Explain the general topic and relevant themes (e.g. heroes, women) and any relevant terms for that topic (suggested 1-2 paragraphs).
Apply that topic to both Gilgamesh and to the Odyssey (suggested 4-6 paragraphs). Give specific examples and quotes from the texts to illustrate your points. Use in-text citations for the quotations.
Your final page should be your Works Cited page, in MLA format. It should include the literary texts, as well as any content pages from the course material to which you may have referred.
Don’t forget to review the guidelines for How to Succeed in the Written Assignments and the Sample paper in MLA format. Make sure you save time to submit your draft to via the free Tutoring Services link for helpful feedback before the due date. All writing assignments have Turnitin enabled for plagiarism detection.

How does Suzanne Collins’ novel The Hunger Games fit the genre of the dystopian novel?

– Need to start the paper off with “The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins contains the following features which are typical of dystopian literature because it is a page-turning thriller featuring Katniss Everdeen as a strong heroine who ignites a spark to overturn her totalitarian government. ”

– Be sure that you double space and use 12 font Times New Roman font. Remain in literary present tense. No contractions. Italicize the novel title.

-TOPIC “How does Suzanne Collins’ novel The Hunger Games fit the genre of the dystopian novel?”

-Here are your source quote choices. Make sure you block your quotes if necessary. You need 3 Primary and 1 Secondary quote in your essay .

-Cite only the works that have quotes in the paper. If you end up not using one of the two secondary sources, OMIT that source from your Works Cited Page.

Explain the role of the organisation in relation to bullying.

Explain the role of the organisation in relation to bullying. How can we view this alongside the roles of individuals and groups in allowing bullying to take place at work?

prepare a summary of all the types of managed care plans covered in this chapter.

Read chapter 7 in the text Health Economics and Policy: James W. Henderson. ( note that this reading is provided in the content folder for you, called "Reading Notes Chapter 7 ".) and prepare a summary of all the types of managed care plans covered in this chapter.

What element of the community did you or can you impact with the capstone project?

Think about your experience in the MPH program,

taking into consideration social determinants of health, levels of prevention, health promotion, and education. What element of the community did you or can you impact with the capstone project?