
Discuss and analyse a case of activism of your choice.

Discuss and analyse a case of activism of your choice. The analysis should go beyond the description of a campaign or the actions of a single organisation to incorporate the following features

Communication is the main focus and how it effects social change and how we understand change in society (uk) focusing on activism and how people organise themselves to promote a particular kind of change in society

Briefly outline the key employee resourcing issues for your chosen organisation.

You are assessed via a case study based project, which requires you to design an
employee resourcing strategy for an organisation of your choice. The assignment
involves three types of activities: (1) identifying analysing and evaluating theoretical
perspectives in relation to employee resourcing; (2) recognising the implications of
employee resourcing within organisations; (3) evaluating and justifying these
implications in the light of relevant literature and research.

it is very important you see the added material it includes everything that needs to be done for this report- include real life examples of organisations/companys to further argument.

Briefly outline the key employee resourcing issues for your chosen organisation. (pick an organisation)
You should focus on 2-3 critical resourcing challenges, which you consider are a
priority for the organisation at this time. (N.B. This task is worth 20% of the final
mark and you should allocate @400 words)

2. Recommend an appropriate employee resourcing strategy for your organisation.
In doing so, you must include supporting evidence to justify your recommended
resourcing strategy.

Discuss the steps used in setting out building using coordinates and explain challenges that might affect setting out.

Discuss the steps used in setting out building using coordinates and explain challenges that might affect setting out.

Examine and describe the existing building design considering the design aspects such as materials, thermal issues, and structural aspect.

• Examine and describe the existing building design considering the design aspects such as materials, thermal issues, and structural aspect.(Use your imagination/discretion)
• Outline and analyse challenges that could affect the adaptive reuse of the building and discuss briefly the economic and environmental benefits.
• Critique the requirement for sustainable adaptation by considering energy efficiency outcome, environmental performance, and eco-friendly materials.

Identify the limitations in the existing method statement and produce an addendum to accommodate the limitations

1. Identify an incident that qualifies to be reported (RIDDOR)
2. Identify and illustrate clearly six causes for this incident and produce a risk assessment and matrix to that effect
3. Identify the limitations in the existing method statement and produce an addendum to accommodate the limitations
4. Produce six slides identifying the issues that mandate better and more specific training required to alleviate the particular incident – Explain each slide as if presenting to a group
5. Using the CDM 2015 guidelines produce a two-page construction phase plan.

Do you believe in the efficient markets hypothesis

Do you believe in the efficient markets hypothesis (consider the semi-strong form of market efficiency)?

Discuss the similarities and differences between the social, economic, and political philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists versus Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans

Discuss the similarities and differences between the social, economic, and political philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists versus Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans (Anti-Federalists): Why did these political factions emerge? How did each view the other?

Discuss the similarities and differences between the social, economic, and political philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists versus Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans (Anti-Federalists)r: From what segments of society did each faction draw its support? How did each faction view slavery?

Discuss the similarities and differences between the social, economic, and political philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists versus Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans (Anti-Federalists): Was this the precursor to the debate over slavery in the Antebellum period?


Why is it important for organizations to focus on hiring ethical employees?

Why is it important for organizations to focus on hiring ethical employees?

How would you create a Code of Ethics for an organization that you have worked for or that you have read about? Explain in detail.


Explain the Puritan Christian comparison to the Israelite Exodus and state why they believed this and the importance it played in their civil society.

1. Explain the Puritan Christian comparison to the Israelite Exodus and state why they believed this and the importance it played in their civil society.

2.  Identify and explain Jerry Falwell’s political movement the “Moral Majority” and the role it played in the 1980 elections.

3. What are two things that you found interesting about civil religion be specific in your answer and give examples.
And here is the second one assignment
For this assignment you will need to write in-depth 200 word reaction to the reading, this is a summary of what you read. It will need to be written double space and include your name, date, and chapter number. It will also need to include at the 3 ‘provocations’ (i.e. provocative questions triggered by your reading). Each section is worth 10 points, so make sure to include all three sections.

Identify at least two jobs that you think would be a good fit for you, and explain how your traits would help you excel in those jobs.

This posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word totals for this post should be in the 100–200-word range. Whether you agree or disagree, explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate.

For Discussion
Choose ONE of the following questions to respond to in your initial post.

In your reading, you learned about person-environment fit and person-job fit. Do you think one of these is more important than the other? If so, which one, and why? If you think they’re equally important, explain your reasons.
Take an online personality test to measure the Big Five factors (you can search for “Big Five personality test,” or access an online Big Five Personalist test here (Links to an external site.)). Which factors did you score highest in? Identify at least two jobs that you think would be a good fit for you, and explain how your traits would help you excel in those jobs.
Review the biases covered in your text (stereotypes, selective perception, confirmation bias, first impression bias, recency bias, spillover bias, ingroup bias, and similarity bias). Have you or a close friend or sibling ever experienced bias toward yourself or others at work or school? Describe your/their experience. Did managers know and did they handle properly? How do you think managers can avoid bias in their treatment of employees?