
Describe the similaritiesand differences between mathematics and numeracy.

Define and describe numeracy, including examples of where you have used numeracy skills in your everyday life.

Describe the similaritiesand differences between mathematics and numeracy.

Develop a month-by-month forecasted profit and loss statement using an estimate of revenues and operating costs based on the sales forecast.

1. Summarize the overall strategy that will be utilized to launch your business, including target dates and goals for implementation.
2. Develop a post-launch monitoring plan (e.g., financial impact, quality control, customer satisfaction, monitoring schedule) to evaluate the success of the company in meeting milestones.

F. Calculate and develop the financial statements and projections for the first year of business by doing the following:
1. Develop a month-by-month forecasted profit and loss statement using an estimate of revenues and operating costs based on the sales forecast.
2. Develop a forecasted balance sheet for the end of year one.

G. Write a financial report (suggested length of 1–2 pages) in which you do the following:
1. Summarize the financial projections and the assumptions used in estimating the financial statements.
2. Describe the company’s financial position at the end of the first year.
3. Describe the company’s initial and future estimated capital/investment needs.

How are the younger and older generation presented in The Accrington Pals and The Book Thief?

How are the younger and older generation presented in The Accrington Pals and The Book Thief?

Explain the importance of predator-prey interactions in the National Park System for the health of the ecosystem.

Explain the importance of predator-prey interactions in the National Park System for the health of the ecosystem.

What exactly did the Romans achieve in each area and how does it exemplify Western Civilization.

It has been said of the Romans that three of their major contributionsto Western civilization were in the areas of law, engineering, and the Christian religion. What exactly did the Romans achieve in each area and how does it exemplify Western Civilization.

Explore the impacts of covid 19 and how that has effected retail (shops closing, not being able to make money)

Needs intro, abstract (250 words), lit review, methodology, data and analysis, conclusion and reference list. Word count doesn’t start until chapter 1.

want to explore the impacts of covid 19 and how that has effected retail (shops closing, not being able to make money)

Need to include references (no websites) single spacing.

Needs intro, abstract (250 words), lit review, methodology, data and analysis, conclusion and reference list. Word count doesn’t start until chapter 1.

want to explore the impacts of covid 19 and how that has effected retail (shops closing, not being able to make money) explore the unpreparedness of UK and what longterm effects will covid have.

Critically evaluate the impacts the host country conditions covering the macro environment factors and its national competiveness.

Select an existing company of your choice from your own country, which has the potential to take its products or services to the international market. You must select a specific host county which this company is not dealing with at the moment.
You have been hired as a consultant to help this company develop an International business strategy for the selected host country.
Your report must cover the following:-
1. Provide a brief overview of the chosen organisation and its product (s) or service (s) for internationalisation.

2. Critically evaluate the impacts the host country conditions covering the macro environment factors and its national competiveness.

3. Analyse the host county’s culture and its impact on the internationalisation process of the company.

4. Recommend the most appropriate entry strategy and the internationalisation strategy for this company in its internationalisation process. Justify your recommendations with critical reasoning.

What are some of the problems or issues with your measures? Are they valid and reliable?

Clearly state the hypotheses or research questions selected for test.Identify the independent(s) and dependent variables and any control variables. Who or what will you study? Be specific.

-Operationalization and Measurement
How will you define and measure your variables? Do your definitions and indicators duplicate past studies done on your topic? (this is okay) Include a copy of your questions or specific indicators. What are some of the problems or issues with your measures? Are they valid and reliable?-

Data Collection Methods
How will you actually collect your data? (be specific) Will you observe the behavior directly, conduct a survey, look at police records etc.? What method of research will you use and why? How long will it take you to collect the data? Are you collecting data at only one time or more than one? Will you need to select a sample or will you deal with the whole population? If you choose to conduct a sample, how will you do it? How will you deal with the ethical issues during your research?

How does your research add to past studies on the topic and theories? What are the weaknesses or limitations of your study (indicators, methods etc.)? What are some areas for future research? What are the implications of your research for the criminal justice system (procedures or programs)?

Develop educational materials on practices to promote healthy fetal development for mothers who are pregnant or contemplating pregnancy.

Healthy Fetal Development (Prenatal)

Develop educational materials on practices to promote healthy fetal development for mothers who are pregnant or contemplating pregnancy. Identify where in your local community, you can share this educational material.

Must include: At least two community agencies you can share this material. Include the name contact information of the local agency.

500 words with a works cited page

What efforts has the government taken to enforce the law for corporations operating within the United States to prevent bribery and corruption.

In recent years the department of justice and the U.S securities and exchange commission have aggressively pursued anti-corruption enforcement actions against corporations, what efforts has the government taken to enforce the law for corporations operating within the United States to prevent bribery and corruption.