
Provide an overview how ATP use at the myosin head in skeletal muscle is linked to ATP production in the mitochondria.

Provide an overview how ATP use at the myosin head in skeletal muscle is linked to ATP production in the mitochondria.

Discuss if the regulation of mitochondrial respiration differs from the control of glycolysis?

What is Creon’s conception of justice, in your view? Think of his speech justifying his decree that Polyneices should remain unburied.

This paper should be 1-2 full pages long, IN YOUR OWN WORDS, double-spaced in Word, Google Docs, or text format. Answer all the questions in the following prompt:

What is Creon’s conception of justice, in your view? Think of his speech justifying his decree that Polyneices should remain unburied. What is Antigone’s view? See especially her speech defending her decision to bury her brother. What is Plato’s view (specifically of justice in the state)? Which view are you most sympathetic with and why? What elements of justice can you see in the other two conceptions?

Create interplay between consumers and businesses such as use video or social media.

There are 7 digital marketing strategies:
• Interactive marketing: create interplay between consumers and businesses such as use video or social media.
• Content and native marketing: providing useful information and product-use solutions.
• Location-based advertising: geo-targeting involves reaching customers where they are located by contacting their mobile communication devices such as city or zip code.
• Remarketing: re-engages individuals who have visited a site but did not make purchases.
• Behavioral targeting: utilizes web data to identify potential customers such as pages a person visits on the internet or keyword searches or content read.
• Blogs and newsletters: online musings that cover a wide range of topics.
• E-mail marketing: companies integrate email marketing programs with other channels).

After reading the definition of each digital marketing strategies. Now, assume you are an intern working in the digital marketing department of a small chain of sporting goods stores in the South. Describe how you could use each of the digital marketing strategies in a digital marketing campaign. Be specific.

Describe are 3 themes that stood out to you throughout chapters 18 – 36?

For this assignment please you, “Fish In a Tree”, by: Lynda Mullaly Hunt.

Assignment Content:

Describe are 3 themes that stood out to you throughout chapters 18 – 36?
Provide a detailed explanation of each theme, include personal reflections and specific examples to support each theme.

Also, chose a quote(s) that resonates with you from chapters 18-36, and explain the impact.

Summarize Genesis 32:23-30 and explain it; beyond that, you will need to connect it to your own life.

“you are expected to summarize Genesis 32:23-30 and explain it; beyond that, you will need to connect it to your own life. When have you experienced prayer (or however you, if not a person of faith, express hope/doubt/concern/etc. in your own life) as a “battle?” Did you emerge victorious, or at least changed, like Jacob? Lastly, what does this tell us about God that Jacob – who is far from perfect – is not only rewarded but renamed Israel (meaning “he who struggles with God”) after this event? “

Describe how Ally has changed from the beginning of the book until the end. Think about Ally’s strengths and challenges at the beginning of the book and compare them to her strengths and challenges at the end.

For this assignment you will use the book, “Fish in a Tree” by: Lynda Mullaly Hunt

1. Describe how Ally has changed from the beginning of the book until the end. Think about Ally’s strengths and challenges at the beginning of the book and compare them to her strengths and challenges at the end.

2. Describe 3-5 significant events throughout the book and the impact of the events.

Reflect on 2 of the following:

1. What effective instructional practices did Mr. Daniels use in the classroom and with Ally?

2. How do Ally’s characteristics and the impact of her dyslexia compare with what you learned in class and from our textbook?

3. What have you learned about other characters throughout the book (i.e., Keisha, Albert, Shay, Travis, etc)?

4. As a teacher, how will you differentiate your instruction to meet the needs of students like Ally, Keisha, Albert, etc.?

How does chronic aerobic exercise training increase mitochondrial density, GLUT4 protein concentration, etc?

How does chronic aerobic exercise training increase mitochondrial density, GLUT4 protein concentration, etc? In other words, what is/are the “exercise signal(s)” that induce these adaptations in skeletal muscle?

 describe how cross bridges are formed during contraction

Discuss the cause of fatigue with specific attention on how the repetitive high intensity contractions induce a depression in pH and elevate Pi.


Explain the shift from the “two-sphere universe” of the Ancients to the “one-sphere universe” of the Moderns.

Explain the shift from the “two-sphere universe” of the Ancients to the “one-sphere universe” of the Moderns.

Develop three lesson plans as part of an instructional unit on a subject of your choice focusing on one disease.

Develop three lesson plans as part of an instructional unit on a subject of your choice focusing on one disease.