
 Discuss THREE disorders e.g Diabetes,Heart disease,Parkinson’s disease,Alzheimer’s disease.

Discuss THREE disorders e.g Diabetes,Heart disease,Parkinson’s disease,Alzheimer’s disease..(All 3 IN ONE REPORT).Then 2.Create THREE POSTERS in these 3 chosen disorders.NB NOT ACADEMIC POSTERS (good pictures or images needed to show the signs and symptoms. A4 posters in a 3 slides..

Discuss the effects of malware and phishing attacks

You can include any graphs or charts that is necessary to explain cloud computing or security.
Discuss the effects of malware and phishing attacks

What are the issues of federal oversight of state and local police?

A proposal to address the of Police Use of Deadly Force with an Airline Safety Model

In September of 2019, then Presidential candidate Kamala Harris proposed a policy recommendation that would adapt the federal government’s airplane safety model to the problem of police shootings and uses of deadly force.

You are a legislative aid to the Commissioner of the New York City Police Department. After reading the linked article below, research and consider Ms. Harris’s proposal.
Beyond just describing the plan,
analyze its good and bad points talk about this !! the good and bad ! and
describe how such a model might work.
Will it work?
What might its unintended consequences be?
What are the issues of federal oversight of state and local police?
Finally, from your analysis, describe what is likely to be proposed and what you recommend what the Commissioner’s position on such a proposal should be.


Say why gender inequality is important , talk about the variable that you will use and your different hyptothesis.

Write a 1000 words outline and talk about what you want to look at, your variables and hypothesis. Talk about cultural inequality , gender inequality, economic inequality , age inequality between 2 countries or more.  Say why gender inequality is important , talk about the variable that you will use and your different hyptothesis.


Write a literary analysis where the task is to evaluate Franz Kafka’s story the metamorphosis.

Write a literary analysis where the task is to evaluate Franz Kafka’s story the metamorphosis. Remember, an analytical paper breaks down an issue or an idea into its component parts, evaluates the issue or idea, and presents this breakdown and evaluation to the audience. Critical papers analyze or explain some important point about a piece of literature. Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis tells a tale of alienation and societal oppression. The task, then, will be to evaluate the implications of the language that signifies Gregor and Grete’s identity and the attenuation of their power. In addition, in one body paragraph, students will consider feminist criticism as the manner by which to evaluate the constituted ideology. In this assignment, the student will use the aforementioned theoretical perspective to examine and analyze a specific element or aspect of the assigned work. Literary theory pertains not to the meaning of a work of literature but to the theories that reveal what literature can mean. This assignment is not an essay about theory. In a single body paragraph, this essay will present a critical evaluation of The Metamorphosis from a particular theoretical perspective. The student is not writing about a specific theory; the students, instead, applying that theory to the story.
Students will write the essay in the third person and use the literary present tense. When discussing events in a book or story, always use the present tense, unless there is a shift in the time frame within the world of the text. Students may only use quotes from the primary source, the story. Students may not use quotes from any other source. Failure to satisfy this instruction will render the essay unacceptable.MLA requires that the paper be double spaced with 1-inch margins. In addition, you will use Times New Roman font face and12-point font size.

Explain the role of the family in the three different religious cultures such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

1. Explain the role of the family in the three different religious cultures such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

2. Discuss and describe the Islamic Revolutions of 1979 and what the consequences to the culture were.

3. What is Friedman’s argument as to why Religious Nationalists are preoccupied with erotic and how does he describe erotic love? Do you agree or disagree and Why?

How and why has the philanthropolic landscape in education changed since the passage of NCLB in 2001?

Using Reckhow & Synder, how and why has the philanthropolic landscape in education changed since the passage of NCLB in 2001?

Discuss the factors that inhibit and facilitate the auditor’s adoption of such advanced technologies.

Disruptive technology plays a vital role in today’s audit profession. It is changing the way
business is conducted and data is analysed. Developments in artificial intelligence, data
analytics, blockchain and robotics, etc. are transforming the roles of auditors. While
widespread consensus exists amongst professional bodies and the broader research
community, on the potentially transformative role of automation and disruptive information
and communications technology (ICT) on the practice of audit professionals , several factors affect the profession’s ability to
embrace these technological advancements (Ferri, et al., 2020).
You are required to critically evaluate the opportunities and challenges associated with
technological disruption in the audit profession. Discuss the factors that inhibit and facilitate
the auditor’s adoption of such advanced technologies. Your arguments must be supported with
real-life organisational examples, relevant examples from the Covid-19 pandemic, scholarly
literature and other relevant sources (e.g. professional accounting reports, newsletters,
newspaper articles, etc.).

Write in-depth 200 word reaction to the reading, this is a summary of what you read. It will need to be written double space and include your name, date, and chapter number.

After careful reading Chapter 6 on “Sexuality of Religious Nationalism” by Roger Friedland

For this assignment you will need to write in-depth 200 word reaction to the reading, this is a summary of what you read. It will need to be written double space and include your name, date, and chapter number. It will also need to include at the 3 ‘provocations’ (i.e. provocative questions triggered by your reading). Each section is worth 10 points, so make sure to include all three sections.