
From the list of standards mentioned above, choose 1 Patient-Focused Function and Organization Function and discuss why each of those functions are important to patient safety. Discuss why government regulations and private regulations such as those of The Joint Commission are necessary in health care.

HCM307 The Health Care Industry

Healing Hands Hospital is preparing for an accreditation visit from The Joint Commission. (TJC). TJC accredits health care organizations to improve the quality and safety of health care services. Their Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals (CAMH) includes the following standards and regulations:

  • Patient-Focused Functions such as infection prevention and control; medication management; provision of care, treatment, and services; rights and responsibilities of the individual.
  • Organization Functions such as management of the environment of care, emergency management, human resources, management of information, life safety, medical staff, nursing, performance improvement, record of care, treatment, services, and leadership.

For this assignment, you will complete the following:

  • From the list of standards mentioned above, choose 1 Patient-Focused Function and Organization Function and discuss why each of those functions are important to patient safety.
  • Discuss why government regulations and private regulations such as those of The Joint Commission are necessary in health care.

What are the main differences between generations at work? How are the generations similar and different? What are misconceptions about each generation? How has technology influenced each generation at work?

Communications Question

You will write an essay response and answer the questions. Provide your analysis in cross-generational communication in a thoughtful manner about how you would approach communication with various employee age groups

Length: 2-3 pages, double spaced (not including cover and references)

  1. Summarize this topic
  2. Answer the questions
    1. What are the main differences between generations at work?
    2. How are the generations similar and different?
    3. What are misconceptions about each generation?
    4. How has technology influenced each generation at work?
    5. How would you resolve a conflict between a Boomer manager who worries about the privacy and productivity aspects of social networking and a Gen Z employee who wants to use these tools on the job?
  3. Conclusion

Cover page and references page, please cite any materials used including the above resources (APA or MLA format is acceptable)

Give some intuition on why private saving might be increasing in the real interest rate. Without any calculations, what are the implications of changes in the amount of government deficit/surplus for the equilibrium interest rate in the economy?

Econ 100B: Macroeconomics

Problem Set #6

General Instructions:

  • Please upload a PDF of your problem set to Gradescope by 11:59 pm.
  • Late homework will not be accepted.
  • Please put your name, student ID & your GSI’s name at the upper right corner of the front page.


  • (25 points) Suppose we have a Keynesian consumption function where autonomous consumption is $600 and the marginal propensity to consume is 0.60.


  1. (5 points) Write an algebraic expression for the consumption equation.
  2. (5 points) Sketch a graph of this consumption curve that corresponds to the consumption equation above. Include the income line in your drawing and label autonomous consumption.
  3. (5 points) Calculate the level of income at which income is equal to consumption, that is, where the consumption curve intersects the income line.
  4. (5 points) Using the consumption equation from point (a), what is the MPS for the corresponding saving curve?
  5. (5 points) At what level of income will saving be zero? (Hint: What is the level of income where consumption is equal to income?) Use this point and the MPS to sketch the saving curve in a graph.


  • (35 points) Suppose you are given the following information about a closed economy:

Y = $40,000                          Real GDP = Income

T = $6,000                            Net tax collections

Spr = $1,000 + 0.15*(Y-T) + 1,000*r                           Private saving function; r = real interest rate

I = $5,600 – 2,000*r                         Total investment function

G = $6,800                                           Government purchases

Look carefully at the equations for private saving and total investment. Note that investment is a decreasing function of the real interest rate. That is, as the rate of interest increases, the level of desired investment (i.e. the demand for loanable funds) decreases. Also, private saving is an increasing function of both the real rate of interest and disposable income (Y–T).

The parameter 0.15 in the saving equation, which is multiplied by disposable income, is called the marginal propensity to save (MPS) and tells us how much extra saving is generated by an increase in disposable income.

  1. (5 points) Give some intuition on why private saving might be increasing in the real interest rate.
  2. b) (5 points) Does this government run a deficit or a surplus?
  3. c) (5 points) What is the amount of national saving? That is, write an equation for national saving (S), showing how it depends on the interest rate.
  4. d) (5 points) Without any calculations, what are the implications of changes in the amount of government deficit/surplus for the equilibrium interest rate in the economy?

Note that in this model, a reduction in investment in the economy does not change long run GDP. Here the level of GDP was given exogenously; that is, the model cannot explain changes in GDP. However, our simple model here makes predictions about changes in the composition of GDP.

  1. e) (5 points) Suppose that the government increases its purchases without increasing its tax collection. What prediction does this model make about changes in the shares of consumption, investment, and government purchases in GDP?
  2. f) (5 points) Calculate the equilibrium real interest rate in this economy. Also, if you are told that the rate of inflation in this economy is 2.5%, what is the nominal rate of interest?
  3. g) (5 points) What are the total levels of saving and investment at this rate of interest? How much of the total saving is comprised of government saving and how much is private saving?


