
Discuss the feminist movement from Mary Wollstronecraft’s initial call to action for women’s vindication of rights to Susan B.

Discuss the feminist movement from Mary Wollstronecraft’s initial call to action for women’s vindication of rights to Susan B. Anthony’s fight for the vote. Furthermore, how do you see feminism evolving today? Can you find any case examples from the headlines or recent events?

Describe what that person did and the approximate time that this person lived.

After reading, or listening to, the History of Psychology, select one individual mentioned in the article that captured your attention. Conduct research on that individual and write an essay. In your essay clearly –

a. reflect upon that person’s life and contributions to the field of psychology.

b. describe what that person did and the approximate time that this person lived.

c. evaluate what makes their contribution(s) important.

d. explore criticism of their work or theoretical position.

e. use in-text citations to acknowledge resources used and include the appropriate references at the end of your essay post.

Describe all the necessary steps that are involved in developing a budget for a department or unit?

Describe all the necessary steps that are involved in developing a budget for a department or unit?

Conduct a sociologically-informed macro-analysis of social trends.

Conduct a sociologically-informed macro-analysis of social trends.

Research and present material on a contemporary case study related to the
wider issues within social stratification focusing on the interplay of two of the following: divisions of class, gender, ethnicity and age. Use a range of sociological perspectives to analyse your chosen case study to explore the developing economic, political and cultural context in which social divisions exist and the relationship between material inequalities and social and political identities.
You will be required to select a social trend from two different social trend categories and explore if there is a correlation between social trends.

Identify the key features of five approaches in decision-making and justify which you think best explains managers’ decisions.

Identify the key features of five approaches in decision-making and justify which you
think best explains managers’ decisions. Use examples to support your answer

An ideal answer will demonstrate a coherent understanding of the five approaches to decision making. Answers can go beyond the description of these characteristics and demonstrate an
engagement with more critical accounts of decision-making, not limited to the lecture content or
Moodle materials. The justification of the best approach to explain managers’ decisions will also be
solid and demonstrate an understanding of the limits and possibilities of the different models. The
essay will be well structured, written and argued. The use of examples will be appropriate and clearly
connected to the literature and argument.

Prepare a 10-day educational training program for entrepreneurs that will improve their sales skills, enhance their personal growth, and forget about their fears.

Prepare a 10-day educational training program (Camp) for entrepreneurs that will improve their sales skills, enhance their personal growth, and forget about their fears.
They will spend 10 unforgettable days together with a renowned expert in business and marketing.

Suggest activities for the 10-day education training program and elaborate
Key Points:
Global personal growth
Working in an advanced team
Unique entertainment program
Accelerated development of new skills
Sessions with a psychologist

How does this chapter attempt to persuade its audience? What is its overall rhetorical strategy?

Write a detailed rhetorical analysis of “The Unfinished Masterpiece” chapter from Sarah Lewis’ The Rise. You will need to consider both the words on the page and the layout and arrangement of the text. Look for both obvious and surprising evidence to support your claims. Your argument must address the following questions:

1. How does this chapter attempt to persuade its audience? What is its overall rhetorical strategy? Ask yourself: What is the point of this chapter? How does Lewis make it? Is it persuasive for you? Most simply, what is Lewis doing and how does she do it?

2. What is admirable or commendable in the text that you could imitate in your own academic writing? How might you use it in a later paper for either this class or another course that you are taking or are planning to take? Or, if you find the rhetorical strategies in the chapter problematic, what is problematic about them? How might Lewis improve her rhetorical strategies to address her audience?

Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched.

Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched.
Assess how the vision statement and/or mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success.
Analyze how using the Five Forces of Competition Model could benefit the overall success of this corporation.
(1) Analyze how using a SWOT analysis could benefit the overall success of this corporation. (2) Give your opinion on the corporation’s greatest strengths and most significant weaknesses. (3) Choose either a strategy or tactic the corporation should select to take maximum advantage of its strengths, and the strategy or tactic the corporation should select to fix its most significant weakness. Justify your choices.
Analyze how using a Competitor Analysis could benefit the overall success of this corporation.
Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

How does the personhood of the fetus affect the classification of abortion as ethical or unethical?

How does the personhood of the fetus affect the classification of abortion as ethical or unethical? In case the topic is unclear you can think about it like this: If someone proves conclusively that the fetus as a person, how would that affect the ethics of abortion? If someone proved conclusively that the fetus is not a person, how would that affect the ethics of abortion? That is what the topic is trying to get you to consider.

In considering this topic you should look at the arguments by Steinbock, Marquis, Callahan, Thompson, Warren, and others. You will not have room to discuss them all, so you will have to select one or two of them to illustrate the points you want to make. You will find that in some cases the arguer can justify their position with no appeal to personhood whatsoever. This includes both pro-choice and anti-abortion positions. In other cases the arguer relies heavily on the personhood status of the fetus.

Describe some positive and negative consequences of European exploration for humanity.

Explain which explorer between (approximately) 1450-1600 is your favorite. Why? What’s his nationality? What country contracted him? What was that country’s primary motivation to explore the globe and did they successfully achieve their goals or did they shift their objective after discovering unforeseen resources? Describe some positive and negative consequences of European exploration for humanity. (Hernan Cortes)