  • (20 points) In a stunning result, the candidate of Le Tricolaire party wins the French election in the first voting round. The strong support received from voters allows the new president to implement large fiscal reforms that drastically reduce the government budget deficit.


  1. (5 points) Does this change in policy shift the demand curve or the supply curve in the market for loanable funds? Why?
  2. (5 points) Use a supply and demand diagram for loanable funds to show in which direction the relevant curve shifts.
  3. (5 points) Does the interest rate rise or fall as a result of this change in policy? Explain why.
  4. (5 points) What happens to private investment as a result of this change in policy?


  • (20 points) Matt deposits $M 50,000 of currency into his new checking account at the Migronian Commercial Bank (MCB). The required reserve ratio is 10% and the liquidity ratio is 0 (nobody keeps cash).
    1. MCB required reserves increase by ________ and excess reserves (amount available to be lent) increase by
    2. The money multiplier in this economy is
    3. As a result of Matt’s deposit, checking account deposits in the banking system as a whole (including the original deposit) could eventually increase up to a maximum of
    4. If the liquidity ratio was 10% instead of 0%, the money multiplier in this economy would be

Discuss clinical manifestations associated with the disease process, including the relationships between the pathophysiologic processes and the clinical manifestations. (How do the clinical manifestations occur?).

Pulmonary Alteration

The purpose of this assignment is to explore the function of the pulmonary system and the pathophysiology of pulmonary disorders. Prepare a three-page paper. Utilize at least five scholarly and current references to support your writing.

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease—chronic bronchitis
  • Discuss clinical manifestations associated with the disease process, including the relationships between the pathophysiologic processes and the clinical manifestations. (How do the clinical manifestations occur?)
  • Explain the clinical implications for an individual with the disorder.

How did present-day African boundaries evolve? What problems did the boundaries cause? What are some of the ways the existing boundary disputes can be resolved? What are the challenges?

Read and answer the questions

Read Griffith’s (2015) chapter on “The Scramble for Africa: Inherited Political Boundaries.” and answer the following questions.

How did present-day African boundaries evolve? What problems did the boundaries cause? What are some of the ways the existing boundary disputes can be resolved? What are the challenges? Use examples to illustrate your answer. Include at least three in-text quotes and cite each using the following format (author name, year, page number).

After studying those models select one that you consider could be used as framework for a health promotion initiative of your interest to improve the indicators of your main health problem, selected in week 1. Why is this model suitable as health promotion framework for your health problem? Discuss your selection including the strengths and potential barriers to implement a health promotion strategy that you may wish to articulate in your community or group of interest.

Community and Health Promotion Models

Topic 1.

Explore the models for Community and Health Promotion mentioned below:

  • Ecological models
  • The health belief model
  • Stages of change model (trans-theoretical model)
  • Social cognitive Theory
  • Theory of reasoned action/planned behavior
  1. After studying those models select one that you consider could be used as framework for a health promotion initiative of your interest to improve the indicators of your main health problem, selected in week 1. Why is this model suitable as health promotion framework for your health problem? Discuss your selection including the strengths and potential barriers to implement a health promotion strategy that you may wish to articulate in your community or group of interest.

Topic 2.

Of the non-selected models to improve the indicators of the chosen health problem debate about one that you believe is not applicable to the potential goal of your health promotion initiative. Explain why you arrived to such conclusion, including potential barriers and challenges for its articulation.

How might the study of Geography be like a “Voyage of Discovery”?

Discussion on “A Voyage of Discovery”

Watch three parts of the video and post your answers in your group discussion board. There are four questions you need to answer.

The movie’s length is only 12 minutes. There are four discussion questions.


The Voyage of Discovery, is produced by the National Geographic Society. It describes the travels of a geographer, “Franklin Shaw” from the 1800s who, through his diary, shares some of the observations and insights he has made of both the physical and human realms of the earth. He describes the diversity of the cultures and human political systems in terms which, he perceives as being both positive and negative; the positive side being human culture’s ability to live productively and surviving all manner of hardship, and the “darker” side being the potential it has to segregate itself sometimes into a state of conflict.

The video weaves images of modern warfare and the plague of current conflicts within Shaw’s writings; making his diary out to be an almost unbelievable insight into the future. After a slide of an atomic cloud fades from the screen, the viewer is directed to the image of the earth rising over the moon. This Apollo picture sets the scene for Shaw to project his thoughts into the future and suggest maybe when we as humans finally see our earth separate, as one connected whole, and surrounded by space, as one planet, maybe then we as humans will finally gain a sense of the dependencies we have to it and each other.

Discussion Questions:

1. “I have learned that people’s faces, like the face of the land, reflect the forces that have shaped them”

2. “There must be a bit of the poet in the geographer. Like the artist, the geographer uncovers patterns and themes.”

3. “Maps and charts are the language of geography.”

4. How might the study of Geography be like a “Voyage of Discovery”?

In order to get a full credit for this assignment, the minimum requirement is to include 4 items which are listed above and to respond to any one post here.

Develop your own tool using MS Excel to calculate the Lifecycle Cost Of Driving (LCOD) a passenger vehicle.

Environmental Engineering Question


In this assignment, students will develop their own tool using MS Excel to calculate the Lifecycle Cost Of Driving (LCOD) a passenger vehicle. The developed tool will include various factors such as fuel cost upfront cost, maintenance cost, and government rebates. Students will then conduct a sensitivity analysis to understand the impact of all factors on the LCOD and explain their ‘analysis and recommendations on how to improve the LCOD for electric vehicles.


Use the MS Excel template provided to compare the Lifecycle Cost Of Driving for two passenger vehicles; one gasoline and the other electric. The two vehicles are Nissan Altima and Nissan Leaf.

1. Conduct the necessary research to find all the inputs needed to fill the LCOD template provided. Show your references in the summary report.

2. Use your inputs to calculate the LCOD for each vehicle using the Excel template provided.

3. Plot your comparison on a “stacked bar chart” showing the capital and operating components far each vehicle and also comparing the NPV,

4. Conduct a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact on LCOD for each of the following changes and present your answers in a table making one change at a time:

  • Vehicles were driven 10,000 km per year.
  • Vehicles were driven 40,000 km per year.
  • Incentive amounts from government were doubled.
  • Electricity cost increased by 50%
  • Fuel prices increased by 50%

5. Use MS Word to write a summary report of the main findings and discuss: O Initial LCOD results

  • Sensitivity analysis and impact on LCOD,
  • Policy instruments that would improve the financial case for electric vehicles,

What are 4 goals for therapy that may be appropriate for Albert? How would you utilize ABC’s? Describe how you would execute the 7 steps of behavioral therapy for Albert. Give an example for each step.

Case Study 2: Behavioral Therapy


Albert is a 33-year-old single, Hispanic male who reports experiencing pervasively depressed mood following the dissolution of a six-month romantic relationship. Albert describes feeling overwhelmed with feelings of “emptiness” and is convinced that he will be “alone forever.” Although he has a high-paying job, he states he feels like a “fraud” – that he just got the job he has because of who his parents are. He states that while he has a “good” relationship with his parents and 2 siblings (he is the oldest of 3 boys), while growing up, his parents were so busy starting the family business that they weren’t around much. He states his father also has high demands and expectations of him.

Albert reports chronic difficulty managing his strong emotions and recognizes that others would describe him as “moody.” He further recognizes that he can quickly escalate with inappropriate and/or intense anger over minor transgressions, which subsequently results in feelings of guilt and embarrassment. His anger makes it difficult to sustain both platonic and romantic relationships. To cope, Albert frequently seeks reassurance from others (e.g., calling in desperation to make sure they still care about him) and drinks excessively (i.e., six or more drinks per sitting). Due to the heaviness and frequency of his drinking in the recent weeks, Albert has called out sick a few times from work to recover from drinking the night before. Albert doesn’t know why he engages in these behaviors and is looking for a treatment that will help him understand the cause of his maladaptive tendencies and manage/regulate his emotions in an adaptive manner.

Be sure to number your responses 1-5

Viewing Albert’s case as a Behavioral therapist, answer the following questions:

1. What are 4 goals for therapy that may be appropriate for Albert?

2. What would you focus on (Present or past? Unconscious or conscious thoughts or behavior? Short term or long termtherapy?)

3. How would you utilize ABC’s? Give specific examples.

4. Describe how you would execute the 7 steps of behavioral therapy for Albert. Give an example for each step.

5. What specific Behavioral techniques would be useful and why? Select at least 4

Upload to Canvas in Word (other applications will not be accepted by the system). MAKE SURE you are submitting your responses – NOT just the assignment sheet.

What catches your attention in Chapter 16? What interests you, or puzzles you, or surprises you? Here’s your chance to ask a question, to make an observation, to note an historical connection among these chapters.

 M9 Discussion – Ch 16 : The New Science of the Seventeenth Century A+

Chapter 16 of our textbook, Western Civilizations, brings us to a subject you may find more modern and relatable than anything we’ve studied previously: the Scientific Revolution. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, a select group of European intellectuals invented new ways of thinking about the world around them which would forever alter Europeans’ attitudes toward the natural world. However it is important to learn just how grounded in their own time period these thinkers were: they were NOT “modern” scientists as we understand that field of knowledge today.

What catches your attention in Chapter 16? What interests you, or puzzles you, or surprises you? Here’s your chance to ask a question, to make an observation, to note an historical connection among these chapters. If you’re here first, please start the conversation!